Unfortunately that is Thailand all over.
Jobs for incompetent and lazy mates to gain face. Jobs for less qualified and experienced Thai individuals because the boss doesn't like foreigners. I've seen it all here.
Company I used to work for was taken over by another bigger company (I won't be naming names but many of you will know it), and a new Chairman was installed. The Chairman (another crony) grew on the back of the very competent, young Western manager, but eventually wanted to replace the Western manager with his mate, a local Thai, with no relevant skills, experience or knowledge about the industry or products the company was producing. This was possibly due to the Chairman being xenophobic, the two clashing over the direction of the company and strategy, or most likely, a combination of both.
Eventually the Chairman's ego got out of control and he made it untenable for the young manager to stay so the manager left. Shortly after the young manager departed the problems started to appear; dissatisfaction from the line staff having to be managed by someone who was arrogant and incompetent, failing compliance audits, HSE being ignored, discipline out of control, equipment and maintenance failures etc.
Shortly after losing its best asset the company started a slow decline into eventual insolvency and closure.
It eventually closed a couple of years later putting 50 Thais out of work.