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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Slave labour, being transported around in beat up old pickups with no regard for their welfare whatsoever. Third-World is a mentality and Thailand will never grow out of it, doesn't matter how much money they have or how many fancy malls they build.
  2. Just another indication of Thailand's true Third-World status; laws being ignored and flouted in public without fear of recrimination, illegal items being easily available, enforcement sporadic and selective based on ability to extort perpetrators, draconian punishments for minor offences (100k thb for use of vape in public etc.), rule-makers out of touch and protective of real problem, etc.
  3. There isn't a competent one among them, including this square-headed buffoon. It's quite obvious that they are helping their mates in the tobacco monopoly as pointed out earlier. Corrupt from top to bottom.
  4. Exactly, what sort of life would they be living back home? Even more miserable one expects.
  5. Plenty of ladyboy pickpockets in Bangkok, lower Sukhumvit used to be notorious for them, especially on the footbridges crossing the main Sukhumvit Road.
  6. I made bank on NFT Worlds, bought 3 at 4 ETH each and sold at 14 ETH each. Profit of about $90k. Not bad for a couple of weeks' work. I also bought an Azuki NFT at 7.4 ETH current value 30 ETH. Unrealised profit about $80k as they also airdropped me two beans which are worth about 4 ETH each. Don't knock NFTs or the metaverse if you don't understand it. ????
  7. The place is awash with guns. The real Thailand that the tourists rarely see unless the start drinking with Thai males.
  8. Mafia from the top generals all the way down to the motorcycle taxi drivers in the slums.
  9. That documentary is absolutely damning on this military government, the Thai military and the Police. Absolutely damning.
  10. A brilliant documentary. A must watch. Thailand still rooted firmly in the third-World. I doubt that mentality will ever change.
  11. A total and utter nonsense. Go-go bars certified as restaurants. Exposes those in charge as the utter buffoons they most certainly are.
  12. Just this morning on the way to work some idiot in a pickup in Laem Chabang almost knocked two older persons off a motorcycle because he was to impatient to wait and tried to jump the lights. Really dangerous and irresponsible behaviour by the pickup driver.
  13. They've blown their budget on Teslas and BMW smart cars for picking up illegal immigrants.
  14. Agreed. I have several pairs of Levi's purchased at Terminal 21 Pattaya and they are a quality above the other locally manufactured denim such as Wrangler, Lee, MC etc. imo. I am not paying silly money for Boss or Calvin Klein's here. I think they were about 1,000thb per pair but had a buy one get one sale on when last I was there. Lighter denim and suitable for the climate here.
  15. Not wearing seatbelts is Thai fatalism at its best. However that attitude could easily be changed if proper education and enactment/enforcement of seatbelt laws were applied. Don't hold your breath though. Is wearing a seatbelt in the back of a vehicle law in Thailand? I know it is in Singapore and elsewhere.
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