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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Indeed, but these stories attempting to solely blame alcohol consumption as the root cause are part of a bigger anti-alcohol agenda that we have seen manifested during COVID-19.
  2. The authoritarians and their wives of a certain religious persuasion are going to hate not having COVID-19 as an excuse to manifest their anti-alcohol, anti-fun agenda in a few months. Will be interesting to see what they will attempt to do once they can't hide behind the COVID excuses any more.
  3. Wouldn't matter, a Thai driving license is worthless and does not prove competence to drive.
  4. 100% correct. The culture ensures that Thais suppress their emotions and opinions, and must show deference to people regardless of merit or moral values. One of the reasons many Thais dislike Westerners in particular is because we find this behaviour heretical to our core systemic values of equality, inclusivity and merit. The Macedonians rebelled against Alexander the Great after he tried to implement Persian traditions such as proskynesis, which is still practiced by the Thais. As soon as they get in a vehicle they can, to some extent, hide and release themselves from this repressive system.
  5. The Yellow Shirts were a direct result of Thaksin stopping the Thai government owned banks from giving billions to the select few, including Sondhi, who's personal debts was bailed out to the tune of billions by the CEO Viroj at KTB until Thaksin removed him and stopped the practice. Sondhi, in retalliation, then polticised the Monarchy through his media network (incidentally the media organisation was also bailed out to the tune of billions by KTB as it was a failed business) which led to some popular support against Thaksin and started the Yellow Shirt movement. Of course you would support the protests as the brainwashing through Sondhi's media was very effective and most people could not see or care what was happening behind the curtain. Thaksin was bad, against the Monarchy and needed to be removed. Pure personal reasons by Sondhi but lapped up by many. Now we see the same people that engineered the removal of elected governments in power, imagine that! I think it's pretty obvious you were all duped now in hindsight.
  6. It really is shocking how much disdain you show for the Thai electorate, as demonstrated in this post here.
  7. There's a theme there. But some idiots continue to blame Thaksin for Thailand's ongoing problems. ????
  8. I had my checked in bag opened and stuff stolen when I worked offshore Malaysia going on a domestic flight from KL to Kuala Terrenganu or somewhere similar. It was padlocked up with only a travel padlock purchased at an airport somewhere, so they must have used that device Customs have to get in. Only a few items were stolen, nothing of great value; aftershave, a couple of t-shirts etc. After that i upgraded to heavier duty padlocks and never have had problems since. Also had clothing stolen from inside my hotel room in the Hilton in KL once. Can't say I have ever had anything stolen on a flight or in hotels in Thailand, however I have been a victim of an attempted extortion scam at Suvarnabhumi shortly after it opened in 2007 and I was stranded in Phnom Penh when the Yellow Shirts took over the airport by force in 2008.
  9. Not saying that is the case here, but many drive without due care and attention and at excessive speed. I often work in Laem Chabang and the problem is very evident here.
  10. Possibly, but no guarantee they would not have ran the red light, especially if they were familiar with the area and given that time of night.
  11. You always charge a guy with a gun! With a knife, you run away. - Jimmy Hoffa
  12. Correction, because they won't earn anything from enforcing the laws properly.
  13. There are bars full of middle aged Thai men in skirts so some people must find them attractive.
  14. Police own several of the Soi Cowboy bars and have shares in many others.
  15. As usual, a good opportunity for the RTP to eliminate the competition.
  16. Might trigger other events too, and things could get out of control. Thais have had it pretty good for many years now, they won't be used to the shock that is coming.
  17. That's going to be hard since the Germans will not supply the engines to the Chinese. ????
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