As it has been mentioned many times on this forum, I thought this article would be of interest.
Ask ten stoners about Thai Stick and you’re likely to get ten different answers, and not just because they’re stoners. The fame of Thai Stick is such that some forty years after it disappeared there’s still confusion about what it actually was. I’ve been told by various people that it was a strain, it was just a transport method, it was a kind of blunt and that it was just a marketing ploy. The answer to all of those is a little yes and a big NO.
I first heard about the legendary Thai Stick when I was a kid in the late seventies, looking up to older delinquent kids who would talk about copping some Thai. Years later, I would buy something called Thai Stick in a Brooklyn park which turned out to be a baggy holding two bamboo skewers with weed tied to them. The dealer told me we would get super high, which we didn’t, because it wasn’t.
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