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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. The insurgency is very active and killings have been ramping up again this year. There was a bombing in Yala last week that killed a Police volunteer.
  2. Russia is fighting a 70's style war on a 00's enemy, albeit a smaller force. This will get very messy for Russia as 70's tactics don't work well against embedded hi-tech small arms.
  3. Are they aware there is an insurgency in the South? ????
  4. The boiler room scammers have been here for years under protection from the Thai authorities.
  5. Giving a bad name to the tens of thousands of tourists from Sierra Leone that visit Thailand every year.
  6. In Thailand, you have to think like this: Why would you pay three times the going rate for next to nothing extra in return? If you have the money, just hire three of them. That single person is never going to improve regardless of how much you pay him, he's already at the limit of his capabilities.
  7. The Thai Embassy in PP is notorious for not giving visas for Westerners and has been like that for many years now. The Ambassador is a renowned xenophobe in PP expat circles.
  8. Another modified agricultural utility vehicle being driven without due care and attention.
  9. They tried the flag thing at zebra crossings back in 2006. Lasted about a week until two tourists were squished by a truck in central Bangkok. Pol Maj Akarachai Chamchoi, inspector of Nang Loeng station, said each of the tourists was carrying a safety flag. The flags were placed on the roadside so pedestrians could use them to signal oncoming vehicles to stop—part of a government road safety campaign called "Safe Crossing With Flags" https://slice-of-thai.com/safe-crossing/
  10. All the characters were regular in Jools Bar soi 4 of course. What a bar it was back in the days. Never got 'big glassed' myself but seen many others have to do it.
  11. Not true at all. Many of them are aggressive characters. I have drunk in Patpong for over 30 years and it has ever been thus.
  12. Used to happen outside Celtic Park in Glasgow too. "Watch yer car fer a pound mister?", and if you didn't give them a pound they would key your car or slash your tyres.
  13. Thais are best. Infallible. It's always someone or something else's fault.
  14. There have been several incidents where round the World cyclists have come to Thailand and have been killed on the roads. A foreigner who spent nearly five years cycling around the world has been tragically killed while in Thailand. He was hit by a pick-up truck today on the Mittraphap Road between Khon Kaen and Nakhon Ratchasima. https://www.richardbarrow.com/2015/02/around-the-world-cyclist-killed-in-thailand/ British cyclists on round-the-world trip killed in Thailand. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/feb/18/british-cyclists-killed-thailand Singaporean cyclist killed in Thailand https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/singaporean-cyclist-killed-in-thailand
  15. They get really antagonised when you pass them as well. As I have said many times before, they are agricultural utility vehicles being driven like sports cars. The SUV derivatives not much better.
  16. There was someone on another thread saying this person was more intelligent than Yingluck. ????
  17. Hence my earlier comment about the Thai government wanting non-drinkers and those that abstain from extra-marital sex to visit. Went over the heads of many it seems.
  18. Any Saudi that was caught with a Thai stamp in their passport on the way back into the country was arrested by the religious Police. I can't recall how they were getting around it but the chargé d'affaires did tell me.
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