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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Sales, not consumption. There is no law against consuming a beer on the beach.
  2. I think you will find only alcohol sales are banned on beaches in Chonburi, not consumption.
  3. You have no evidence he was disregarding cultural etiquette. Now go away.
  4. IMO stickboy was at least ten years to late to the scene to have enjoyed it properly. The bitterness and annoyance exhibited in his social media was a result of knowing that.
  5. No, he was not breaking any laws or doing anything wrong. You are just victim blaming.
  6. Lesson: Never, ever, and I mean ever, lend a Thai money unless you reconcile yourself with never seeing it again.
  7. How can this be? ???? It's only motorbikes that have accidents here, most Thais are great drivers etc. ????
  8. In Pattaya? ???? Loads of better things to get offended about, a guy sitting alone on the beach swigging a beer is waay down on the list. What business is it of two Thai men whether the foreigner is wearing a mask? He's outside, alone and not bothering anyone. Leave him be. Likely the two Thai males were high on drugs or drunk, possibly both and were out looking for trouble.
  9. Why? It's a tourist resort and the beach is a nice place to sit and chill of an evening.
  10. Could be the Thais being on drugs or drunk, having no money, just being belligerent etc. Seen many unprovoked incidents in my 31 years here.
  11. Your posts appear to condone paying off the victim's family as culturally acceptable. Which is either no longer public or has been withdrawn, thus, at this moment, we don't have any definitive proof that there is a red notice out for Boss Red Bull.
  12. So you'd be ok if I ran over a member of your family while driving dangerously and at speed, high on drugs and drunk, if I made a cash payment? How much would you be looking for? Couple of million be ok?
  13. Yes, it is a shame we can't actually see any proof if a red notice has been issued for him or not.
  14. I remember in the early 00's there was a tourism campaign that pictured foreigners as actual aliens, with big almond eyes, interacting with local Thais who were pictured as very much human; driving taxis, vendors etc.
  15. Except the Chinese came here and did make life difficult for the Thais.
  16. If you are a pensioner I hope it is an old man's Benz and not a nice sporty one like us younger lads should be driving.
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