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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. They do happen in Thai though, allegedly even by family members of the Thai PM. In 1987, when Chuan was Parliament Speaker, his younger brother Raluek Leekpai (ระลึก หลีกภัย) was charged with embezzling 231.8 million THB (approx. 9 million USD in 1987) from Thai Farmers Bank. Raluek had been an executive at TFB. Responding to accusations in Parliament, Chuan publicly defended the innocence of his brother. Raluek fled the country, and only returned to Thailand in 2004 after the statute of limitations expired on his crime and he couldn't be prosecuted. He had been on the run as a fugitive in Taiwan. Raluek has said he might enter politics in order to restore his reputation, although he said he wanted to live a quiet life in his Trang hometown. https://www.liquisearch.com/chuan_leekpai/raluek_leekpai_scandal Another wee one from Uttaradit https://www.nationthailand.com/national/30357034
  2. So what we know so far: The frauds were carried out at KBank in Pattaya Klang by a KBank employee. Thefts were between 10,000 to 130 million thb. Hundreds of millions of Baht were stolen, being accepted by wire transfer from foreign funds and never credited to the accounts or taken as investments to non-existing financial products. The branch manager apparently didn't know what was going on. ???? ???? The alleged culprit had a fetish for death and gore as evidenced by his social media profiles. Nothing was done and no questions were asked by other staff while hundreds of customers turned up every month at the bank to claim their interest payments. ???? ???? The accused was arrested two weeks before those customers turned up again, and they were not informed of the arrest. Nobody at the bank thought to inform the customers of this guy's arrest! ???? ???? The accused made strong and trusting relationships with KBank Pattaya Klang customers, allowing him to perpetrate the alleged frauds. ???? The victims allowed the KBank employee to manage their accounts, trusting him to do stuff without oversight. In managing the accounts, the accused stole funds then issued bank books showing false totals while the funds were never credited to the victims' accounts. One Chinese guy was swindled out of 130 million thb. The Ponzi scheme that promised high-yield monthly returns of 3.5% on their principle was only a part of the overall fraud. The accused's customers apparently only came to him and no other bank employees during this whole affair so they knew absolutely nothing about it. ???????? These financial products were sold at the bank, by an assistant branch manager, during bank hours, at a branch customer service desk, confirmed with bank books. There's a strong possibility some of the money was laundered through restaurant businesses in Pattaya and Bangkok. More info is here: https://truecrimethailand.substack.com/p/swindling-frog-pattaya
  3. Really? A quick search returned the following: https://www.samuitimes.com/bank-ripped-off-100000-baht-claims-woman/ https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/crime/banks-confirm-refunds-to-recent-cyber-fraud-victims https://www.thaipbsworld.com/130m-stolen-from-over-10000-thai-bank-accounts-in-just-four-days/
  4. Indeed, if the fraud was being perpetrated by a KBank employee, during working hours and on company premises, that is enough for any barely competent prosecutor to prove that they could have been complicit, at least at Branch level.
  5. I have several credit cards, personal and corporate, with KTB and KBank and never have been asked to put money in an account to cover charges. Perhaps this is a perk of being a work permit holder? I have absolutely no debt on the personal cards anyway, and if I use them they are paid off almost straight away.
  6. Witnessed a guy that was completely bladdered get into a pickup on Christmas Eve, then proceed to drive at 10 to 20kph for about two kilometres in the opposite lane before hitting a tree and coming to a complete stop. It's a national disgrace but they don't have the wherewithal or the determination to do what is necessary to solve it.
  7. Or that the Abhisit govt. used when the Thai Navy towed Rohinyha refugees back out to sea.
  8. An expat would be wise to be keeping funds in the following assets: Stocks/shares Crypto Luxury watches (esp. the big three; Rolex, Audemars and Patek) Life and health insurance savings (I am in a life insurance policy from Samsung for tax rebate purposes) LTFs and SSFs from Thai banks (again, tax rebates here) Gold Other precious metals Your diversification will be up to your own preferences but that is what I recommend at the moment. Don't keep more than a million in a Thai bank either unless you absolutely have to, as it won't be protected when everything eventually goes tits up.
  9. That's my car payment. That's twice you've posted here about Americans in debt. You do know this is a Thai forum right?
  10. Is paying off any of the thb600 billion they owe part of the plan?
  11. That's odd, I still see Thai men at my office not washing their hands after going for a pee.
  12. That's a lovely looking shirt he's wearing, but I find that type of Thai silk garment tends to chafe.
  13. Next time you wonder why they do such strange things on the road, remember they went from this to 200bhp SUVs in less than a generation.
  14. Killing someone's livestock. Ploughing into a field. Dangerous driving without due care and attention causing an accident. Etc.
  15. Based on semi-fictitious events from Jools Bar, Soi Nana, Bangkok. Sadly relocated under new management over to Ari, on the other side of the city. I never got big glassed, but I knew several of the characters who were featured in the book.
  16. Power of the coup and a result of no accountability for anything. Predictable though, shame the less astute of us here were blinded with a Thaksin obsession that meant they couldn't see the wood for the trees.
  17. And destroy the source of all that trafficking profit? Let's not forget the Yellow Shirt incited conflict with Cambodia between 2008 and 2011. Border skirmishes over the Hindu/Khmer Preah Vihear temple and surrounding land ensued, resulting in a Thai withdrawal from the area, big loss of face and an eventual International Court of Justice ruling in Cambodia's favour.
  18. Yep, hypocrisy in its purest form. And I guarantee a foreign conviction would be recognised, if it were one of their opponents that was convicted overseas, and not one of their mafia thugs that they rely on to keep everyone in line.
  19. Foxes guarding the henhouse here in Thailand though.
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