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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Yet he was perfectly happy having a convicted heroin trafficker in a ministerial position. Odd.
  2. None of the average Thais I know shower five times per day. Before sex after sex? Are you referring to the showering habits of sex-workers?
  3. It all evens out as farangs have bigger willies. A direct result of not over-showering and too much shrinkage.
  4. A lot of us will be forced out I think, whether we like it or not.
  5. It depends on the context in which it is used. If it used to generalise a racial group in a derogatory manner then it is racist.
  6. How does that apply to the tourists that refused masks? Surely visitors to Thailand are not expected to understand complex cultural nuances?
  7. The problem appears to be they don't have the skill to look the other way from where they are turning. A skill that is absolutely essential to motorcycle rider safety.
  8. And they have their own bars that non-Japanese are not allowed in. Same as many of the bars in Thong Lor in Bangkok. Wonder what would happen if Westerners tried to do the same? ????
  9. What's for supper in the prison hospital? Turtle soup? Panther steak? Pangolin pie?
  10. I'm well past my prime now mate, but I was living in Thailand when I was in my prime... ????
  11. Oh they get it alright, they just don't want too many foreigners here, especially not young types with loadsamoney that make them feel more inadequate than they already are.
  12. They still think we come here to steal their basket weaving jobs.
  13. All joking aside, it would probably be cheaper to have a Ferrari garaged in Europe and to fly over occasionally to drive it, than actually buying and owning one here in Thailand.
  14. Chonburi and highway to 7 to BKK. Like I said I have few issues with the Benz but cannot take the Porsche out unless I know the roads. Even near my house there are a couple of roads it simply cannot go down without getting damaged, one has numerous potholes and a sharp on-ramp and the other has a number of poorly fitted drain covers that if hit cause the chassis to bottom out and scrape the road. Things are improving and roads are getting better but there's still too many shortcuts being taken with construction and too many heavy lorries and goods vehicles using roads that can't handle their weight.
  15. My daily drive is a quick Benz which has low ground clearance and I have to be very careful about road conditions including potholes, sharp inclines, drain covers etc. I also own a Porsche Cayman which I only use on the odd occasion as the it can only be driven on certain highways due to the poor condition and nature of Thai roads. I have to ensure I do not end up somewhere that it cannot traverse or even get damaged! Both cars are stock no suspension mods, lowering or anything else. Thai roads are very harsh on sports cars and even moreso on supercars like Jock's Ferrari 458. Also, your comment that "driving a Ferrari no more risky than driving any other make on them" when referring to Thai roads is nonsense as a Ferrari 458 has much lower ground clearance and lower profile tyres and thus will be far more susceptible to the poor road construction and surface than other vehicles such a pick-up for example. Also, while we are on the subject Thailand uses a lot of un-surfaced pre-cast concrete slabs for roads which are extremely dangerous especially in the wet as they do not have the abrasive surface that tarmac or similar provides for vehicles.
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