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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. If you bother to read the article the cop was off-duty and was riding one of the two bikes involved in the accident.
  2. Indeed. What we ascertain is that the rider took a precaution, that being the precaution of covering his arms from the sun, in order not to darken his skin, yet he neglected even the most basic of safety equipment. Their priorities often don't include even the most basic instinct for self-preservation and survival. Truly fascinating.
  3. You'd think if your income depended on being able to drive you would exercise that duty with a degree of caution and care above and beyond that of other road users. Apparently not here. Stupidity at work in its purest form.
  4. Hopefully. Hopefully he will learn. Why not a couple of prayers and chuck a penny into the fountain and make a wish?
  5. Travelling at speed on a big bike with no helmet or body protection is just pure, undiluted stupidity, which I witness daily on my commutes to and from work. Just yesterday I saw an idiot on a litre bike in flip flops, jeans and long-sleeved work t-shirt weaving through rush-hour traffic on Sukhumvit.
  6. This morning in Laem Chabang, I saw a Policeman on a PCX texting on his phone in traffic. You cannot help these people if they are too stupid to protect themselves.
  7. Did he have to quarantine for two weeks on entry into the UK? Thailand is on the UK red list and quarantine is mandatory.
  8. This is still a country that operates very similarly to Feudalism in medieval Europe.
  9. They don't want a global sex-tourism destination at the centre of the Eastern Economic Corridor. There are billions upon billions being pumped into the EEC and it is written into the constitution. When the nightlife returns as it inevitably will in the shorter term, expect more and more draconian measures to keep it small, manageable and out of sight with a view to its ultimate disappearance and morphing into a titillating tourist attraction (i.e. Tiffany show etc.). If you are a business owner in the entertainment industry this elementary stuff should be in the threat column of your SWOT analysis going forward.
  10. Now we are starting to see that they are, in plain fact, an organised criminal gang as alleged by the UN.
  11. For a brief moment there I thought things were actually improving, not actual test results being left out of the 'official' totals combined with an almost complete lack of pro-active testing, in order to open the country back up within an absurd schedule that appears to defy logic and throws caution to the wind. Silly me. ????????????
  12. When I worked offshore in Cameroon our driver talked at length about the Chinese, saying how they were here to help poor Cameroonians, then pointing how they owned this and that, including all the big houses and real estate.
  13. Looks like a bimmer going by the photo, probably going far too fast and not able to drive it properly, tailgating, leading to the inevitable smash when something unexpected happened. Could even have been brake checked by the white car. And as usual its always someone else's fault.
  14. Another unskilled and incompetent person driving an agricultural vehicle as a sports car.
  15. Indeed, for those confused (probably understand perfectly but simply don't like the news) three field hospitals have already been constructed in Phuket with a fourth underway.
  16. Just earlier this week a doctor was in the media saying Phuket's health system was close to breaking point with 80% occupancy across the board?
  17. They are hurting due to no tourists to extort so will go after foreigners for anything now. Saying that, you've only got yourself to blame if you leave yourself open to it. The worse this economy gets the worse it will get.
  18. Not personally, but his acolytes in the Pheu Thai Party are still very active and Thammanat is the main government fixer, who was keeping this coalition in line. Thammanat of course used to be Pheu Thai himself, until he jumped ship, and went to the same Police school as Thaksin. Then there was this from back in June, shortly before all the commotion about Thammanat becoming PM started: https://thainewsroom.com/2021/06/30/thaksin-to-thammanat-dont-spend-money-on-elections/ I'm sure its nothing though. ????
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