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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. The driver is low-hanging fruit. Probably has no money or connections, thus will not cause repercussions if thrown in jail to satisfy the baying mob. Here we have Thais, in total indecency, trying to avoid responsibility for their actions that killed 20 children, so they can avoid being punished. This is beyond the pale for me. Every day, my disdain for these despicable people increases. They are unworthy of respect by any person with half a brain and any ethics and morals whatsoever.
  2. What are the requirements for new built coaches? What standard are they built to? What standards are they tested to? Are they even tested at all? I have found, from experience, that Thai 'regulatory frameworks' specifically in the oil and gas industry with which I am familiar, are just created as opportunities for graft, and have no real substance whatsoever.
  3. What standards are those, I wonder? Certainly not any recognised international standards, that is for sure.
  4. Individual people make a society. It is a sum of the parts. If those parts are not suitable, the end product is not going to be worthy. Worse still, if we cannot recognise that the parts are the problem, or that they are in some way defective, then a solution is thus impossible.
  5. I'm pretty sure I was ridiculed on here for my comments regarding the unsafe nature and unroadworthy condition of these types of buses. The home-made construction and lack of safety testing of Thai buses was all exposed years ago in a Channel 4 (UK) documentary after three English lads perished in a bus accident. Shame it takes such an awful tragedy in Thailand for people to wake up to the truth and the way this cesspool really operates.
  6. I'm not entirely sure if they understand that is what the pink bits are for. 🤣
  7. I'd be more worried about the qualifications of their plastic surgeon if I was them.
  8. Thaksin was never farang friendly.
  9. That's what often happens when you try to be clever and avoid using the taxi rank to save 50thb. I got one from the departures area at DMK years ago, and he didn't want to take me to my destination on the meter, so he tried to intimidate me into paying 1,000thb. He tried doing this by taking me to the underground car park en-route back to the terminal where he picked me up. The intimidation didn't work, and I got out and got another taxi easily. In those days this kind of behaviour was common, more recently I have had no major issues.
  10. They should never topple if used properly by competent persons.
  11. We hired a VIP minivan (4 luxury seats in the back) to ferry some business visitors from the UK around Bangkok, Pattaya and Rayong. The guy was a dangerous driver, weaving in and out of lanes, tailgating, and speeding. I asked him several times to slow down and drive safely, but was only met with tuts and sucking in his breath. These types of people should not be allowed to transport passengers in a commercial vehicle.
  12. Having faith is believing in something that has never existed.
  13. The only ethical concerns are ensuring the right families get the money.
  14. It's like people that resisted getting an iPhone and hung on to their Nokia, Blackberry, or Sony Ericsson, claiming it was 'better' and iPhones were just a fad.
  15. Who in their right mind would buy a Vauxhall (GM) EV? It's Chinese or Tesla at this point (super luxury like Lotus and Porsche notwithstanding). People slating EVs don't seem to realise that in just a few years you will have batteries that will be so powerful that 1,000kms+ range will be the norm, and they will take 5 minutes to charge. It's coming, and ICE vehicles will be consigned to the past. It will happen fast too, just like the transition from horse to the car. EVs are part of the next great transport and logistics revolution.
  16. His sons have been running Pattaya and Chonburi since. Even had cabinet posts in the last government. Who says crime doesn't pay?
  17. Against the Thai highway code. Many junctions are similarly marked. No consistency or adherence to regulations. Turning to the right, should give way to the left. Turning left, give way to the right.
  18. Also plausible. They are so immature that a horn honk can provoke them into anger, recklessness and dangerous behaviour.
  19. Sounds like he pulled out and didn't see the bike. The bike honked his horn and the pickup driver floored it instead of stopping where he was. Perhaps if he had stopped, the bike may have hit him. Either way, pickup driver's fault.
  20. Always someone else's fault for their own stupidity and lack of driving skill. 🤷
  21. Nearly all new cars in my moo baan are Chinese EVs. BYD, Ora and Deepal mostly. Toyota have missed the boat on the EV revolution and are now so far behind the Chinese that their sales have slumped. See: Subaru, Honda, Mitsubishi etc.
  22. If you are on a non-immigrant visa and stay for over 180 days in Thailand during a calendar year, you are considered a tax resident.
  23. Yup. Different story when it comes to stealing and extorting money, they are experts.
  24. This is what happens when you have coups, allow entrenched corruption from politicians and never punish anyone properly for what they have done. The circus continues.
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