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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 19 hours ago, uncle_tom said:

    Over 20 years ago now, a friend of mine bought what I think was the first B747 to be scrapped by BA. They wanted the engines as spares, so rather than sell the whole plane to a banana republic, they landed it at an airfield in Leicestershire, took off the engines and sold him the rest as scrap for a very modest sum.


    Being an aero engineer, he knew which parts could be sold on the second hand market, so after removing them he had the rest of hull broken for scrap metal - but one bit remains, which I believe is still in the back of his garage.


    Being a first generation 747, it had a rudder counterweight made of depleted uranium, and there isn't much of a market for it..!

    I will sell one of my five wives for this uranium. I may even part with one of my goats.


    Name his price.


    Allah U Akbar.

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, hasitha77 said:

    Thailand's Employment Department has issued a new regulation that requires a medical certificate for all initial and renewal work permit applications, including those filed under the Board of Investment (BOI), the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) and the Petroleum Act, which previously did not require a medical certificate. The regulation is effective August 19, 2019.

    My work permit is issued under the Petroleum Act, and I did not have to do any medical on renewal.

  3. 7 hours ago, Aarin said:

    Easy the restaurant applies for the WP. Even in Kao San Road there are plenty Philippines working just as servers in bar and have WP.Its who you know and the contacts that the owner has ummm

    That would surprise me. I assumed they were mostly working either illegally or down as managers to circumvent the rules... 


    Remember there has to be a occupation defined on your permit, and I doubt that 'Nong Serve' is allowed. 

  4. 2 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

    So my wife and i have been complaining to the police for many years about 2 groups of people farming and living illegally on forest land in kanchanaburi. Just yesterday we learnt they are both police!. This country has real serious issues. We have had knives pulled on us and there is 12guage shotgun shells littering the surrounds of our property which have been used as scare tactics and intimidation for us to move out. We've been raided by police looking for anything illegal so i would be deported and my wife forced to leave. Countries a mess!!

    This is the problem when you deal with immoral and corrupt scum in the Third World. 


    You have to lower yourself to their level to win. 


    God forbid, both of them should have an accident; motorcycle, cooking, shotgun incident, wild animal attack, etc. 

    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    i have missed nothing

    what you see on the photos is a real estate bubble being build

    all these empty condos, hotels and shopping malls have no any use except to feed the greed of an

    handfull of ''happy few''. and i honestly hope this covid crisis will be a real pain for all of them

    and a kind of ''back to earth''

    unfortunately i doubt it will hapen

    I share your sentiment. The longer it goes on the worse their position becomes.


    It's going to be a lot worse for the "happy few" once the peasants start revolting and the banks start calling in their debt. 


    We are only a few months away from it I reckon. At the tipping point now and there's another 18 to 36 months of no mass tourism to cope with so it's going to get a lot worse from here on in.


    The galaxy brain move would have been to get rid of your tourism related business or walk in March. Loads haven't, hoping for a miracle. 


    Miracles don't happen though.


    Poor risk assessment if you are still sitting on a tourism related business at this stage. 

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

    The thing that almost killed me yesterday while riding on my bike, was a truck in front of me making a right hand turn. As he was turning he is indicating at the same time and I happen to be passing him. It was a good think I was on my cbr650 which I managed to get in front of him. This happens much to often, they indicate and turn at the same time no 50ft warning.

    They lack many of the basic skills and habits that make for a competent driver.


    They have not received any proper training and the test is nothing more than a joke.


    Most of them have been taught by a mate and pick up all bad habits.


    I would conservatively suggest 70% of them are not able to operate a motor vehicle correctly.


    Sad to say but there's no fixing this, they simply do not have the ability or will to fix this disgraceful problem so it will continue in perpetuity. 

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    Do you mean police? These figures will not come down until RTP is given encouragement to work.  Extra baht every time the weekly casualties drop below an agreed figure.  Deductions for every new corpse.  Speed kills and this is easily combatted by cameras then stern measures.

    The Police are too busy with their extra-curricular activities, their nightlife businesses, gambling dens, restaurants, shakedowns, extortion and even hired guns.


    There was a survey recently that found 70% of traffic police didn't even know about the Thai highway code.


    This indicates it's not about the Police being poorly paid, but having other priorities.

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