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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 3 hours ago, Ketyo said:

    The Khmer Rouge was a dictatorial regime that oppressed and murdered its own people as well as foreigners who opposed it, and whose main international supporter and adviser was the Chinese Communist Party  .....   the current Thai, Cambodian, Laos, Philippine governments are.........    ????

    The US, Australians and Thais supported the Khmer Rouge at the UN as the legitimate government of Cambodia even after the Vietnamese invaded and exposed the genocide.


    They then supported and financed the Khmer Rouge in a guerrilla war against the Vietnamese that was largely conducted along and from within the Thai border.


    Pol Pot was safeguarded in a house in Trat province protected by Thai special forces.


    Not to mention the American Secret War, carpet bombing of Cambodian territory and the puppet Lon Nol dictatorship which was installed and propped up by the Americans was the main cause of the Khmer Rouge sweeping to power in the beginning.

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  2. 9 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

    Life's much easier for them, and money comes in without having to do all for him, including sex when he had his Viagra. 


    Who knows what will happen when he comes back? House sold, the car sold and gf has gone, she might soon have a new name which is very easy for them to do.


     I hope that all goes well, but there's this feeling that too many women are only married to have more cash.


     If these women miss something, then it's the money, not the older guy who might believe she loves him "too much."

    Absolutely 100% spot on. 

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    The common theme of all of the posts are the people who feel THEY have been wronged by not being allowed back into Thailand currently.


    Right or wrong, it is not our decision but the decision of the Thai government.


    I can say it is wrong, however, when you understand the intention of Thai politicians is to line their own pockets and not help the people, it is easier to understand.


    It should be enough evidence to you to realize expats are not high on their list of important people. Maybe not even wanted anymore?


    Instead of worrying yourselves sick over when can you return to Thailand, I would be giving serious, serious consideration to the fact that over the next 2, 5, 10, 20 years, the Thai government can change the rules anyway they see fit. New elections and new politicians can change the rules to suit them, not you!


    Mandatory insurance is one. Only takes 1 Thai politician to be in charge of that budget to figure out he can make himself filthy rich charging foreigners for insurance. An low and behold? Buried way beneath 1,000 sheets of paper, he will probably or his family, be the owner of the insurance company you will be forced to use. That is exactly how Thailand works.


    The folks that keep thinking the Thai government is on their side need to wake up and realize government officials join politics to make themselves rich and powerful. Nothing more and you should learn that and accept it.


    Who in their right mind, retirement age, would think from 2020 on, Thailand won't get even worse for expats? Is the crazy requirement for 3,000,000 baht to move back to your OWN condo not evidence of that? Who in their right mind would come up with that kind of crazy scam. Can you image in the UK, US, Australia started charging Thai people 3,000,000 baht to go and visit their foreign homes?


    For those that are just thinking they want to return to their residence in Thailand, perhaps you should be formulating a solid plan B if you ever have to exit for any reason. You don't need a Plan B if you sincerely feel the Thai government will do the right thing by you and you will be financially safe and secure the rest of your lives.


    Thailand will always have the right to change the rules anyway they see fit and could honestly care less how it impacts your life.


    Seems to me living in Thailand going forward would be a huge risk, filled with uncertainty over how things can change even more and not for the better?


    It is a down-right shame for the people financially trapped in Thailand, but I think you can look at the evidence from years and years ago, that the attitude towards expats living in Thailand has changed and will continue to change.


    Instead of human compassion, officials are hell bent on how they can profit from this misery. Insurance, quarantine, etc. is all about the money.


    It is really best to give your own future some serious thought.







    This person actually gets it. Good post. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, kuzmabruk said:

    I moved here in the summer of 1997.   I have worked and now retired in this country.   Immigration rules and procedures have been reduced to almost nothing.   Annual retirement visa takes me about 2.5 hours every 365 days.  That includes getting my bank letter.  Ninety day reporting online, about 7 minutes, 4 times a year.  Try Indonesia or step back in time if you want and live in Cambodia or Vietnam.   This is a very strong country financially and everything you could ever want and more is here on offer.  I do get frustrated with the little things but then I remember what dealing with monkeys is like in my home countries of the USA and Canada.  Then I laugh it off.   I read most of you and am reminded that you won’t be here long since the Thai currency, know as the Baht, will strengthen to the point your pension won’t buy you a Singha.   Sorry, you probably like Chang as do most Thai farmers and country folk.

    Just don't leave at the moment you won't get back! ????

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

    I asked for more than 17 years for PR. Married, have a company, WP, family etc etc. No you can not, until one of them told me (after 17 years) that I would not make a chance if my salary was below 80.000 baht. Please show me where I can find that rule?

    They are very selective. 


    I am a director of a fairly large Thai company earning well in excess of that figure and had letters from government officials at high levels. Throughout the process I had my HR dept. co-ordinate with a logistics firm that does visas and WP for us and other large multinational corporations. It was fairly straightforward. I think using this firm gave the application sufficient gravitas to pass muster. Case in point using a visa agent in Pattaya may be a longer and more convoluted process.


    I read, write and speak fluent Thai so that helped also.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, mr mr said:

    refer to comment 11 for insight into my comment ????


    Yes I know what you were getting at, I am not a befuddled retiree. ????


    I felt the dinosaur amusement park worth a mention seeing as you mentioned dinosaurs and it was a very diverse and odd business to locate in the middle of Sukhumvit in downtown Bangkok. As thai Airways serving patongo in Chiang Mai is an oddity.


    The Dinosaur park also had maintenance issues with a fire on one of the rides, hope there's no similarities there.

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  7. On 10/16/2020 at 7:06 PM, ronaldo0 said:


    Yeah Thais get it free as far as I am aware . Anyone else pays and has to take out the Covid insurance, tests , COE paper , have correct visa , have good reason , pay flight at higher rate . Bargain ????

    Thais coming back to their own country should get it for free.


    Don't see the problem in making non-tax paying foreign temporary visitors pay for the service.

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