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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 52 minutes ago, whitfield said:

    How about allowing foreigners to own the land?  There's an original idea.

    Will never happen and thankfully so.


    Thailand unites the flesh and blood of Thais.
    The land of Thailand belongs to the Thais.
    Long has been our independence, wish sovereignty allowed to maintain it,
    Because Thais have been united forever.
    The Thais are peaceful and loving, but are not cowards in war.
    Our sovereignty will never be threatened,
    We will sacrifice every drop of our blood for our nation.
    We are ready to die for freedom, security, and prosperity!


    - Translation of the Thai national anthem.

  2. 1 hour ago, holy cow cm said:

    Err, if you have been with a gal married for over 5 years and can prove as have stayed with her then what is the problem? Don't think these IO's are people who just fell off the cookie truck and can't tell body chemistry. Even now days they have better checks and balances on the marriages and my current wife is not one of those gals you seem to look down upon. And what does that have to do with the price of tea in Japan even if some guy fell in love with a gal who was serving beer or giving companionship? We still cannot outright own things here for the most part. For me no biggie as I have children to take over on all invested assets as well as my wife.


    Ill-repute? Sounds like what the masses of Thai think about the elite and powers that be. The stigma of bar girl and foreigner is fading as the dating websites are producing more different types of couples now. I have been here a long long time, and back in the day one might have been able to grease a palm or two and easily got the PR. The fact is a foreign woman married to a Thai guy has all green lights, where we as gentlemen do not as it is a double racist standard. If these elites and regime were or are ever banished from power  then this might just be a better society for us who have made a life here. I do think the USA and all other countries should do a Tit for Tat and see how their people like it.


    By going on the offensive you have completely missed the point about more affluent foreign men exploiting poor local women which is the main concern of the authorities here.


    The opposite rarely happens thus foreign women marrying Thai men is not of a similar concern.


    You may think the stigma is disappearing but as Thailand is a very conservative country under the surface, older Westerners marrying young Thai women especially those of questionably repute will never be socially acceptable to the vast majority of Thais.


    PR is fairly easy if you are determined enough. Get a job, pay taxes for three years, learn to speak Thai and then apply for permanent residency. It's not rocket science.

    • Sad 2
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  3. Just now, hampi said:

    I am 74 years old and retired,no work permit.

    So you don't pay tax and are thus not eligible for social.


    Why should the Thai government be responsible for you if you are only here temporarily on a tourist or Non-Immigrant visa, you are not a Thai citizen and you do not pay tax?


    As I have pointed out before, when Western governments help refugees or illegal immigrants back in our home countries there is an outcry, so why is there such entitlement from the expat community here?

  4. 42 minutes ago, hampi said:

    Do also something for people how has lived in this country for many years and are married with Thaiwife a long time.I have take care my Thaifamily since 35 years and i live since year 2000 in Thailand and spent all my money here in this country.Time for the Government to do something for us.


    Do you pay tax? 


    As a taxpayer with work permit I am covered by Thai social security. 


    No complaints here. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

    Yes, just a pity they are totally <deleted> at getting them to obey any traffic laws, funny when you see bike riders wearing a mask, but no helmet

    The main reason for that is it would may decrease the profits made from the domestic vehicle manufacturers if they do anything serious about it.


    Also, when it comes to actually obeying laws Thais are notoriously selfish. It simply does not suit them personally to obey traffic laws hence they are ignored. 


    The only reason they have been obeying the edicts on masks, temperature checks and the other COVID-19 nonsense is they are scared.

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  6. On 10/23/2020 at 6:24 PM, scorecard said:

    And is this policy available to work permit holders, permanent residents and other categories of foreigners who are now allowed to join repatriation flights to Thailand?

    Work permit holders will be paying tax, thus are eligible for social security.


    Can't imagine they will be required to take out this insurance as they already qualify for the local Thai coronavirus insurance premiums.

  7. 24 minutes ago, redwood1 said:

    Boy I can really feel the love from this thread...


    It seems the many members on Thai Visa who formerly took great delight on belittling visa border runners and the like have found a new whipping boy.......The frustrated expat at their wits end trying to get back to Thailand....

    Seems like the visa runners got the good deal here, perennial amnesty and extensions without ever having to leave.


    Retirees and others that fall between the cracks already having left or leaving got shafted.


    No wonder there is a lot of seethe here. The formerly smug retirees with visa and 'investments' in Thailand have just realised the folly of all their decisions while the chancer digital nomads in their 'ineligible for visa status' mid-30's hanging on by their fingertips living hand to mouth on 30 day stamps sit on the beach and benefit from all the recently available and cheap totty on Thai Friendly.


    Must be gut-wrenching for them.

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  8. 20 minutes ago, Bkktodd said:

    You know. We all have lives and are welcomed back into our native countries for various reasons. I left Thailand in Feb and would never believe many countries would be on lockdown.   Its Amazing that you knew ....

    It was pretty obvious to me that in February that it could happen and that any travel overseas was going to be a risk. 


    I went to Cambodia on business early March and I was well aware that there was a possibility that Thailand would close the borders.

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