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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 8 hours ago, ross163103 said:

    I assume since you've mentioned in the past how you've got permanent residency in Thailand that you're a foreigner.....so I take it from your comment you've got your bags packed and a plane ticket out of Thailand booked? Of course this assuming you're actually IN Thailand. Or is this a case of, "I'm special and should be allowed to be here, but no one else can?" IMO, that's what it sounds like to me, correct me if I'm wrong.

    I'll try to make it really simple for you. 


    There's no covid-19 in Thailand thanks, in part, to the draconian measures this government has implemented. 


    I am a foreigner living and working in Thailand.


    If being lucky enough to be here during this crisis makes me special, then so be it. 


    Foreigners from countries that have totally and utterly failed to control the virus such as the US and UK should not be allowed to come here at the current time IMHO. 



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  2. 8 hours ago, captpkapoor said:

    We are a retired couple with a hugely expensive condo for the last 7 years, with valid Non-O re-entry visas, stuck outside Thailand. Having sold our main residence a couple of years back, now forced to stay with the kids in our country since March. We're not tourists, we just want to return to our home and car. Absolutely no response from the local Thai embassy here.

    You are classified much the same as tourists though, and have pretty much the same rights. 


    If course you should have known this when you did your due diligence on where to retire, no use complaining about it now. 


    Chok dee! 

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  3. 4 hours ago, mike1967 said:

    Your English is very good for a Thai.

    I am a business owner. 


    Businesses with the exception of those involved in tourism are just getting back to normal. 


    Another outbreak resulting in further lockdowns and restrictions placed on businesses and industry would hurt the economy far more and affect many more people than the current unfortunate situation.


    In addition, I don't want to catch COVID-19 from foreigners coming into the country from places that have totally and utterly failed to deal with the crisis, nor do I want my family, friends and employees to catch it either.


    So to all the sex-tourists and other selfish tourists stuck back home wanting Thailand to open up so they can come on a jolly, suck it up, because it ain't happening.


    Perhaps this selfish attitude is exactly why countries like the US and UK have no hope of controlling the virus?

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  4. 2 minutes ago, terje johnsen said:

    As far as i know is norway where i come from is a democratic country but that doesnt mean you can do what you want in other country. When i go to Thailand i fellow thai law and expect that forigners that visit norway folow norwegian law. I know a guy that get expelled from us for swearing in a bank  but i dont tell people to avoid us for that. 

    Do you think the millions of tourists that used to visit Thailand were all aware of the harsh criminal defamation laws and potential jail sentences for posting negative reviews online? 

  5. 4 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    Sounds like a dangerous and violent lunk who never should have been let in.

    I believe in required criminal checks for Americans wishing to enter Thailand. 

    By the way I'm a US citizen.

    Good luck with that. 


    Such a corrupt organisation as the Thai Police undoubtably are should never be given free access to that information. 


    You could be required to present a Police clearance certificate before being granted a required visa to visit but that defeats the purpose and would be counterproductive. 

  6. 1 hour ago, dallen52 said:

    They have created more tourist visa types. 

    Plus you cannot return on a non O retirement Visa. 

    Pretty much useless now.

    Embassy says forget about and get OA Visa. 

    New applications and CoE required. 

    Plus money, plus insurance cover. 

    Quarantine? Of course. 


    Ka ching  Ka ching 

    At the moment pretty understandable as the old fellas are high risk, especially due to age and proclivities.

  7. 2 hours ago, Sean60 said:

    Lies, Lies and lies.

    You will not have 50000 tourists.

    The October thing will not work. There is no vaccine in the picture.

    6.5 Months of Travel ban. This country is but for high tourism. People have made big investments. Its time to open up!!!!!

    We have to learn to live with the virus.

    Look at Sweden and learn from them.!!!!

    Enough is enough.

    You can do much more to bring in people that what you have done until now.

    You are killing us here.

    Tourism is done mate. Over. Kaputt. Time to deal with that. We knew this would be the case back in March. Smart investors took the hit, got out, made moves. 


    Other industries are just getting back on track now, and the rest of the economy doesn't want another wave, another lockdown and more disruption.


    The sacrifice of the tourism industry is for the greater good. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, ChipButty said:

    Before you post things like this are you sure it's the same guy? I have seen this posted on another forum and if he has plenty of previous as you quoted how would he get work permit?

    There are no criminal background checks required for a Non-B visa or work permit IIRC. For English teachers? I don't know.


    Thais will probably check their own system but they don't have access to foreign Police records. It should be noted that their own system (for locals anyway) is a complete nonsense.


    What they usually do in other countries is ask for a Police background check prior to issuance of a work visa. You have to produce one from your home country if you are applying for Thai permanent residency.

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