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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 17 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The treatment by Thailands Government of those foreigners with existing ties to Thailand has been nothing less than absolute abhorrent and despicable. 

    If a foreigner has a legitimate reason to enter they will be allowed in. 


    The only group not allowed in as far as I am aware are 'retirees' as they are considered high risk. 


    What constitutes 'existing ties'? 

    • Confused 5
    • Sad 3
  2. 11 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Hope he/she has good references....they have a nasty habit of turning out to be your biggest threat.

    He has and came recommended from Thais I deal with who are up the pointy end of the tree here. 


    12 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    Pass me one of those fear pills please Mr Meeseeks ..... If you had wanted ex-military/bodyguard , I could have got you a bargain  from the bar stools of Pattaya .....all SAS/Seals . Train to kill etc.................:coffee1:

    I asked a couple and they did not know the colour of the boat house at Hereford.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, bornredi said:

    in one year Thailand's  economy will be devastated and there will be huge huge increase in severe poverty, how do they expect all those people to keep all those hotels, resorts, from going completely broke 


    and all those people dependent on the tourist dollar from sinking into severe poverty



    your cure is far far worse than the disease 


    There will be economic misery for those in the tourism industry but it will affect more people if they have a second wave and other sectors of the economy are shut down.


    It's for the greater good, which many here seem to have trouble understanding.

    • Haha 1
  4. On 10/11/2020 at 5:42 PM, robblok said:

    Trans it does not take a genius to know that those who are working in tourist related area's are not happy. But they are not a majority. My ex wife works in tourism, is now locked in Vietnam. She is not happy about it either. 


    But the majority is quite happy that people who come in are screened for covid and quarantined. Nobody wants a new lockdown. 


    Maybe you should remember the lockdown and how bad that affected everyone. Its better to have a small number of people suffer then everyone. 


    This poll too says that only around 20% wants to let people in without restrictions. The rest is all for restrictions like quarantine.


    I say let everyone get in the country that goes through quarantine. 

    This is the correct answer.

  5. 2 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    UK Tests               27,831,743

    Thailand Tests          977,854

    That's a difference of 27  million.

    Sounds like you'd be better off in the UK if you have more confidence in their handling of the COVID-19 crisis.


    Personally I will remain in Thailand where the virus has been and is being controlled much more effectively.


    The Thais success in handling the crisis is much to the chagrin of some of the posters here it seems. 

    I suppose when you've been on here for years moaning about Thai incompetence and heralding your own country's superiority in every regard, this must come as a real shock to the system. 



    • Thanks 2
  6. 5 hours ago, TaoNow said:

    I worked on HIV prevention in Thailand full-time in the late 1980s and 1990s. 


    Bernard Trink couldn't understand why HIV wasn't "mowing down the bar girls in Patpong."


    That led hiim to believe that commercial sex wasn't a serious risk for HIV, and that condoms were not needed for commercial sex or were not effective prevention.


    Although the readership of Night Owl wasn't our "target poulation," it was still incredibly frustrating to have a columnist in Thailand's major English-language daily newspaper spout these untruths or myths about how HIV was spreading in the country.


    The point is, Trink never had a good understanding of commercial sex in Thailand outside the ex-pat bar zones of Patpong, Pattaya, Nana, and Cowboy.  He probably didn't even understand the bar girl scene that well either since he didn't seem to know much Thai language, despite all his years here.


    One Postbag contributer pointed out, accurately, that Trink as "Night Owl, was actually a pimp, since he made his living telling punters where to find commercial sex and how much to pay.


    'Nuff said.

    Have you ever heard the advice never to speak ill of the dead?

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