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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 6 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

    He’s off to a fantastic start.  Baht has just trounced western currencies so far this month.  This begs the question:  if the economy’s in shambles—why does the Baht continue its torrid pace upwards?

    Because Western countries' economies are in worse shape than Thailand's.



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  2. 57 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Highly likely that Chevron lost to PTT due to backhanded dealings of the Thais with the government. Now after cheating the Farang company, the Thais want Chevron to pay to decommission. 


    I hope Chevron leaves the Thais with the mess. 

    Chevron have been planning a pull out from South East Asia for a long time, nothing to do with backhanded dealings. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Pib said:


    Don't totally blame the current government as it's just mimicking the performance of previous governments when it comes to law enforcement.  Always a lot of talk about law enforcement and fighting corruption but in reality little to no concrete action.

    Previous governments failed but it's happening on this government's watch so it is their responsibility. 


    What went before should have no bearing on the current government's expected performance and results.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Enzian said:

    Replying to post #140, I can't help being reminded of some reading I did regarding average national IQs around the world. Thais seem to fall around a number of 90, whereas the benchmark uses Americans and Europeans at around 100 for the sake of the curve. Sorry if saying so hurts anyone's feelings. But I don't think this can account for what we see on the roads. I feel it has to be more cultural. It really is incredible. 

    It's pretty simple.


    A complete lack of driver education and training combined with an almost total lack of law enforcement gets us where we are today in Thailand. 


    Blame? A total lack of leadership and management of what is a very real crisis, and that rests solely on the shoulders of the current government.

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  5. 3 hours ago, djayz said:

    I sincerely believe that checkpoints deter people (here, a minority albeit) from drink driving, overloading their trucks and ignoring basic safety standards. I also believe that stricter on the spot penalties should be imposed at these checkpoints in the form of hefty fines, confiscating vehicles and time behind bars. More, not less, needs to be done. This is a step in the wrong direction and just signals to road users that anything goes. People need to be trained. 

    Correct answer.

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    Just because you don’t know anyone in Thailand who didn’t like him doesn’t mean that that’s universally true for all the Thais. Cough * yellow shirts * cough! Plus, it’s a well know fact that he bought votes, so I wouldn’t put too much weight on his “popularity”! 

    How is not paying sales tax legal? The company was registered in Thailand, its headquarters were in Thailand, therefore sales tax is due! 

    Anyone who is corrupt and screws over his own country is NOT suited to run a country - period! In any other country in the world he would’ve had to step down immediately and there wouldn’t have been a single person on the street in protest of him having been ousted! But I guess money talks, right?!

    Looks like you have fallen hook, line and sinker for the disgraced criminal lunatic Sondhi's Yellow Shirt propaganda.


    There were about a dozen Yellow Shirts out at the last protest I saw from them a couple of weeks ago.


    Looks like the wheels have finally fallen off and everyone has realised what a nonsense it all was. I mean, just look at the muddled conspiracy nonsense Sondhi is coming out with these days.

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  7. On 10/3/2020 at 2:41 PM, Percy P said:

    Unless he want to alter his looks then the photograph of him would be the same as his finger prints.  Finger prints are a must in the passport. Thailand has your finger prints recorded once you enter,Malaysia also. 

    Do all border crossings have the fingerprint scanners now? As far as I was aware only 30 or so out of 55 were equipped with the technology.

  8. 2 hours ago, BigStar said:

    Why not? It's damned if they do, damned if they don't, innit?

    Not really, the point is drink driving, speeding and dangerous driving is endemic on Thai roads and nothing serious is being done about it.


    The solution seems to be utterly beyond the people in charge here but they can enforce draconian lockdowns for COVID-19 where most people obey without question so the problem appears to be either a complete lack of will to solve the problem which indicates criminal negligence on behalf of the government or incompetence and an inability to do it.


    I am betting it is the latter.

  9. On 10/1/2020 at 2:24 PM, JimGant said:

    What a stupid statement:


    Very manageable, particularly compared to the first world nations (OECD). Plus, Thailand's current account is a world's leader. Plenty of room for Keynesian economics.


    The mob? Oh, you mean like a military mind taking over from a Shiniwatra rice queen mind...... You think she could have done any better -- or her brother?

    Ok, maybe -- but doubtful. These are tough times. That Thailand is covid free is a very big plus. Let's just make sure we take advantage of that "bubble" to entice cabin fever tourists. That decisions are being made by former generals should not be a negative. Look at Eisenhower's 8-year reign -- the finest we've ever had, in all respects. Quit pis..... on the military -- they're capable and sincere about getting Thailand back to normal. (yeah, I know your prejudices won't allow you to believe that -- sounds like a personal problem).


    My "statement" had nothing to do with Thaksin nor the Thai economy in general which goes to show you really don't actually know what I was referring to and what has been going on since the 2014 coup but that becomes blatantly obvious from reading your muddled post.


    Eisenhower? What on Earth are you rambling about?


    As Thai history demonstrably proves, Thai military administrations have been the most corrupt and self-serving, not to mention the most detrimental for the advancement of the country and of little benefit to the people. 


    As to getting Thailand back to normal, well yeah, stroking frogs, throwing bananas at reporters, disappearing political activists, threatening journalists, shutting down free speech and political opposition, wasting money and totally mismanaging the economy are normal for Thai military governments I suppose.


    Little inadequate fascists with limited mental capacity of rational, independent thought of course will love all this. 

  10. 2 hours ago, kingdong said:

    and where are these millions of tourists going to come from?there is an almighty worldwide depression in the post,i doubt things will get back to normal in my lifetime,it will take at least a decade for the world to recover from this "pandemic" which originated from a wet market in wuhan,i belive you me old china,millions wouldn,t.

    People still aren't getting this. 


    Tourism is done. Dead. Kaputt. 

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