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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Thaksin is back, and the xenophobia and anti-foreigner sentiment along with him. Same as his first time in office.
  2. In Britain, would sitting PM's be pictured having dinner with three convicted criminals? 🤔
  3. Squeeky bum time for foreigners with land in company name.
  4. That is if you even believe he was sick in the first place. Which I don't.
  5. If I were Thai, I would be deeply concerned (not to mention embarrassed) about the direction this country is heading. Convicted criminals (more than just one, do your research), convening in Chiang Mai with the sitting PM.
  6. Here's a photo from the other end of the table. He is cut out of the Thai PBS photos as well as photos on other media outlets. Doesn't even get a mention. Sitting at the PM's right-hand side.
  7. Will it be a condition of Yingluck’s return that she has to eat some of this rice? 🤔
  8. I ate that as well as camel and emu in Darwin. Think it was emu. Perhaps ostrich...
  9. It's funny how that all the anti-foreigner rhetoric is being ramped up, just as Thaksin returns. Deja vu.
  10. He sold his own supporters, voters and MFP down the river so he could keep his filthy loot and come back to Thailand without serving a proper prison term. Chinese gangster.
  11. Everyone knows it was only flour, and he didn't murder that gay guy either. All fabrications to discredit an upstanding Thai politician, which makes my blood boil.
  12. Thaksin looks in fine fettle. Seems he has made a miraculous and full recovery. 😂
  13. And one convicted heroin smuggler.
  14. New kid on the block. Gazzurple by Humboldt Seed Co. ♥️
  15. Updated photo of the Ethanol by Lit Farms. This stuff is dank, dank, dank.
  16. Taking a video then grassing is a lower act than having sex in public imo.
  17. Every time they are dissolved and return under a different guise, it weakens them and sets them back. They don't have the same cult of personality that Thaksin had back in the early 00's, as they will never be given the chance to lead. Thanathorn better keep dipping into his billionaire bank account to keep them going, but will he get bored?
  18. I wonder if they know how they look to foreign tourists visiting the country? Brown-shirts with Kraut-Rommel hats, or dressed up in full SWAT gear like they are ready to take down Bin Laden.
  19. This was Thaksin's mantra the first time round. Not a coincidence that the anti-foreigner rhetoric all ramps up again now that he is back in charge.
  20. In reality, they saw a foreigner coming and thus a potential victim to extort or bully into handing over money. Y'know, the way it usually works here.
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