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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 14 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Except For Trump who has to display his superiority and lack of human decency, I expect Royalty to be considerate of the people of foreign nations and not place themselves in diplomatic crises by insisting entering countries with disregard to the safety of its citizens health and well being. 

    So no, not the same for Royalty.

    Exactly the same for Royalty, there were protests in Germany about it. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, paulikens said:

     @canopus1969 well surprise surprise as i thought the im alright jack brigade. such selfish people on here,you dont know what peoples circumstances were on why they might have had go back to their home countries or couldnt leave.

    People that chose to leave at the start of this pandemic need to live with that decision now. 


    Those that carried on as normal and did not assess the risks of leaving and possibly not being able to return do not get my sympathy. 


    Sympathy does however go out to those that had to leave because of family, bereavements etc. where the need outweighed the risks.

  3. 3 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

    Like it was said before and you most likely didn't understand: how does that help the MILLIONS working in tourism RIGHT NOW?

    You want to let them...do what?


    They will have to find something to do as there will be no tourism for months. 


    The government will likely need to support taxpayers by offering bailouts.


    Businesses will go to the wall, especially those that were over-leveraged, pay rents and are in debt.


    No point even discussing tourism as it isn't going to happen even if the govt. decided to open up the borders, which we now know, going on the panic that the Egyptian soldier and Sudanese diplomats have caused, is not happening for many months to come. 

  4. 5 hours ago, lkv said:

    Perpetual tourists "travelling around South East Asia" may face some hurdles with the visa runs.

    That's all over. 


    They will have to leave and won't get back until tourists are allowed back in again, and that will be some time.


    They won't be able to go through land borders either so that means a flight out when the amnesty is lifted. 


    Nipping over to Cambo until it blows over is an option but they will have to be cashed up to pay the thousands of dollars required to get in at the moment. 

  5. 23 hours ago, KKr said:

    The article does not mention what kind of ambulance was used, in case the Ambulance is not kitted out with oxygen or AED, going to the nearest Medical facility sounds like a logical decision to me.

    Also, in case you are not familiar with Chonburi, there are some very good hospitals.

    Far too late for an AED in the ambulance.


    AED and CPR should be utilised during initial response which should be immediate. An AED and full first aid kit including medical oxygen should be recoverable to the patient as soon as possible.


    If CPR is not applied within 4 minutes the patient will be dead in 5 due to lack of oxygen to the brain. 


    CPR and AED should be maintained until the patient recovers and starts breathing again, and then should be placed in the recovery position or, until the ambulance arrives if the patient is still unresponsive.  


    Govt. facilities such as state quarantine should have these readily available with trained first responders on site at all times.


    But... I have absolutely no faith in Thai first aid training nor emergency response and this is from a long and in-depth experience and as such I use a farang to come and train our staff in CPR and AED and with mock drills.



    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, charmonman said:

    If a country has managed to get things under control there is no reason for Thailand not to let citizens or residents of those countries in. By all means keep the US Americans, Brazilians etcetra out, but why restrict Kiwis, Japanese, Australians or even Canadians. The risk of anyone from countries like those bringing in new cases is minimal particularly if they are willing to submit to a quarantine period.

    Why inflict more economic pain than necessary?

    Big outbreak in Sydney today and they are about to go into lockdown again there.

  7. 2 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Keep em' all out ... we don't want the virus here   !!   

    Might happen.


    They just found an Egyptian diplomat soldier in Rayong that was sick and tested positive. He just came in on the special privilege for a short visit. Apparently he visited a mall and they are frantically trying to trace everyone he had contact with.


    The PM has said that they will review entry requirements as a result. 


    Lucky if anyone will be allowed in now, certainly not without quarantine...

  8. 23 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    No. You missed the point.  The foreign company can be a branch or a subsidiary of another company. Do you really believe that companies shown as from Samoa or the BVI are operating from there? Chinese companies have been using Singapore and Hong Kong to circumvent regulations in respect to foreign operations for 25+ years. it is not unusual for a company to have an Asia Pacific head office in Hong Kong, or Tokyo or Singapore and then set up branch or subsidiary operations in other countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines etc.

    Many companies from all over the World have their head offices in HK and Singapore for banking and tax reasons. Nothing new there. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

    Working in tourism, I can tell you first hand, that we have a bunch of requests for trips to Thailand from October onwards and with increasing numbers, over the coming months!

    There is a potential- but if the Thai- government has no intend on AT LEAST signalling a possible opening from October onwards, this bubble will burst!

    Mass tourism is finished for this year mate.

  10. 2 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    as a foreigner, you will always have zero rights, even if you live here for 50 years...

    Stop moaning and get PR and citizenship if you want the same rights as a local.


    Get a proper job, pay taxes for three years and apply. Stay a further five years and apply to become a Thai citizen.


    If you are too old or too stupid to do it you're s*** outta luck.


  11. 2 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    I think this is a case of the bird flying in ever decreasing circles until it flies you know where. The lockdowns are causing massive loss of incomes and ensuing poverty, the poor are then forced to resort to crime to make ends meet and feed their families, causing an increase in the number of police on the the prowl which will definitely cause an increase in public unrest and further downhill spiral. The ONLY solution to this problem is to hit the "Reset" button, in an effort to bring back as many tourists as possible. Let the money flow and allow nature to take it,s course ???? Chas. Darwin Jr.

    Thailand is now COVID free, last thing we want is another outbreak caused by unregulated visitors that results in another lockdown, culminating in total disaster for the health system and the Thai economy.


    The medicine is not nice but it has to be taken unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  12. For anyone that may be interested, as a passenger, I drove a Thai train to Kanchanaburi back in 2001.


    I went to take a photo of the driver, he sat me down in his seat and let me drive the thing for about five minutes. There must have been 200 people on that train, maybe more.


    I've got a non-digital photo of me looking very shocked sitting on the controls as this train hurtles along at 80km/h. 

    • Haha 1
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