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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 1 minute ago, Netease said:

    They are

    Not where I am from they aren't.


    Important point to note, where I am from, anyone caught abusing animals for whatever reason will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


    In Thailand, these activities are tacitly condoned or ignored and prosecutions are rare, and almost always political in nature.

  2. 4 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    I don't know how long you have been in Thailand. I have seen with my own eyes lots of cases of animal abuse in the name of commercial gain, including the drugging of tigers so tourists and locals can have their pictures taken with a tiger! Elephants being forced to play football for viewers entertainment, again all in the name of commercial gain, I could go on.. So what you call selective reading I simply call confirmation of what I know already goes on, cruelty to animals for commercial gain. I have seen the monkeys paraded up and down the beach posing for tourist photos which i am very sure are just plucked from the wild. The world is a small place, we all trade together and with that brings certain standards that every country must adhere to, if you don't you will be called out on it and rightly so, don't really care if you think it is "grandstanding". Thailand is not exempt from this no matter how important it thinks it is. If Thailand does not comply it loses out on International trade and gets left behind, (hence the start of people boycotting coconut products) simple as that, if Thailand don't acknowledge and deal with it then trade will get worse. So call it nosey if you like but it is here to stay, your view is old fashioned and dying out. It's the way of the world and it will never, ever go away, get used to the 21st century fella..

    In a nutshell. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

    He came to Thailand and invested all his money in a bar with his girlfriend, she then kicked him out the bar , he was 65 and getting by teaching English .

      He had a bad stomach and he got taken to a Thai Gov hospital , they carried out a small procedure to keep him alive , small operation I think it was . Then informed him that he would need a major operation to remove and repair things and no guarantee of it being a success .

       They kept him on morphine for a few days until he died .

    Sorry about your friend.


    Sounds like a very sad and predictable story though. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, dave moir said:

    So you have proof that monkeys are beaten and chained up? Maybe have a leash? Sheep dogs are usually caged or put in a pen of some sort! When not working! But same principles the dog is worked to round up sheep the monkeys to collect coconuts!

    You have the option to not buy products that profit from animal exploitation same as British retailers have the option not to stock or sell them.


    2 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

    Plus the fact that every monkey i have seen picking coconuts appears to be quite happy. The place where i get my virgin oil from on Samui has several monkeys which they treat like family.


    I'm curious, how do you gauge happiness in a monkey from a few seconds interaction and next to no anthropological or zoological knowledge whatsoever?


  5. 3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    One of my elderly felang  friends developed a stomach tumor and the Gov hospital said that he needed an operation immediately to remove it or it would be fatal , he didnt have any money to pay for the operation  and three days later he died 

    Was this in Thailand?


    What was he doing with no money or insurance in a foreign country?


    Another reason why comprehensive health insurance should be mandatory for all retirees upon application for every visa and on annual extension.


    However, I am still of the belief that the Thais would have treated him if the condition was life threatening. 


    A lot of it comes down to communication too. If you are unable to understand or communicate in the local language then hospital visits and the like will be so much more stressful and the likelihood of misunderstandings will be high.


    Sad to say but it is not Thailand's problem to provide free health care to elderly and temporary visitors though, although some fold still seem to think it is...

    • Like 2
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  6. 24 minutes ago, Sharp said:

    He should take a trIp to Pattaya and Phuket and see the disaster unfolding there due to zero domestic and international travel..Definitely way more help  is needed for these guys in all aspects of tourism to survive the coming weeks or months

    Pattaya and Phuket have never been neglected like the North East of the country and the desperate situation for the rural poor up there.


    They have constantly thumbed their nose at the poorest of the country for years. 


    As a Bangkok native now living in Chonburi, I can't say I have much sympathy for either place or their inhabitants

    • Confused 2
  7. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    It is said that TIK TOK app is going to be band in Australia, not sure about other countries, because as it turns out this app found to be a Chinese based information mining app on it's users that are mainly young people...

    All these platforms, Google, Facebook etc. collect and use personal information, it is what makes them so valuable. 


    It's who is getting the information and what they are using it for that is the concern.


  8. 36 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    I did mean that we wouldnt get free treatment , like Thais do .

    Maybe the Thai in the UK wasnt eligible for free treatment on the NHS , just like we are not eligible for free treatment here, is what I meant 

    I am eligible for free treatment in Thailand as I have a work permit, pay my taxes and have a social security number.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 hours ago, seajae said:

    have a friend that trains them, they are very well taken care of and rewarded well for doing their job, there is nothing cruel about it. Peta are well known for their BS and what they say, thet are too eager to kill peoples pets when they get the chance too, their BS about sheep a few years ago was all fabricated by them as are most of what they say, peta are just as bad as antifa. Admittedly there may be a few bad owners that are not good with their monkeys but the far greater majority treat them exceptionally well, never seen chains on them either, its usually a neck ring and a rope, again we see businesses cow tailing to a rabid group same as they did with the blm BS, they are pathetic


    What a lot of apologist nonsense. 


    Animal exploitation for profit is wrong, end of story. 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    it was always forbidden to sell alcohol on Buddha holidays in Thailand.

    If you could or did happen to purchase alcohol on a Buddhist holiday, technically you are breaking the law and could be fined, it is most certain that the shop, bar or restaurant that sold it to you would be fined.


    so, no apology.  Alcohol sales have always been banned on Buddhist holidays.

    There were bars in Bangkok that would open on Buddha Days, election days and other times when there were alcohol bans. Hotels used to serve alcohol with no issues.


    My local bar in Bangkok never closed.


    Loads of bars would open and serve using coffee mugs. I was caught in one when the Police came in about 2004/5. 500thb later they left and we carried on. This was the norm.


    It may have been banned, but enforcement was non-existent, and many places were open.

  11. 8 hours ago, steven100 said:

    I have to disagree .....  the sale of alcohol on Buddha's holidays has been around for as long as i can remember. I've lived here 25+ yrs and i'm sure it was always the case. Unless i'm mistaken ...

    however, if what you say is correct then i apoligise.

    The government was dealing another severe blow to the already-battered tourism and entertainment industry by suddenly banning booze during Buddhist holidays next week, business leaders complained yesterday

    "This is the same old issue - the government rising up to destroy tourism. This does not parallel its tourism policy of increasing the number of visitors coming into the country," said Thai Hotels Association (THA) president Prakit Chinamourphong.

    Enforcement of the decree would hurt tourism venues, especially clubs and restaurants located in hotels, as well as general tourist attractions.

    "How can tourists can enjoy their holiday in Thailand without drinking? Like Phuket or Pattaya, they're coming for beaches and fun. They like to have beers and some drinks on the beach. If we ask them not to do so, they won't be happy," Prakit said.


    From The Nation article in the paper 1st July 2009. Link is dead now unfortunately.


    I accept your apologies. ????

  12. 15 hours ago, Excel said:

    Just as well then that the rest of the world does not take Thailand as a shining example, or for that matter their big pal China, as lies and deliberate under reporting has not occurred in civilised nations.



    Thailand has no cases with confirmed local transmissions for over a month.


    It must hurt seeing Thailand doing so well while your country fails so miserably.


    Oh well. Chok dee khrap.



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