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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Hard to assign blame, as a lack of competence is across the board here. They don't know about right of way and that is often where the problems begin.
  2. Indeed. Bearing in mind that if you touch coral or feed an endangered fish as a foreign tourist, there's hell to pay.
  3. Crane operators and inspectors have to be trained to Ministry of Labour requirements. From experience, we had Thai crane inspectors that attempted to sign off a crane without even looking at the crane for a couple of thousand Baht. Easy money for them and no loss of face or corrective maintenance to be done by the owner.
  4. Could be no pre-use checks performed on the sling before slinging the load. Or, they saw it was damaged but used it anyway due to lack of education and proper training. This is often the case, lifting equipment and accessories are in terrible condition here. Highly likely no thorough examination ever done on the equipment either. In the UK under LOLER it is mandatory every 6-months to ensure the accessories remain safe for continued use. Failure to comply is a criminal offence as LOLER is a Statutory Instrument (i.e. a regulation under the Health and Safety Act 1974 that everyone must follow). I have seen the training they provide locally to guys going offshore; rigging, crane op etc. All a total joke, trained by people that have never slung a tubular or operated an offshore crane in their lives. No idea of the hazards and dangers of actually lifting loads.
  5. Imagine how much the locally run operations are worth? Was this network in collusion with local officials? The article doesn't say.
  6. That doesn't happen just because you are mining the raw materials.
  7. Someone told me that in a bar in Bangkok back in 2003 not long after Thaksin was elected. I remember distinctly. Didn't turn out too well, and I doubt that prediction will either.
  8. Yup. The Thais have just found out that thousands of Russians don't have the means to stay and don't want to go home.
  9. I drive to Bangkok from Chonburi once a week. Never take my passport with me.
  10. More buffoonery and nonsense to distract from the fact that they are totally unable to manage and control the root causes of the problem. Expect more of this along with cloud seeding, spraying roads with water and other ineffective and ridiculous schemes to try to deflect from their almost total incompetence.
  11. Indeed. The entire farce is a total embarrassment for Thailand. A Thailand which is pretending to be modern and developed, but is still mired in corruption, double standards and cronyism.
  12. Who is going to enforce though? They are all too corrupt and/or lazy. Taking 1,000thb to issue a cert saying everything is safe or to pass an audit instead of doing the job properly is the norm here. Money Number One!
  13. Hard to find time to patrol when the mai noi or gik needs some attention or you are drunk on JW Black.
  14. There was an explosion in a fireworks factory in Suphan Buri earlier today, 23 dead so far.
  15. The Chidchobs or Buriram Mafia, stabbed Thaksin in the back in 2008 when they jumped ship to form a government with the Democrats after the 'Judicial Coup'. In my experience, most, if not all of them play this game with nominee companies and awarding mates contracts, it's how they get so filthy rich on government salaries.
  16. Doesn't look like a gangster does he? Face of a man you can trust.
  17. Another firework explosion and more needless deaths, but NOTHING is ever learned and nothing changes.
  18. It's hard to believe their IQ is over 80 sometimes, but in truth it is just lies and misdirection from their inability to manage and control the problem adequately.
  19. Eh? Most flights were cancelled for around 10 days. The closure of the airports cost the country billions. Aye ok then Somchai.
  20. Those tessaban goons (park police) wearing masks outside look like complete idiots. It's amazing how petty and vindictive Thais can become when foreigners are involved.
  21. This plane flew over my house before crashing, it was so loud and unusual I went outside to look at it flying overhead.
  22. Don't be obtuse. Doing a risk assessment and proper planning of where to put the sign so it does not pose a hazard to pedestrians. As usual, half-job done, now they have to come back and do it all again.
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