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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. That is what businesses pay the Police for in Thailand. Protection money.
  2. Just because you have never seen it doesn't mean it has never happened. Also, how is their behaviour obviously bad if you haven't seen any evidence? 🤡
  3. Already happened several times, last time they killed some guy on Soi Buakow I believe.
  4. Why are so many of the girls trying to protect the farangs if they broke a girl's nose? Wouldn't they be joining in? Odd.
  5. One or two miscreants aside, the vast majority of visitors do respect the laws of the country. It's the locals that seem not to.
  6. Thaksin is back in control and he is notoriously anti-drugs. Remember his war on drugs, extra-judicial killings, etc.
  7. More than once, several times in fact, over 34 years here. Had a gun waved at me, had a guy on a motorcycle get off and kick my mirror etc. Lost count of the amount of times of aggressive driving. Also saw a taxi driver take an iron bar from his cab and attack a bus driver at 5pm rush hour on Soi 22 in central Bangkok. Bus was full of tourists. So yeh, road rage is very common here.
  8. Business was operating in a residential area. Didn't need to inform the authorities they were operating, and even if they did, would anything change? Guaranteed, that there was no risk assessment performed for their activities. Would be interesting to know if they were inspecting and testing their bottles, some of those in photos look old and corroded. Untrained and underpaid staff, probably working too long hours per day and per week. Lack of basic health and safety training for the staff. Probably not competent to handle these cylinders (refilling, manual handling, moving loads, dangerous goods etc.) either. Using unsuitable, poorly maintained and likely modified and overloaded vehicles for transporting dangerous goods. Etc. If this had happened in the UK, expect big fines and criminal prosecution for the business owner.
  9. Once all the rotten rice begins to sell she’ll be back and all will be forgiven.
  10. Road rage is extremely common in Thailand. I had an older Thai man block my vehicle, get out and try to open my vehicle door before trying to spit in the window, all the while hurling obscenities about foreigners. This was just for beeping the horn at him.
  11. Is that why they throw plastic bottles and bags out of their vehicles on a regular basis? Flytip their rubbish anywhere they please? I see very little evidence of what you state.
  12. Because the vast majority of them would then be living in fear of similar punishment.
  13. I know of at least two cases the DSI were investigating that mysteriously went away… after this guy's departure! Seems very much like business as usual.
  14. Get back to me when the street protests begin.
  15. A lot of them are capable of exploding in this manner and exhibiting extreme violence when face or money is lost.
  16. Calling the Police is most often a fruitless exercise.
  17. 'Mental Health Issues' Seems to be a common excuse for bad and irresponsible behaviour here.
  18. I think you have answered your own question there.
  19. Evidently not though. He's back and running things and nobody seems to care.
  20. Most of the rescue services in Thailand are all volunteers (not sure about arrangements at the airports), and started as Thai-Chinese Buddhist Organisations. Examples include the Por Tek Tung in Bangkok and Sawang Boriboon in Pattaya. That explains the use of Chinese script on their logos etc.
  21. Thank Buddha! Now bring Yingluck back immediately.
  22. I have been on some hairy flights in my time, especially when I was in the Army... Only a couple of times on big civilian airliners, though, it certainly isn't a pleasant experience.
  23. There are no weight restrictions to do a BOSIET, apparently. When I did mine in Thailand, they passed (fit) guys that could not get out of the helicopter without assistance. When I did it in the UK years ago, all the people that could not do it failed the course. OPITO courses apparently, but double standards seem to be applied. 🤷‍♂️
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