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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Waited until he sobered up and turned himself in. Back as a cockroach in the next life buddy!
  2. Who recommended or introduced the company selling the devices? Who did the due diligence? Who authorised the purchases? Who authorised the payments to the company selling the devices? Who was head of the agencies that took delivery of the devices? Who ordered them to be used in the field despite knowing they were fake and did not work? Who continued to deny the devices were fake and tried to convince the public? Who was responsible for imprisoning and jailing innocent people based on the 'evidence' provided by these fake devices? Very, very easy to follow the paper trail, check bank accounts and find those responsible. All at the highest levels of course. All involved should be punished severely. Typical Thai clownshow as usual though.
  3. Hit and running is a national sport. I can understand not wanting to stop, out of fear you will be attacked or beaten, but if you don't turn yourself in immediately afterwards i.e. drive directly to the nearest Police station then you are hiding something or trying to evade capture and this should incur a long jail sentence.
  4. Crossing these types of roads without using an over or underpass is very dangerous in Thailand. Even using zebra crossings there is no guarantee of safety. Hit and running seems to be common here, maybe jail sentences and publicity thereof would have some impact in changing this culture.
  5. There was a live crab on the baggage carousel at DMK airport yesterday too. There will be a LOT more of this stuff now that the Chinese do not need visas to enter.
  6. I've run autos on 12/12 with arguably better results than those I ran on 18/6. It's all about the Daily Light Integral (DLI). Optimise your DLI and you will get great results. Loads of folk run autos outdoors in SEA because the light schedule outside makes it near impossible to grow big photoperiods unless you run lights as @UKJASE and @SamuiGrower suggest. I've grown autos outside here in Thailand with no issues. The main issue with imported photoperiod strains not from this region is that they may stress herm if they flower too early. Always flip your plants after they show sex. It's probably the biggest cause of hermaphroditism that most novice growers don't know about. Get a cheap tent if you can, that will keep the rain off them outside and give them a fighting chance. I've got a 3x2m tent in the garden, and it is good for 6-8 large plants. Happy growing!
  7. A few months in the temple as the abbot's apprentice will fix him.
  8. If it allowed a 14 year old, mentally ill child to shoot guns and steal ammo, then of course.
  9. The amount they actually found or the amount they stated was found?
  10. Does your gf or wife own them? There are a lot of contradictions on this and other related threads. Thailand is really safe with low rates of break-ins and then on the other hand folk claiming they need firearms for home protection.
  11. Wait until they claim he was on cannabis as an excuse to recriminalize it. ????
  12. I work on the principle that everyone here is mentally ill, unless proven otherwise.
  13. Will he hand over the guns he owns and relinquish membership of the various shooting ranges that he may be a member of? ????
  14. I just stated a fact. Thailand has a conscript army, not a professional one. Now off you pop, there's a good lad.
  15. Have this basket of chicken essence with our apologies.
  16. Read, learn and understand the terms properly: A regular army may be: A conscript army, including professionals, volunteers and also conscripts (presence of enforced conscription, including recruits for the standing army and also a compulsory reserve). A professional army, with no conscripts (absence of compulsory service, and presence of a voluntary reserve). I repeat: Thailand has a conscript army, not a professional one. Bold is mine for emphasis.
  17. The Police HQ is where they take bribes to process your criminal record check quicker. TiT.
  18. As a foreigner, you are not legally allowed to own a firearm though?
  19. Thailand was defeated in WWII, along with Germany and Japan. Churchill wanted them properly punished for atrocities on Thai soil, but American colonial aspirations let them off lightly.
  20. Nonsense. Robberies and home burglaries are very common here. Why do you think there are bars on all the windows?
  21. Maybe that is the intention, to thin out the foreign retiree herd? In any case, this will be the usual Thai debacle, a mess, and total confusion.
  22. If they can't get folk on motorbikes to wear helmets, they've got no chance with this one.
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