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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Doing anything effective to reduce road accidents is way beyond their ability unfortunately. I see all the usual 'checkpoints' are being setup all around Pattaya and the U-turns are being blocked. Didn't work the last few years won't work this year. I wonder if they ever stop and think, "we did this last year and it had f all effect, why don't we try something different?" ????
  2. I was in the DLT a few weeks ago with my ex-Thai gf and there was this old woman, must have been 80 or older doing the tests and she failed every one including colour blindness, reaction and depth perception. License was still granted however, I saw a staff member give it to her with my own eyes, along with all the sycophantic waiing and bowing to a much older person. They will never improve the driving standards here, it is far beyond their intelligence, will and ability.
  3. Says X-mas freebie on the sticker. Probably didn't bother to trim it that well if it was being given away for free...
  4. Mine all got through bar one order. I've not risked it again since then but might in the future.
  5. You still need to register to grow, there's no way around that. The problem with importing is that Customs are stopping and inspecting packages. They caught one of mine from Attitude Seedbank and it cost me a couple of thousand to get them to give me the seeds. It was addressed to the Thai gf and they wanted to see an invoice/bill of sale etc. and were threatening her with all sorts. Mumzas.
  6. RTP are desperate for cash at the moment. I've heard that they were in a neighbouring moo baan checking houses if they had licenses to grow. No license it was an 'on the spot' fine. If you have registered on the app there's nothing they can do. It is legal to own and grow cannabis now and if you register they can't touch you. They will definitely be using peoples' uncertainty about the laws to extort money.
  7. Fastbuds Banana Purple Punch Autoflower due for the chop today. The other phenotypes are markedly different from this one. The second one is shorter has no purple traits at all, but is still frosty and looks potent. The third has almost black buds and a huge main cola (see image below). All seeds were from the same packet.
  8. I would add to this also that they are simply not interested, they didn't join the force for this, they joined to make money and so they would command respect in uniform. The main goals are to self-enrich through corruption, bribery and extortion.
  9. They can keep doing this until there is a massive backlash, Thammasat massacre or Rajaprasong killings all over again. It's coming, just keep pushing and there's bound to be the eventual reaction.
  10. There are also restrictions on the military from mounting coups and running the country. Guess that doesn't work here either.
  11. He's living in plain sight and could be apprehended at a moment's notice if the Thais had the will. They've been paid off to turn a blind eye and this is usual lip service to make it look as if they are actually doing something.
  12. Money for giant casinos, so that local politicians can drive around Phnom Penh in their Maybachs. No money for essential services such as Fire and rescue. Hopefully the people will wake up one day.
  13. He was either drunk or a very poorly skilled driver to crash a Yaris. Either way, he's a muppet. ????
  14. There are no coincidences here. Chinese triad activity has been clamped down upon as it has encroached on local activity and the communists have complained. It doesn't get more obvious. Thailand and China share that trait of using threats and intimidation to keep people from telling the truth.
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