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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Don't be shocked, this stuff is common in Pattaya and its environs. When I lived in Bangkok in the 2000's I saw a student get stabbed by a gang of other students in Panthip Plaza in the mid-afternoon. Blood everywhere, dozens of tourists shocked watching from the pedestrian bridge. One American woman even threw up as the guy was lying there bleeding out until a tuk-tuk took him away.
  2. Interesting that Thais would choose to visit the country that finally colonised them in the '40's, despite apparently Thais being so proud of never being colonised. One thing Japan does very well, is keeping their citizens completely ignorant of their real history, including that of the Second World War, a trait that is evidently shared by the Thai education system.
  3. These stories should serve as warnings to all visitors as to what this place is really like.
  4. That statement could be sentiment expressed by Hitler himself and many of his acolytes.
  5. As if the insult of being conned into buying one of these Elite Cards wasn't enough, they steal your bags too! ????
  6. Basically totally worthless. Lose half points for driving about peshes, go watch a video, get all points back and repeat. Thailand needs a strong deterrent, which none of these inadequate and incompetent feardies are able enough to implement. Probably because they are all getting peshed up themselves and driving home in expensive cars.
  7. Check out Siam Seeds (Google will reveal the url). They have some flowers at reasonable prices. I know the owner (Thai woman) and she has some decent stuff. They got a sale on at the moment.
  8. Thailand is one of the World's worst ocean polluters. No way to blame foreigners this time, unless it is the Chinese, who are even worse.
  9. Ah, life's simple pleasures. And let's be honest, most of them wouldn't know what good food or drink was (hint: it ain't chicken feet soup and Johnny Walker whisky), You omitted sleep from that list too. ????
  10. Unfortunately that is Thailand all over. Jobs for incompetent and lazy mates to gain face. Jobs for less qualified and experienced Thai individuals because the boss doesn't like foreigners. I've seen it all here. Company I used to work for was taken over by another bigger company (I won't be naming names but many of you will know it), and a new Chairman was installed. The Chairman (another crony) grew on the back of the very competent, young Western manager, but eventually wanted to replace the Western manager with his mate, a local Thai, with no relevant skills, experience or knowledge about the industry or products the company was producing. This was possibly due to the Chairman being xenophobic, the two clashing over the direction of the company and strategy, or most likely, a combination of both. Eventually the Chairman's ego got out of control and he made it untenable for the young manager to stay so the manager left. Shortly after the young manager departed the problems started to appear; dissatisfaction from the line staff having to be managed by someone who was arrogant and incompetent, failing compliance audits, HSE being ignored, discipline out of control, equipment and maintenance failures etc. Shortly after losing its best asset the company started a slow decline into eventual insolvency and closure. It eventually closed a couple of years later putting 50 Thais out of work.
  11. This is why it's such a basket case. People in jobs they shouldn't be in, with no prerequisite skills or knowledge and only in it for the money. Money Number One.
  12. It does in Thailand, where foreigners are expected to be completely subservient to their flawed culture without criticism or complaint.
  13. You mean like this? The soldier in Nakhon Ratchasima that killed 29 and injured 58? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhon_Ratchasima_shootings
  14. The altered sign with 'wellcome to Thailand we have condom we have KY, take care good' etc. a bit too close to the truth for EXAT it seems. ????
  15. I had the misfortune to work with a guy like this and he had 6000+ unread emails in his inbox and accused others of poor management and communication. A total buffoon. Imagine the state of the rest of his house, probably like the field after a gypsy's wedding.
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