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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. I would assume the orders were not given because of lack of competence, i.e. lack of proper training and assessment, lack of proper drills, etc. However it could be the case that they don't even have proper ERPs or at least didn't follow them. Probably panicked when the emergency occurred and realised very quickly they were way out of their depth (no pun intended).
  2. Face, money and position are higher priorities than competence and safety here. I've been working in Thailand for 33 years and I have quite a lot to say about training and maintenance. None of it good though. You can put all the measures; management systems, procedures etc. in place but they will never be adhered to. Some inadequate, little man with an ego will eventually come along and think he knows better.
  3. As he is in command he is the person ultimately responsible for everything that happens on the vessel, in terms of culpability and liability, even though it may have been someone else's mistake that caused this. In addition, he is the person responsible for managing any major accident event, his ability and competence to manage the emergency as the incident commander is a function of his role as Captain.. One wonders if he was competent enough, given the poor training and competency management apparent in every vocation here. RIP to the dead sailors.
  4. They drive like total nutters all over the Eastern Seaboard so no surprise.
  5. Bit of rusting on the leaves of this Mephisto Genetics Creme de la Chem. Looking forward to this one. Seeds were from Siam Seeds. Grown in coco and perlite with Nutra Hydroponics nutes from Lazada.
  6. Night Moves by Exotic Genetix. Got these seeds directly from the breeder (pack of 6 all feminized). These are 5 weeks old. I have just defoliated / lollipopped them and will scrog four of them in the 4x2 tent. The other two I have put outside for possible cross-breeding.
  7. Fastbuds 420 Banana Purple Punch Auto fading nicely, only a few days away from harvest. Loaded with trichs and a nice purple colour under the pistils. Seeds were purchased from www.siamseeds.com
  8. I am recommending www.siamseeds.com for seeds. They are in Thailand and all orders are shipped from within Thailand in case you are worried about Customs. I recently had an order from Attitude in the UK stopped by Customs who stung me a few thousand baht to receive the package... I got my Fastbuds and Mephisto Genetics autoflower seeds from Siam Seeds at reasonable cost and just about to harvest. I've posted photos in the 'Photos of my Grow' thread.
  9. Is the ex-naval officer who is stating the hull was cracked also "saying things about something he knows nothing about"? ????
  10. AMM on Twittter reporting more personnel were brought on board for a 'ceremony' just before the ship sunk.
  11. Why is one of the goons shining a torch on the road? Also, the article/video is incorrect. No need to have an actual shop to get a license. The Police are muddled in their rules, there are absolutely no restrictions on buying cannabis for any reason whatsoever.
  12. Tell me you weren't in Thailand for the good times without telling me you weren't in Thailand for the good times.
  13. Lost. Too thick to know better, to lazy to educate themselves, too cowardly to form their own opinion. Thais will never stop wearing masks for the reasons I have outlined above.
  14. The checkups would be as bad as the maintenance, if any were done at all. They are also scared to tell the truth here, that the ship would not be fit for service do you reckon a lowly seaman or technician would dare report that to a senior officer? Their flawed culture prohibits it.
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