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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Tell that to Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland and many other countries that still exist thanks to the Brits and the US intervention in WWII.
  2. To install and prop up puppet regimes like those in Vietnam and Cambodia and to bomb innocent civilians as you did in the Secret War in Laos and Cambodia, which ultimately caused a genocide? ????
  3. I noticed that too. The Thai Enquirer is getting a reputation and not a good one at that.
  4. They have facial recognition in many areas now including on cars which patrol regularly.
  5. Lot's of great cheeses at reasonable prices available at Siam Expat Foods and Siamburry's in Pattaya.
  6. Why is he apologising to the Thai people? ????
  7. This country is built on corruption. One door closes, but another one opens.
  8. Didn't notice the plates. A lot of Chonburi residents have their vehicles registered in Bangkok btw.
  9. Indeed. Off to the Police after initiating the confrontation then losing face. Predictable.
  10. Didn't think tourists could own vehicles? Certainly can't register them on a tourist visa. Didn't seem to stop the metallic blue Suzuki Swift I saw pelting down there at 7:30pm yesterday. Doing 60+ down Buakhao without a care for anyone else's safety.
  11. I saw a serious motorbike accident yesterday on Sukhumvit Road near the Laem Chabang Expressway junction, where they have recently completed construction of the overpass. In fact, more often than not, when I am on my way to work or back I see the aftermath of serious accidents. Lost count of the near misses I see daily. Two days ago, there was an accident involving a large truck at the RongPo intersection that had traffic jammed up at the lights for hours.
  12. Too sensible. Some folks just like to control others and enjoy telling people what to do.
  13. Hope they enjoyed the relegation party and are there for the next one in 2024. ????
  14. Congratulations to Petrodollar Human Rights Abusers FC for winning the title this year. Next year it will be more difficult as FC Petrodollar Journo Killers will be right up there with new investment. How much money will they spend to buy the title? So exciting.
  15. All about his connections to the Buriram Mafia and how he played politics to amass his fortune. It was free to read for me btw.
  16. Interesting article from the FT after Vichai's death: https://www.ft.com/content/2696c26e-dc2d-11e8-9f04-38d397e6661c
  17. The son does not share the father's business acumen by all accounts.
  18. Wish them no luck and hope they end up in League One.
  19. Relisting it as a narcotic is madness. There must be tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Thais growing legally since June 2022. As usual they will make a mess of anything they attempt to do with vague rules, absurd regulations and selective enforcement.
  20. He was hospitalized because, as he alleges, he was poisoned by a Thai restaurant in Cambodia. Hardly just a bout of the squirts, and it may have been deliberate.
  21. It says in the article he was prohibited from entering Thailand because he insulted Muay Thai. If you have evidence to the contrary, post it here. If not, best keep your unfounded speculations to yourself, no?
  22. “As a consequence of his insulting remarks against Muay Thai, Leduc was prohibited from entering Thailand and is currently residing in Cambodia.” Soft skinned folk, these Thais.
  23. This is a frustration in many industries here. When i was working offshore as an ops manager I had to attend meetings with clients to explain the company’s scope of services as the Chairman, other top management and the sales and marketing team didn’t know. They would always go to the meetings though as they wanted to show they were the bosses and I couldn't help but feel their resentment as they were woefully out of their depth. I remember the Chairman lecturing me that he could always learn about oil and gas. A total buffoon. I ended up winning the biggest contract they ever got and they proceeded to do everything to undermine me and mess it up because, presumably, they didn't want to do the extra work. Thai generals (Police and Military) have next to no business acumen whatsoever.
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