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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. You are not allowed to touch a member of the master race. Foreigners are fair game however.
  2. Some? The majority as evidenced by my daily experiences. Careful. Defamation,. The family of the deceased might press charges.
  3. They can have as many coups as they want, this place will always be a basket case.
  4. My friend's bar was shut down on the pretense of this ridiculous 2pm to 5pm alcohol sales rule, while hundreds and possibly thousands of other bars continued to operate as normal. Not sure why he was targeted for harassment. He has mostly daytime trade from tourists who like a drink and food. Luckily it did not have much effect and anyway he has oil and gas cash from his other job. Just another nonsense law used by inept and corrupt Thais to trouser the honest guy's cash.
  5. A few farmers topped themselves over the rice pledging scheme and Yingluck was pilloried and vilified constantly on here. This government presides over an increase in suicides of 1,000 persons and nary a peep from the closet fascists on here. Strange. ????
  6. This has all the makings of another incredible story a la the Tham Luang cave rescue. I hope he makes it out alive.
  7. I have some of the 4g and 8g Boveda 62% Starting the dry and cure process on a couple of plants now, so will report back on how I get on.
  8. There was a big mass shooting here in early 2020. Former soldier killed 29 during a rampage in a shopping mall with automatic weapons. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-thailand-shooting-idUKKBN2020T7
  9. Cool, thanks. I'm registered on that forum, I will go and look at that section later today!
  10. I agree, but you have to remember these people worship money and have dubious morals. There's nothing wrong in doing this in their eyes. Also, because they have to prove financial requirements to go to Western countries its probably a bit of tit for tat.
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