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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Shouldn't have been driving in the first place. Lucky no-one else was injured or killed due to his selfish actions and negligence.
  2. There are a number of reasons why this incident could have happened. The article suggests that he was working without proper fall arrest equipment at height (at the edge of the shaft). The time take to effect extraction of the casualty and the fact a crane had to be used probably means the rescue equipment wasn't in situ, thus a rescue plan was not in place. Really basic stuff that could have easily prevented this happening.
  3. I have fond memories of the footlong hotdogs from the 7/11 in the late 90's early 00's. They were proper footlong hotdogs in buns! They even had a dressing station with mustard and onions!
  4. Neither is your US Dollar, nor any other currency not backed by precious metals.
  5. Indeed. If he knew about it previously then he is definitely negligent and caused this child's death. I suspect he has just tried to do a runner though, as usual.
  6. I agree, they are similar scenarios, but one is extremely rich, connected, and able to pay his way out of trouble, the other is poor. Remember Thailand has one of the biggest disparities between rich and poor on the planet. Hope that clarifies.
  7. Good luck deporting her from the UK. 😂
  8. That's what they all say until you yourself actually know top coppers, politicians etc. and find out Thai birds are full of nonsense. 😁
  9. She probably can't or doesn't drive, and doesn't want their lifestyle disrupted.
  10. They will never learn that it is not safe to ride in the back of a pickup, especially with the amount of idiots on the roads here. Honda CRV clearly at fault, driving without due care and attention.
  11. The only reason is that it is a captive market. People are flying out and have no other choice, which is why all the food vendors airside are overpriced. They don't pay their staff much more for working at the airport, the rents are no excuse as I mentioned before, and they probably have a higher footfall than other locations.
  12. Phuket has been a no-go area for me for 20 years because it is full of rip-offs and dislikeable local oiks. I reneged on this vow during C***D so I could have a week in a 6-star resort almost alone with empty beaches for pennies, but the embargo is back in force now. 😂
  13. They are probably used to tourists just bending over and taking it raw, rather than complaining and pointing out it is a rip-off (which it is). Don't give me the high rents excuse, the airport was built with taxpayer's money and the AOT is 70% government owned. A good comparison would be with the airport in KL, Malaysia, where prices of food vendors are much in line with those in the city centre. Food prices at Thai airports are a rip-off, end of.
  14. Licensing in Thailand is a total joke, as is most of the safety training, especially for marine and offshore. Anyone know what the requirements for a boat pilot licence are in Thailand? I have my Liberian OIM and Barge licence, and that wasn't easy, had to do about 10 different courses, exams etc. to get it.
  15. Illegal logging made the Generals millions back in the day. Mostly teak but other trees too.
  16. You can now buy an EV that will do 0-60mph in 4 seconds for a little over a million Baht. Recipe for disaster in the hands of the unskilled and arrogant driver.
  17. I see Thais discarding rubbish from the windows of their vehicles on a regular basis.
  18. It's a Thai boat carrying British tourists, being controlled irresponsibly and recklessly by a Thai.
  19. The Chinese-Thai gangsters and their local henchmen (flour smuggler etc.) will turn this country into a cesspit, unless another coup prevents it.
  20. Bangkok one of the most polluted cities in the World today. Enjoy your vacation peeps. 🤣
  21. Thailand isn't a safe country. It has always had very poor standards of health and safety and not much has changed in that regard in the 33 years I have lived and worked here. In the 90's and early 00's, Thailand was the most dangerous tourism destination for Brits, Aussies, and Swedes.
  22. Deserves jail for being called Beau.
  23. He will continue to hold a Thai driving licence, the medical check for fitness-to-drive is a complete joke here and can be paid for with 100thb. If indeed he does suffer from narcolepsy (he doesn't), then he may eventually kill someone if allowed to operate a motor vehicle or other machinery. He may end up killing someone anyway, fortunately he didn't in this instance.
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