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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Sosen. I think the higher priced FC8000 have the Meanwell drivers. Happy with this light, it matches the FC8000 for performance and beats it on value.
  2. @tomster General Hydroponics locally manufactured equivalent here: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4019116460-s15608049958.html Local mycorrhizae powder here: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mycorrhiza-i2384025291-s13508104047.html?
  3. I swear by Mars Hydro kit, it always performs. I run a FC-E8000 in my 5x5 tent and it is awesome. Cannot be run at full power without additional CO2 though.
  4. They are locked out of nutrients, possibly due to hot soil, lack of oxygen in the soil and overwatering would be my guess. I recently had the same problem growing seedlings in Thai soil that was ready-mixed to grow cannabis. I foolishly thought I could just let them grow in soil and water with low maintenance, top feeding now and again. Within days of emerging they started to turn yellow and were locked out of nutrients. I repotted them in my coco and perlite mix and fed them synthetic nutrients, within 48 hours they were back to life again and a lush green colour. Now they have doubled in size in 24 hours and going great guns. I have had far better results with coco than soil here, even when have premixed the soil myself.
  5. This is a trait exhibited at all levels of Thai society. Making it up as they go along.
  6. In my experience, Thais can't manage complex and dangerous activities and have little understanding of health and safety, risk assessment and implementation of control measures.
  7. Neither is Cambodia and there is hardly any tax on imported wine there.
  8. I swear by Bluelab kit now, the pH pen is waterproof and I can leave it dangling In the nute bucket. I got mine on Lazada for about 4,000thb. I also have the Bluelab truncheon for checking EC which I use daily and the soil pH tester.
  9. The Thais have already stated they are not buying the weapons systems for these planes. The whole thing is quite farcical really.
  10. If he is a criminal why is he not under arrest and still free to travel where he wishes outside of Thailand? ????
  11. All businesses like this have them on the payroll in one way or another. You can be sure negotiations are ongoing behind the scenes to protect certain people. From another article but relevant here: Ronnarong Kaewpetch, the President of the Network of Campaigning for Justice (NCJ), led the families of 13 victims to the Crime Suppression Division this afternoon, August 15th, to call for the Division to be responsible for the venue investigation instead of the local police, reasoning that they were afraid of influential people in the area and thought that the police and local government may have conflicts of interest. The NCJ president brought some evidence to the division officials and demanded them to investigate three concerning issues, including whether there were government officials and/or influential people involved in the entertainment venue that could have some interests or whether the alleged owner, Sia B, who was currently prosecuted was the true owner of the establishment. https://tpnnational.com/2022/08/15/families-and-relatives-of-mountain-b-victims-urge-crime-suppression-division-to-take-charge-of-venue-investigation-to-prevent-dishonesty/ The lesson is to never, ever trust these people.
  12. The debt continues to mount up for this boondoggle. Must be 500 billion thb in debt now surely?
  13. What have cannabis dispensaries got to do with nightclubs or the Mountain B fire? Nothing, that's what.
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