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Everything posted by RobU

  1. This is about the attempted cover up which he is complicit in. It says he has further charges pending perhaps murder or accessory to murder is one of them (I hope)
  2. As I said. The kick will have been hard and very painful to create such a mark. Not a mountain out of a molehill but a very serious assault. Why do you think he's being held in police custody
  3. Irrelevant comment I merely pointed out that Joe Ferrari has been convicted and imprisoned
  4. She was injured, pictures have been posted of the red mark on her back caused by the kick. It must have hurt a lot to create such a mark
  5. There is a video of the incident on the internet most people have seen
  6. His business is registered as a charity which is supposed to care for mistreated elephants. It is effectively a petting zoo which changes for admission. He hired elephants from local mahouts to pad out the zoo. The 'charity' only actually has one elephant. He is the managing director and takes all the profits as salary and bonuses. He was allowed a work visa only because he is supposed to be a charity director. However it is just a business for him to get money. The victim was injured photos have been published of the red mark left on her back caused by the kick, to create a red mark like that the kick must have hurt her. All of this has been published you need to look at all the previous posts over the past few weeks. Before making your trollish comments
  7. He kicked her and caused injury the red mark where he kicked her has been published. he was aggressive. He creates problems for other expats since the incident has given an excuse for Thai racists to start a campaign against foreigners. Hence expats despise him.
  8. Surely this is a late April Fools joke. 2 years for ordering a murder? Obviously the Thai legal system is highly corrupt, a joke in itself. He should have got life.
  9. I made no excuses for anyone I merely stated a fact that using a swimming pool is far easier than trying to walk on land and hydrotherapy is used the world over to assist the weak and disabled. You might look at what I said logically rather than in your emotionally skewed manner. Using a swimming pool does not mean that a person is not disabled or weak hence most of the arguments on this thread are invalid. The article does not state that the dumbells are the childrens toys. It says that people are accusing him of them being the children's toys.
  10. Swimming pools are used by physiotherapists to assist patients with mobility problems. It is easier for patients to stand and mobilise in a pool. Note that he is holding flotation devices in both hands. Probably to stabilise him.
  11. All these problems with escalators and travelators makes me wonder if it's the same company building and maintaining them. Today's news is that a woman in China has been seriously injured on a travelator in exactly the same circumstances as the incident at swampy airport. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-68764794
  12. I always find it very cold in airports definitely not comfortable
  13. I never thought of it that way. You are so right. All of the balanced gay men I know despise gay activists and are extremely dubious of the gay pride movement they just want to get on with life. It's all about money too. The war against discrimination has been won but charitable organisations like Stonewall need to keep pushing because they would lose income and eventually fade away because they are no longer necessary. Charity bosses make big money
  14. I don't care. (Sniffs and tosses head preciously) I hate horrid people
  15. Yes they are. What is your problem? Gay couples will just have to do the same as heterosexual couples. Or do you want 'special' fast track treatment because you are gay?
  16. Of course it will be. It is the only way to get legally married here.
  17. What utter rubbish. We have just held the funeral of a gay man in our village. The whole village turned out to mourn and honour him including me. Many important local officials also attended. Thailand has always tolerated homosexuality the big problem I find is precious gay foreigners who bring their baggage and big chips on their shoulders with them looking for discrimination and taking insult where there is none. My own recent experience was criticising a stupid policeman who discharged a gun because he had an argument with his boyfriend, some people on this forum jumped in trying to state that i was criticising him because he was gay
  18. I wonder why someone put a confused emoticon to my statement above? Does that person have difficulty reading English?
  19. Yes it is. The factory producing it has been identified https://thepattayanews.com/2024/04/07/chonburi-officials-uncovered-cadmium-waste-in-warehouse/
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