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Everything posted by RobU

  1. I haven't got a clue what your point is. What has Thaksin got to do with it?
  2. What an excellent way of identifying future political trouble causers. Catch 'em young and prevent them from going to university. Problem solved before it even arises
  3. Respect to the man, he tried with no resources. Shame they didn't just take him to his destination
  4. Sorry mate I don't understand your post can you clarify please?
  5. To me it as a disabled person is reasonable that able bodied passengers take priority. Multiple people can be evacuated in the time it takes for a slow moving cripple like me to get out. More people are saved in an emergency and staff are not endangered trying to help me.
  6. There's thousands of us aliens in Thailand we are from the planet Expat
  7. Yes very strange. There's something a bit fishy about this story but I can't quite put my finger on it.
  8. I think more like a dangerous psychopath looking for a female victim to kidnap, assault and probably murder
  9. She was prudent not to give him a lift. It's not as if the were in the middle of nowhere. It's obviously a built up area and he could have walked on to catch a bus or a taxi. He seems violent and may have been searching for lone women drivers to vent his aggression on.
  10. I did read a few years ago that intelligence is not an essential quality for top management and board members
  11. What about Diane Abbott's published racist remarks against white people? All she got was a kiss on the wrist and continuation in public office. Seems like one law for her because she is part of a 'minority' and another law for the ethnic group that she racially abuses.
  12. This is far too coincidental since Boeing are under close scrutiny and his winning the case could have been the last straw.
  13. What annoys me is that our glorious leaders kow tow to minority 'moralists' instead of recognising it exists and always has existed. It should be recognised and support systems should be in place just like any other 'profession' , instead of trying to sweep it under the carpet. Brothels are a lot safer for the girls than streetwalking or visiting clients homes and security guards can be employed
  14. Personal Escort perhaps? Definitely not prostitute 🤣
  15. Adult sex work (prostitution) is legal in the UK. However it is illegal to advertise, solicit on the streets or run a brothel. 2 women can work from one property classed as self employed as long as they are discreet
  16. There was an attempt by one famous lady Cynthia Payne to register her occupation as a prostitute for tax purposes. HMRC refused to accept her registration. She wrote a book about her experiences running a brothel
  17. I think perhaps it is about proportion. The number of foreigners committing crimes and anti social behaviour may be disproportionate. The percentage of foreigners may be higher. 1000 foreigners out of a population of 10000 is a higher percentage than 1000 Thai's out of a population of 68 million
  18. Yeh, we're the best. Brittania rules the waves or should it be Britannia waives the rules? We are well hard innit.
  19. Strange, the man is obviously violent and unpredictable. Perhaps with mental issues.
  20. Facts 1. The Elephant Sanctuary is a Charity and is under investigation for renting Elephants from local mahouts as stated by the Governor. (I understand that he has only 1 Elephant actually owned by the charity) 2. He is/was resident in Thailand on a business visa obtained because he is the chief executive of the charity as stated by the Governor. 3. Charities are allowed to sell services and make charges as long as the profits go back into the Charity. 4. As Chief Executive he draws pay from the profits of the charity and can pay himself all the profits if he wishes by paying himself a fixed amount and award himself any excess profit above his salary as a bonus. This is all quite legal. 5. He is not married to his female partner. 6. He appears to have a license for 2 guns. An investigation is in progress to determine how he got the license. (Someone has informed me that the guns are licensed to the charity but is still illegal for foreigners handle guns in Thailand and 2 handguns would be useless against a rampaging elephant so the validity of the license is dubious) 7. The property is rented and the steps from the beach were built illegally on the public beach. 8. 10 properties so far on the estate have been declared illegally built on public land an investigation is in progress to determine how the developers were allowed to build there. 9. The lady he assaulted is entitled to be called Dr because although she is in training she works as a doctor. (Medical students in doing their degree spend their final year working on the wards as junior doctors under supervision to gain practical experience and are entitled to be called doctor. Post graduate doctors have to undergo further training and are still regarded as trainees although they work without direct supervision and are salaried members of staff. The term 'Doctor' as applied to medical graduates is an honorary title since they do not have a PhD. A medical degree is 4 years but all doctors then have to do another 4 years post graduate training)
  21. You are right my apologies to other members and yourself
  22. Do you not get the message? My post was hypothetical. Partially joking. You then began to insult me as though I was being serious. i.e 'another one who doesn't know'. Grow up. Just correcting me would have been enough. But you had to add a demeaning comment
  23. As I said in my hypothetical post that is exactly what he would want
  24. Please forgive me🙏 I am so sorry. However if he has no money and no credit who pays for his deportation?
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