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Everything posted by RobU

  1. 'And moments later' The operative phrase There was no warning no time to put on seatbelts
  2. This is regurgitated news. It was reported by the BBC over 3 years ago and has once again resurfaced on the BBC website. The amount has increased but the circumstances are the same. The fines will never be paid because of diplomatic immunity.
  3. More accurately. The son often acted aggressively due to substance abuse causing mental health issues.
  4. Turbulence is not necessarily visible unless water vapour (clouds) is present so pilots cannot avoid it unless it has been reported to them from the ground observatories. Air pockets can occured in clear, otherwise untroubled, sky and you don't know they are there until you hit them. And the plane drops suddenly hundreds of feet because the air pressure in that air pocket is considerably less and the wings cannot provide adequate lift
  5. I agree with you. This used to be a good forum with references and links to articles in other publications. The Thaiger was noted for it's atrocious reporting standards, zero facts checking and lack of editorial oversight. I suspect, as someone else has said, that articles from other publications have been fed into the ChatGpt AI and it's output published without anybody actually reading it prior to publication Apparently this AI is also better at translation than Google Translate. I am searching now for a another forum the Thaiger has ruined Asean Now with plagiarism and stupidity missing out relevant details or publishing outright lies, as in this case
  6. There was no signal from the pilot the air pocket they hit was totally unexpected
  7. I suspect that there was no warning of the turbulence and the aircraft unexpectedly hit an air pocket and dropped sharply. How many people unbuckle in preparation to go to the loo or to stand up and walk around as recommended to prevent deep vein thrombosis during a long haul flight at any given time? The number of people injured is consistent with that proportion of the passengers.
  8. IDF? Hamas? Both are terrorist organisations that commit war crimes, murder civilians, want the extinction of all citizens associated with the other and to wipe the territory of the other off the map but one has the backing of the United States
  9. Thanks I have forwarded a number of emails as attachments I may have forwarded a couple of them twice, I apologise if so Cheers RobU
  10. Hi I am receiving emails about Asean Now threads that I have never looked at. As if I was following that thread. These emails have been occuring for the past 2 weeks. Today my inbox was inundated with this spam. Can you please stop sending these spurious emails. Cheers RobU
  11. Whoops I posted the wrong link sorry chaps correct link is below https://dearcece.com/
  12. I agree, I hadn't heard of the term Drop Shipper. Thanks for the information
  13. https://thepattayanews.com/2024/05/19/nida-poll-majority-of-thais-support-reclassifying-cannabis-as-narcotic-public-backs-medical-use-over-recreational/ She runs the above website
  14. This article is pure plagiarism copying directly from an article in another English language publication but, as usual omitting other important facts https://thepattayanews.com/2024/05/19/nida-poll-majority-of-thais-support-reclassifying-cannabis-as-narcotic-public-backs-medical-use-over-recreational/
  15. She appears to own an online gift shop. Basically acting as an intermediary between the gift producer who packs and delivers the gift and the customer. She will hold no stock just simply passing the order to the company that produces the gift and taking a commission.
  16. It's the Thaiger, publication of half truths and omissions gathering news from other online sources, rewriting it, omitting important facts then translating the finished article from Thai to English. Not reporters, just collectors and correlators and not very good at it either.
  17. Still no reason for Clarkson to scream at him and punch him. He couldn't get a steak cooked to Clarkson's taste. The kitchen got it wrong. He apologised and said he would get it sorted, then bully boy Clarkson kicked off.
  18. He was very much junior to Clarkson no where near the income level. It was a team not a hierarchical structure Clarkson abused and punched him because he didn't procure a steak to Clarkson's taste most certainly not a senior producer https://www.quora.com/Why-did-the-BBC-fire-Jeremy-Clarkson-What-was-his-punishment-for-getting-into-trouble-with-a-producer-on-the-show-Top-Gear-TV-series
  19. The victim was not Clarksons 'Boss' he was a junior producer, an employee. Effectively a gofer.
  20. Good. Executives of Boeing literally got away with murder, because they paid blood money. Individuals who oversaw this incompetent and dangerous system and tried to blame the pilots need to be prosecuted and imprisoned
  21. He is an ego maniac bully who assaulted a member of staff for daring to contradict him and got sacked for it https://www.standard.co.uk/news/celebritynews/jeremy-clarkson-axing-full-details-of-sustained-assault-on-producer-revealed-as-bbc-launches-search-for-replacement-10133168.html#:~:text=Jeremy Clarkson was axed for,in Yorkshire%2C an investigation found.
  22. What? A fat old fart, who routinely insults people in puriel attempts to be humorous, is given the title of UK sexiest manπŸ˜²πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ There's hope for many AN contributors, just put your names forward chaps. Send a postcard stating that you are fat, insulting and also routinely wear Bermuda shorts and sandals to expose your pale scrawny legs to: 'YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS' PO BOX 22.54367 NODDYLAND UK Get your girlfriends from Soi 6 in Pattaya to support your application telling the panel what a good lover you are. The disgusting scrawny legs should swing it in your favour.
  23. It was a small cub probably curious and playful originally then became frightened by the crowds of noisy people. I doubt whether anyone could pick up a grown tiger and throw it in the back of a truck.
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