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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Ukranian war to blame.. not the manipulation of the THB in THailand, not the mismanagement of the economy, and the tourists industry...Inflation is all over the world not a specific Thai problem same as oil prices..but Thailand has made a mess in the past years of the country and now the will face the problems
  2. The difference between Lois Vuitton and Thailand is the quality... but he forget
  3. maybe be prepared for a big earthquake... 40 small ones could increase the pressure
  4. A premium travel destination they want a few days ago.. Now dual hotel pricing... Good forthe tourism.. If you are a foreigner you pay more than a Thai, for everything. Premium travel destination, with discrimination of all non Thais..Tourism must break down to the bottom or even deeper...and cry fool as nobody comes anymore......Stupid, or the stupidiest Government ever
  5. Strange story... The dog not barking, so supposed it is somenbody he knows. Even with sleeping pills you can sleep deeply, but someone stabbed 20 times will scream I suppose.. and nobody heard anything?? Why call the police at 1.30 as you open the door and see what happened at night... Rip for the victim, but there are a lot of answers to be given for many questions.
  6. If you are a wealthy and well educated why should you choose a long term visa for Thailand? It is expensive has no real benefits and can be changed as everything, every day. Start with the normal visas make less bureaucratic first. no 90 days reports anymore if you extended your visa for 3 consecutive years or so, Not fotocopies of passports and all kind of documents for re entry vis, proof of adress, and annual renewal, but scan them in a file on the computer. and treat people as guests instead of potential criminals....Be welcoming for everyone and the people will come automatically, instead of attracking people without all kind of nothing except an expensive visa for 10 years...
  7. How can you make it a premium travel destination without doing anything about infrastructure, education, security, and safety.... Travel by train...... 19th century travel on the road, traffic jam and crazy drivers everywhere, dangerous minivans etc travel to a premium place where almost nobody can speak English travel to places where you are being robbed from necklaces or even a change of being murdered , or as they like to call it suicide. Travel to premium destianation with the always grumpy immigration officers Premium destination where Mr Anutin doesn't hide that he doesn't like foreigners. Premium destination were have to be careful what you say about who or what. Premium destination of getting ripped off by greedy taxis, or double priced entree fees etc. Yes Thailand will be the premium destination soon, and with the poorest people in Asia.. The few tourists who will come will contribute nothing to the common people, but eat and sleep in luxury restaurant, hotels and resorts, Where is the time that the backpackers were welcomed? They sometimes worked here and in the weekends and day offs they spend money they earned here to travel around. The common people had benefit of it . But now..... the Government its has no feeling and no sense to run a country at all.. They should be there for the people instead of their own businesses
  8. create fear to rule.......... Vaccines, don't work to prevent the virus only prevent to be less sick... Maybe we have to live with it for several years until there is a real vaccine
  9. Civil war in Myanmar and aircraft use the Thai airspace to attack..If Thailand want to be neutral as they always say, they have to respond and forbid the planes over flying in the Thai airspace. But the same with the Russian oil. Thailand says to be neutral but will buy Russian Oil..There are surely tourists who will avoid a country that says to be neutral but act differently.
  10. Russian oil import, No problem of warcraft flying over neutral territory.. It is obvious what kind of Government there is in Thailand
  11. Is that the food kids get in school to eat?? Thai food is good food, but this is......... not worth eating it...Give decent food made by a decent cook . It is important for kids to have a good meal maybe it is the only good meal they can have as some kids are very poor...
  12. not even a tropical storm........I saw on Tv and thought it was a mini tsunami.... but amazing that there are no precautions for things like things as a longer beach, higher ground, or build a bit further from the beach.
  13. Drugs use by a monk?? Is there nobody who checks people before and during their monkhood?? It is not the first incident that happens in a temple in Thailand. I believe it time that the rules for monks and novices are being reviewed an being more strict... Ho can people respects monks if there are people like this in temples?? I feel sorry for the boy and his family as you think it is a safe place in a temple,. Are kids nowhere safe in Thailand?
  14. I am wondering what the policy is... wear a mask as soon as they are departed they start serving food.. every one masks off... The virus will sleep than?? and before landing mostly again food or a snack everybody masks off again... How do they think mask wearing will prevent spreading the virus in the cabin?? No food no drinks??
  15. Comstitutional court and Payuth and his friends is that not the same??? The court always decide in favor of them????
  16. choose one senator and you will get the whole family too... It shoud be impossible.. How can you trust that the country and the people get honest and fair opinions and rules if everyone brngs his/he rfamily with them...It should be forbidden by law. and if there is no law make one asap.
  17. THailand with it own democracy, will never be a democratic country. Now they are already trying to ban Move Forward after they banned Future Forward.. In a real democracy people are allowed to express their meaning in favor of or against subjects and Government. Here in Thailand everyone who doesn;t agree can get sanctioned by section 112 because they use as they like. Besides a group of 250 friends that always back you up is not democratic too.. It gives the opposition no chance to win. These senators should not have a vote at all, but maybe a advice. How many censure debates has this Government already survived?/ In other countries there would have been new elections already. But the influence of the army and high ranked persons in this Government make it impossible to get rid of them... So again they can grill and grill but nothing will happen.
  18. mmmm even with 6 shots......so how will he explain that???
  19. Strange that people know where to gamble for long times, and the police never have a clue. Same for drugsdealing, I see it in my neighbourhood, drugs are easily sold the dealer is caught several times, but always the family paid some money , so he never went to jail. Loud music even in the Covid time when big parties were forbidden, and the police did not know and did not interfere... Apparently the only com in acton if there are rel complaints, but I am wondering who is behind it??? I know but I can't write down here, but usually has to do with envelopes
  20. It is a great step for recognizing the samesex relationships..... Is it a sign that the Gay Marriage is coming soon??
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