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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. One solution... send the attackers to a boarding school for re-education... Shameful. And when do the schools start to teach that violence is never a way of solving problems and 1 against 4/5/6/7/8/ or more is cowardly....These things are not normal
  2. THe biggest question in this article is .. is Thailad backt to normal?? But what is normal in Thailand??? When I cam in THailand it look very normal, but now a few coups later and totally incompetent Government of the past 7 years they ruined the country so much that it will take years to be the same as 20 years ago. It has lost a lot of its charm.. Last week, just an example we wanted to walk to a cave . Always could go with a car up to themountain, but now it should be parked at a tempe, but we were hiking so walked on the road to go up, but a guard cam and told us we had to buy a ticket and go with specal shuttle, but we told we are hiking have no intention to visit the cave, because there is nothing to see , but no impossible.. My Thai friend was very annoyed that the dared to ask money for nothing and now wondering why there are no visitors anymore... normal?? It Kao Luang in Phetchaburi
  3. The Islam around the world is medieval and should be banned... Do they have rights for women to dress as they like? or in some countries the right to drive a car?? Religion is what someone believes and NOBODY can say if that is good or wrong, because in the end the believers will be judged..Or is terrorism less worse than a samesex marriage? for the marriage nobody dies. And alcohol? Do you think it is so bad so have a glass of wine that you will burn forever? and the obligation to go to mosque every Friday???and so on and so on... No religion is a personal things and the christians pushed everyone ages ago to convert, and the islam is even worse because there duty is to convert the whole world.. Better to get rid of all religions
  4. If there is no problem, we make problems.... Why do people show stupid things and why is the media jumping on it??? There is much more important news than this kind of nothing
  5. I hope they all come to every site were there is loud noise.. Covid made life much quieter and now the Thai peole hear how much noise they always produced....So Loud n oise call the police
  6. and that in a country were women has far less rights than men
  7. Oh oh... the Government and education commission doesn't like to hear this.... Good at last somebody who dares to change things..... The country need a lot more of these men in the new Government
  8. they want the Travel Pass back asap..... Try to plan a trip is very difficult, because if I book now for October I don't know what will happen if I come back.
  9. Again?? why are they not found by the police...It seems that it are the same and with cameras everywhere it should be possible to find them... but......
  10. The only way to attrack the tourists again is being a welcoming country.. Stop with the restictions on alcohol... educate for friendly immigration, stop double pricing, don't chase foreigners on motorcycles for not wearing helmets/driverslicense/masks and all that kind of stuff but treat them as guest, which doesn't mean that they also must follow the law, but it seems that the police like to fine and blame foreigners for everything. And make the country safer in travelling, robbing tourists And for long stayers.. easy visa rules as no 90 days report anymore, no worpermit for volunteer work, etc...
  11. with more than 200 protesters in jail for section 112 caused by the emergency decree, he should be ashamed. The person himself said that section 112 did not need to be enforced but this Government doesn't care and use it to silence people. And rubbish to blame the few thousand cases of Covid to keep the emergency decree.. The Governmern is and was never honest, lies and controls the media, and freedom of speech by this decree. They want tourists, but with the possibility that everything can change immediately they will not come
  12. It depends on what is seen as corruption.. A fine with a ticket of 500 THB or without a ticket for 300 THB..... Is that corruption??? Paythe police to do a proper investigation, or they don't it and let it go... as we noticed that in a motoraccident someone died and the police asked for 100.00 THB to investigate the case, but the people did not have the money so standard nothing was investigated as only speeding and an accident occured... It happens all over Thailand and I am sure that in many places the police is being paid for things, as gambling dens, karaoke bars with extras, and drugs..... We have to live with it I think
  13. No body anymore so there is no proof to find anymore some one else could done it... Same as in Kao Tao... Than I am wondering why a artist is kept for months in the morgue after she fell from a boat.... Smelly
  14. sitting with crossed legs was not good for the space as they wrote a few weeks back and now the long hair....but indeed the loud conversations on the phones.. That is annoying.
  15. Correction it is only 1 man who does it....... and he is not popular for the Thai people....
  16. I thought we lived in more or less civilised country , not in middle of the bushes somewhere in in Africa where they have sjamans and local wizards... Why do people believe in this kind of non-sense
  17. I know .... And I was in the board of a charity society and I know it often worse than is showed and I am from a rich country. But even in my country there was and I speak of more than 25 years ago already people with almost no money for food. But nowadays let us be fair, people want to have , have , and have and buy a bigger house, more luxury car and than they come in the problems .. I worked in the bank for 26 years I know. I can tell stories enough and believe me in Thailand it is even worse.. Outside must be beautiful bit behind the door .......
  18. always speeding, no idea of a braking distancing, no attention for other people on the road. Sadly another victim , which was not necessary. It seems that drivers can not slow down ever.. in a car or motorcycle it is always fast and faster, no distance at other vehicles.. seems they like to push you from the road. Look on Tv, the news, every day you see even on the road by yourself.. Never a car will slow down, but drives like nothing to see on the road.. You need a doctor certificate for a drivers license, but they could better do a mental test
  19. Of course if you say something to a Thai and he doesn't like it or even look at someone you can have a problem. Thai people are never to blame, It is sad that these things happen surely because the country needs tourists, robberies, fighting and that kind of things willnever do any good for tourist industry. I don't know wha happened and whatever it was, but it is just a general opinion , as I have similar experiences, but never fought happily
  20. I am sure there is hunger in Thailand in some families. I noticed when I was in school there were kids who never had a breakfast, but most of the times families who are very poor don't say it and nobody knows it. It is a false shame to be poor not only in Thailand but all over the world, even in western countries. A good example was the help with the Covid how many people needed and were waiting for food. Shameful for the super rich that this still is possible in the 21st century
  21. It just depends on how your are living.. I prefer a short good life better than a long life.. My father died of a heartattack 65, as my grandfather and my greatgrandfather at 56.... My mother died at 64 of cancer as my grandmother of father side at 67, but my grandmother on motherside died at 91 but was many years Alzheimer and laid in bed as a baby...I am the oldest man in the famiy and I am 63.... Doctors can't say what will happen.. I have only high bloodpressure and an enlarged prostate.. But I don't want to be old with Alzheimer or die of cancer.. There is one thing sure in life .. we have to die.. than better quality of life than length
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