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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. The rules for now and for 1 st of April can change every day in Thailand. That makes it difficult to plan a trip, because you neer know what will happen and it can you cost you dearly.. Other countries have clear rules which doesn't change by the day and are cheaper to visit. Thailand is expensive with the THB now.
  2. It is not about wearing masks or corruption, but look around.. no alcohol, demonstrations are knocked down, same sex marriage or Civil Union bill are being delayed all the time, more and more useless rules are being implemented, debts are rising, rich people are richer all the time and nobody can get rid of the Government, a police force only to punish the poor and corrupt for he rich, trffic accidents rising and education from the middle ages .. Thailand is missing the conection with the 21st century and still with the old ideas of the 19th century which doesn't make the country go forward. The gap is getting bigger and bigger
  3. My head is perfect normal and I com from a very liberal country...I have nothing against nude and I have no difficulties whatsoever. However I know the difference between sexy and whorish, but apparently you don't.. A woman in sexy clothing is much more beautiful than in a too short skirt with a open belly and too low top. You can have a diffeent opinon I don't care it says more about your bad taste and way of thinking...probably you miss something in your life. I have some dignity and I won't show or don't want that my wif /gf shows too much to other people.. for that you can go to the red light districts.
  4. It is the difference between sexy and 5 cm too short or too naked
  5. They should legalize porn... Many men would watch and get rid of their hornyness, but everything in THailand must be blurred and porn is forbidden. Just like in the Victorian age. Now if men want to get rid of their needs and they don't have money to pay for it the grab what they can get..It is not only their fault., but of the policy of the Government and education
  6. It is a good treatment, but not only that. I know I am not popular if I say that a lot of girls/women need to dress properly too... There is a big difference between sexy and to much flesh. If you walk in a mall and you look arou nd there are a lot of women who think they are on the beach side,too low and too short shirts, too short skirts and shorts . They show too much flesh as to say so, Than they don't look sexy but more like sex workers. Of course it is never a reason to be raped, but sometimes it is more sexy if they should wear 5 cm more fabric. And yes reoofenders of rape should be castrated...
  7. as they are always prepared for everything,...... surely if half of the world is already dealing with it, they will com in action with their own meds, and rules
  8. If one man in a country is crazy it doesn't mean that the whole population is.... I strongly believe that the majority of the Russian disapprove the war, but what can they do, as the Government goes its own way and get rid of the opponents..
  9. It seems that Thailand does not want foreigners to come anymore, with all restriction, rules, entrance fee, and alcohol bans, Thailand Pass, the new super elite visa and many more... It becomes more and more unattractive to visit.. It looks that they are doing everything to get the tourists back, but the act the opposite
  10. The cases are much more than daily announced. Every Thai knows it, I hear it in my neighbourhood every day. The Government however will do everything to attrack tourists and manipulate numbers to show they have it under control in one or another way, But the cases are rising as do the deaths. And tourists are still far away although the Government pretent it is otherwise. To many rules for bars, face masks and tests yet in Thailand , too expensive Baht and many other things and if the tourists go back they need in many countries still a PCR test too. Add that there is a war in Ukraine and the fuel prices are skyrocketing which makes flying more expensive and you see that it will bring less tourists too. So Thailand can think the tourists will come, but tourists will visit countries that are cheaper, with less rules, better vaccinated and so,. There is still a long way to go, and with this Government that broke down the tourist industry it will be more difficult to recover as they have no clue how to solve this problem.
  11. I thought there was a 7 day working week in THailand as people only get paid by day and no work no payment. So suddenly to four days a week will reduce a lot of income who is going to pay that?? And what should people do when they have freetime?? TRavel?? most of them have already hardly enough money to make ends meet
  12. Get rid of the opponents before new elections and we will win again...
  13. A misunderstanding...Maybe first think and than talk is much better instead if talking as a headless chicken and than reply with " it is a misunderstanding".. It only shows the incompetence of the Government and the people who work for it
  14. Now there are alot of infections and the deathtoll is rising... So why now hurry and drop everything?? start with normal life with a mask and in the coming months less masks everywhere and everyone is happy.. But there will always people who want to hurry things, but as you said yourself babysteps. as a baby you could not walk and run after the first day you could stand on your legs...
  15. Should not first everything be a bit normal again?? Why in football matches and concerts no mask? I think just start with open normally for restaurants and normal alcohol sales, no masks in your car or motorcycle, no more 1,5 m distance if you wear a mask and many other things. Indeed even on TV when there is only 1 person he/she wears a mask.. Ridiculous.. Start with masks first and cancel all restrictions. Than strip the mask, except for public transport and big events/funerals/weddings and than get rid of it everywhere..
  16. THailand and alcohol does not fit. But everyone drinks, drive drunk, and can buy everywhere although there are restrictions ... So what is in fact the problem ????
  17. Surprise... kids don't read and write very good already before the Covid, and now with 1 year no lessons it wold not improve.. The education ministry should ban 50 kids classes as some schoola have mixed classes. How can you prperly teach kids if you don't have a minute a kid in a lesson?
  18. Indeed He is in charge with everything and announced several times he will stay till the end.... So no dissolutions at all. Sometimes there is weed that you can't get rid off , whatever you try
  19. 6 to one who they made drunk first.. and nobody from the spectators interfered.. Shameful. Send them to prison and let them get the same welcome ceremony there .... That will learn them..Prostating for useless death/murder ?? How can you forgive ?
  20. But Prayuth will stay in power as he always told , so after 18 and 19 November nothing willhappen or it should be much sooner
  21. THailand famous for its sex industry in the whole world.. Why not legalize it because everyone knows there is a lot of prostitution in THailand. Make fair rules for age and hygiene and disease control ....
  22. My post was sarcastic with Hooray, because we all know that the cases are much higher than every day posted here... And there are no updates whatsoever after the morning and all those cases are not counted.. Of course in weekends the number are lower,and the numbers on Monday we see on Wednesday... But all over the world cases are around 100.000 a day but only in Thailand it is still around 25.000 a day and the ATK don't be counted too as cases but used to add in the recoveries... All for the sake of tourism
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