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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. But do not condemn Russia.....better fear for inflation and loss instead of taking a point
  2. Democratic society were everything is controlled by monopolists and the rich.. Nobody has the freedom as a democracy should be. Now forbidden even to publish pictures of beer by small breweries...Thailand should mean free country, but the freedom is far away in every field except of the rich
  3. Indeed.. the people has the answer, but they are brainwashed and they are not allowed to think, look at the protests... and see how the police force is handling that.. Even the court is using section 112 to convict people who have a different opinion... So things can not change so easily and the cleansing is far away
  4. I was teaching in school and the teacher had prepared the lesson. We went outside with the class because the stmudents wanted to be a guide and there was kind of floating market nearby. The Thai teacher did not like me and she came a little bit later. In the meantime I read the sentences the Thai teacher had prepared and started to ask questions to the students, about the floating market, what we could see, eat and so on. But then suddenly the Thai teacher infered and asked me when I was starting with the lesson. The students responded to my questions very well although they were not used this kind of lesson. But the Thai teacher started to scream that it was all wrong and that I had to do the lesson because the students did not understand me and more that kind of stuff. Very embarassing in front of the students. And than she took over the lesson. The students had to repeat the 3 sentences that she had prepared. first all together, than the boys, after that the girls, all together again, a few students , all together again. It was so many times that I still can remember what the sentences were although it is now 7 years ago. So I am still wondering what did the students learn from that lesson..I am sure they liked the way I did it much more, but they can't go against the teacher. Just an example
  5. For me easy to do.. we shop in the evening and buy the yellow stickers if we need these goods. If not we don't buy or wait for another day. Dairy products can be used to a week after the expiry date at least. Also if the baht is too expensive I transfer less money to Thailand and when the rate is better more.. so we avoid a too expensive baht. For the rest we shop at Makro, Tops, Big C and not any more at LOtuss because they have less in their shops since the name changed and they are more expensive. And we eat a lot of Thai food. It is sometime cheaper to buy prepared food than cook it yourself.. For 35 THB a bag you can't make it yourself
  6. Positive ATK tests are mostly correct as negative results could be false.. So positive ATK tests of yesterday were 42.000 and with 23.000 PCR tests there were 65.000 positive tests... What do they talk about 40-50 k in the next month? That will never happen because all figures ow are already manipulated and it will be going on. Unless the death toll peaks numbers will still be "under control".
  7. all attempts will fail to remove the Government... Even the constitition doesn't give a solution to get rid of a Government and the judges who has to decide are always in favour for the PM...Get rid of the 250 senators and things would be easier
  8. Too many mosquitos when I use aftershave so I dn't use it anymore but my favorite was Kenzo, Kouros of YSL and a few others..
  9. Death toll and hospializations or more important than PCR or ATK tests.. With PCR you don't even have to have symptons too as with the ATK test. Many people don't want to stay in quarantaine so if they test positive in ATK they won't tell anyone..I know people who act like this...
  10. Better not use the online system... I always go in person.. Easy get in and after 10 minutes outside.. Better than all the problems with the online version. Proof of this story again....
  11. I am always wondering why the news shows pictures that are blurred of clips with a lot of blurring... If they don't want that the public see things, don't show the pics or clips
  12. THis shows the moral and competence of this Government... Birds of a feather flock together
  13. THailand only for Thai people, so no.. impossible just as many other things foreigners are a burden, but they pretend that they wecome them if they bring enough money in.. But the foreigners know , so......
  14. I am happy I am not allowed to give a Thai massage, with a happy end of course......
  15. lottery ticket machines is the best solutions. The vendors don't want to listen and fines are not working so the only solution is take it away from them....Start with a few in every province and see how quickly the price at the vendors will drop. They will surely be afraid of losing their money.
  16. Of course no ATK tests it will show that we are still not peaking, but that the numbers are going down... But in the meantime we all know better.. look in your surrounding and see how many people are infected already. It always has to look good.... On their website ATK test positive 21.497
  17. I am wondering what they will do with the current Government.. After so many years many will be dead already before they can be charged it seems... When do they look to the future instead of looking back to all the things that could be wrong..
  18. I thought it is hot season already for several weeks... When was the cold season??
  19. Very important to hold Miss elections in a time of many Covid infections...And when the Government decide to implant strict measures they will scream... why why why...
  20. In the real world there more people vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna, instead of Sinovac, Sinopharm. Besides in the real world there were strict measurements too to control the Covid, instead of urging people to celebrate New Year get holidays and travel around to stimulate the economy. Even in Pattaya there was a 4 weeks music festival to celebrate the reopening of the country. If the Thai Government had done better things, indeed everything could go back to normal, but we all know how they solved the crisis, but in Thailand it is common to do nothing if the problems are small and if the problems are getting out of hand they don't know how to solve them anymore.
  21. As they wrote yesterday, the cases are down again.....but is that really?
  22. Teach kids how to swim that will be more effective than what to do if a kid is drowning or get is in difficulty when in the water
  23. 30 years ago I was selling travels to Thailand and our advice than was that it was safer not to cross the street on a zebracrossing but somewhere else on the street in Thailand. Since then nothing has changed. Abd drunk drivers, speeding and no helmets should be a every day crackdown for everyone, not only a few days crackdown and than back to normal... Why can other countries manage it that motorcycle drivers wear helmets?? The next crackdown should be on the prehistorical vehicles , that are driving in the middle of the road too slowly... That is very dangerous too
  24. I have sent my DNA kit to Texas on 29 November with the cheap mail and still it has not arrived...Somewhere on the internet there is written that cheap post goes by ship and can take up to 52 days...
  25. The biggest problem of Thailand is that they want to live normal again, but a few months back they opened the country too soon, with too less people vaccinated with good working vaccines. Although there was a lot of comments not to open the country they did not listen and now this is the result. If they had waited a few months more and vaccinated more and better things would have been better. In Europe they did the same and more people were vaccinated..... better wait a bit longer and loose the restrictions slowly and now everything is almost back to normal again.
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