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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. yesterday my post was closed because no politics.. Why this Item not closed??/
  2. Good for him, but i have read that too many boosters could damage your natural immune system...a double vaccination and a booster should be sufficient,and if you are at a risk group maybe a secend booster... How is it possible that he get get his 6th as there are still a lot of people not vaccinated at all?? and no masks neede anymore.. He shows it himself and Prayuth on tv is not wearing masks too... why oblige the common people than?
  3. I have the intntion to go to Paris next year and I am searching for a hotel at the moment. Hotels in Paris are cheaper than in THailand at the moment.. The Thai Baht is too expensive.. Tourist can spend their money once and the falang is not the rich person they all think in Thailand. Mentality change is very needed in Thailand
  4. Easy visa rules is the only thing that keep tourists away... The expensive Baht, double pricing, mask wearing, and the political unrest and the handling of it are doing much more harm to the country... and than we don't speak about alcohol resrictions, e cigarettes, Thailand Pass and entry fee of 300 THB. Thailand needs a new Government and reforms and welcomes the tourists instead of the policy they do now. Backpackers, are welcome again, more acceptable visa rules for expats and retirees, and place where everyone can get officially married...and look how quickly the economy will rise again
  5. It is not about dictatorship it is to let people get an opinion how things develop.. A stoty has always 2 sides and with no opportunities to show both sides nobody can make a good decision. Ostrich policy head in the sand and see and talk about it and it will go over, but I think it will get worse
  6. Why should people listen to Mr Prayuth if Mr Prayuth never listens to some else too?? With almost no cases anymore it is very difficult to keep the restrictions and everybody knows.. Just start the normal living again
  7. Just a question why there is no topic at all about the pro democratic demonstrations of last weekend?? If a topic is news worthy it is that people wants democracy instead of this Government. Even no broadcasting on the national channels..
  8. For decades nobody cared about it... and how can you expect to change the habbit of not following any traffic rule in a few months?? Start with teach them primary rules in primary schools, make decent education and exams before getting a drivers license and oblige the police to enforce the traffic rules with heavy fines..
  9. Thank you very much but on the regular was nothing to see ... this morning at least, but yesterday evening I wasn't able to watch and you should expect that it is a topic. Even when I googled on youtube mob/protest Bangkok 11-6-2022 I only got video of 1 year ago
  10. Nothing showed on TV...probably forbidden and even more I hope they keep their heads cool. I am afraid that the Government is trying to slam down these protest with unneccessary use of watercanons and teargaz, just maybe to get clashes which would give the military a reason for another coup, as Prayuth is not wanted anymore and with new electionsthere could be a thread for the military to loose power. and by challeging the protesters they will find a reason if they fight/ruin/burn things. They did before...
  11. Thai schools are very unorganized. There is no planning at all. In my country we all know when the holidays start and when they end, when the tests are and many other things. Here in Thailand I was teaching in several schools and everything changes by the day not so by the minute. Sportsday was planned and I asked the when is it so I can plan my lessons that was 2 weeks before the sportsweek should start..Heard nothing anymore than suddenly On Friday " Oh teacher Monday no sportsweek. is delayed and we don't know when , but I let you know again. The week after on Tuesday afternoon all lessons cancelled because a meeting about the sportsweek that would start the week after on Monday..Just an example as so many.. And yes you have to be available 7 days a week because they dare to tell you on Friday that on Saturday there is a meeting with parents, or an English Camp / boyscoyt activity on Saturday and Sunday. as a foreigner we make plans for the holidays, but that is very difficult because the schools never give a date . I learned that I start with my final tests mostly end of January or begin February as there so many things changed in the schedule every time that I can't finish in time ....and Every year the same, as the have to invent the wheel over and over again. And as a teacher you are expected to be available 7 days a week as the students too it seems.
  12. The legalization of cannbis can be so quickly without poper rules and investigation, that there will be problems for sure... A Gay marriage which is less harmful for the country and its people must be investigated and considered for many many years...
  13. It is just as you write...lazy cops....if the policeforce started to work not as they do now from 9.00 to 17.00 but 24 hours a day and indeed enforced the traffic laws and all othe laws it would be much better. Nut as we could read in the past a lot are corrupt and fine a few hunderd baht without tickets for their own pockets or threaten you to come to the office for a much higher fine if you want a receipt. The whole police force should be reformed from top to bottom. Besides the police force is too lazy .. you almost never see any camera at a traffic light for people who ignore red lights, a rel alcoholcheck at checkpoint, as they only check if you paid the taxes, but don't check the vehicle on tyres, lights, or other things...and for sure for the better miliieu the Government should ban all vehicles older than 25 years from the roads... But no one seems to do anything in this country to improve air, living and safety
  14. Paint on the road what you want, but the ony thing that will help is an education of drivers, followed by huge fines for the ones who still don't care about the lines, zebracrossings. Enforcement is the answer. Confiscate the vehicle ..
  15. I am getting sick of people here thinking only in ways of husband and wife.. In the many gaycouples I know and are married the men always call eachother my husband and the lesbian couples always call eachother my wife...So stop with thinking hat there is a "husband" and "wife" in in a gay couple.. that is only a heterosexual brainwashed thought.
  16. Drunk at 7 in the morning??/ Fire that PR woman, because that is a blame for the business she is working for. Be sober in the morning and fit to go to work .....Who knows what happened as she said she passd out.... It ws not a bit drunk but very drunk. Alas it doesn't mean that rape is approved......But who knows the truth of what really happened.
  17. another comment from someone with idea's of he 19th century..enter the 21st century please and open your eyes instead of making comments that are meaningless
  18. Indeed here in Thailand is only the legal partner or the family allowed to give permission in case of a emergency or by death to claim the body and arrange the funeral. Gay people can't do that now and for me as an example I don't have brothers or sisters or kids in Thailand or anywhere so when I die, there should be a nephew/niece /or cousin who hardly know me take the decisions???? Before they found them probably i would be dead in an emergency and it could take weeks/ months before I could be cremated... That is the only thing that people don't know and has nothing to do sex, but just practical things. iT is a shame that it takes now already 4 years after it was approved in 2018 and still no decision is made. I know Tha gaypeople too who are abandonned from their family because they are gay.. They face the same problems... Just change the law in in two persons or two partners and all problems are solved.. Nothing to do with religion, because every religion is based of love... but the Government talks a lot promise a lot but doesn't do anything for us
  19. I never eat snails..... not mussels... I would have prefered the lobster instead
  20. Walk on the beach and try to find wastebins on many beaches in Thailand, there are non or very few and overloaded as they are maybe emptied once a day. Than still Thailand is using too much plastic. Everything must be in a plastic bag if you bought something, even for 1 item they want to give a bag. How often don't you see soft drinks with ice in plastic bags or iced coffee and tea and nowhere waste bins.. We walked around in Big C, Lotus, Robinson Mega Bangna and many other places and almost no waste bins to find. There is a lot of work to do, but as usual the Government haven't done nothing in the past years except trying to ban plastic bags( now available again for a few baht) in the superstores....Surely they silence now
  21. Thailand is not an exception. In many countries there is already a gay marriage possible, and gays are of all time in all religions.. The easiest way to legalize a relationship is just change man and wife in person and person, and all problesm are solved.. But THailand is very very conservative and the Gay Mariage Bill from Move Forward was alreadyapproved by House of Representatives in February and was given a 60 days study to the Cabinet. However they have never responded on it because the Cabinet only want to push their own incomplete Bill to law.. Hiding behind, religions, not accepting by public, and who knows what more unreal reasons.. Now that the elections are in sight they suddenly come with a kind of gift to the Gay community by approving the Civil Union Bill after 4 years waiting, and with the comment that it will not be possible again this year but maybe next year or for teh new Cabinet with more delays again...... The liquor Bill could pass quickly, why wait so long with a decision for a marriage that is already 1000 times investigated by several committees ??? Approve the Gay marrige of Move Forward better today than tomorrow.. The LGBTQ community deserves it after so may years
  22. Every drill is succesful. When I worked in the Netherlands we had workshops and drills too to sell more to the customers and indeed everybody succeeded. But back in the office with the real customers it was much and much harder to sell anything. Of course collegaes will help eachother but in reality it is different
  23. I believe in "normal" prisons all over the world nobody want to be in a solitary cell, but in Thailand they probably have special cells for these kind of prisoners, as the inmates will show no mercy on police officers like these .... and in Thailand everything is possible if you have money.. Don't think they are in the normal cells between the other criminals
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