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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. It will damage the coral more than someone who took a photo sitting on the coral... Will the oil company charged too??
  2. get rid of all the senators.. Only what peole is elected can be senator and if the Governement steps down everyone steps down and has to be elected again
  3. It is only for feeling good... as there is no fail policy even the worst singer will get good comments, but hairs are standing right up... A screaming public will make the show complete... Happily Thai people have to love it, because there is nothing else to see except some adds
  4. I thought already why are there so many international famous singers from Thailand?? Even Lisa is only born in Thailand, but got her singing career elsewhere.
  5. It happens everywhere I know a case where the RTP would investigate if they got paid.... I think it is their duty to investigate properly without extra payment
  6. People have to make place for younger ones.. That is normal in life.. It is not good to stay in a job when you are older than 70, because that is already too much, but alas..It has to stop somewhere. As a PM should not serve more than 6 years either..and a MP not more than 10 years...
  7. They mostly show only, badminton, weightlifting and boxing and sometimes there is space for another sport..How can children choose a sport if they never see it or know about it...? Olympic champions are often kids who saw something on TV and want to do it too...
  8. according to Mr Anutin everything is under control... Why worry?? we continue with less restrictions .... And I am wondering why ???? Why when there were a few case everything went in lockdown, schools closed, curfew and so and now the cases spike... we relax.....Why ??? last months were costly and why did they not relax sooner??
  9. I use VPN to watch TV. Better than the offer of Thai TV stations with nothing than screaming people in soaps, childish game shows or people who can't sing contests.
  10. Many more students have Covid, but it will not be checked/reported.. I see it in my own school...School can not test everyone because the Government doesn't give ATK tests and the school can not afford to test so many students every day a 60 THB a student. The Government wants that the students be testing every day before they can do their test.
  11. meaning manupulating cases, hospitalizations, vaccinations, and don't talk about empty streets, in tourists areas. Disaster for Thailand Pass, strange alcoholregulations, 300 THB entry fee for tourists, rising living costs, an expensive THB and many more things..... Indeed helping the economy
  12. Why are being sold than??? Or available for hiring?? and why only tourists?? As an expat I am not a tourist so I can do it??
  13. I know it is very complex and very sensitive. and therefor I think too diffcult to discuss on a forum. So much to tell that the comment will be too long and could be wrong interpretated. In a real conversation it is easier to explain.
  14. And not to forget with online learning it is very difficult to copy the work of the best students in the class and you have to think and work for your own... That also gives a lot of stress
  15. And this number for a weekend... In the past the cases dropped, now they are much higher
  16. Stop the reports of the cases, so the island looks safe , tourists can come in...Good move they think, but is it wise??? less quarantine, less restrictions at this moment when cases rise day by day. The worst has yet to come according to Dr Yong with maybe 100.000 cases a day..i think waiting a few weeks and looks how things are developing would be better
  17. I am the lawyer of the devil and I wonde rif some kids don't want themselves to have sex with adults... Everybody is thinks adults are pedophiles, but there are a lot of stories that kids wnt themselves without any pressure, but just for the experience...Especially when poor it easy money to earn....as the Dalai Lama said once it depends on how you see it... sitting opposite of eachother ones right hand is the left hand for the other one.....
  18. Of course... In this country there is a law that nobody can fail.... So everything is a succes and everyone is number one......That is a kind of narcism or blindness I suppose
  19. Have you seen the news in many places it was crowded on the holiday this week and several were not even wear masks...just to mention that it are always the foreigners blamed... Besides that there is a big festival for the coming days in our place now... A good place to get Covid free
  20. Only on Sunday before dinner around 16.30 and if I don't need to drive at home as the barbeque at home with Songkran or birthdays and of course Christmas and New Year .... and always after 17.00. 0 I never drink every day and never in the morning or early afternoon. and honestly I don't understand why people here in Thailand have to drink from mornings on already...Thais or Westerners....
  21. Maybe same here .. several schools are closed or classes stay at home because of Covid.. Nobody talks about it so it doesn't exist...easy to keep the figures low
  22. He always said he wanted to leave if there was some one more suitable, but he finds himself the most suitable person, so he can't leave..
  23. Why change the name than if you can call it as you want??? Why spend money on it and time??
  24. impossible to remove him.....he has too many friends( senators) and other parties in his power....Even the EC , the constitutional court and maybe the army can not get rid of him.... Married with his job and country for eternity
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