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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. mazing for a Thai Democracy... comment the leaders and get jail. In Europe the jails would be over full if they acted in the same way
  2. Mr Anutin you urge all THai to wear a mask.. where is yours?? And would it not better to investigate first before you released the drug?
  3. It shows again that the GOvernment is not knowing what they do. Probably someone who wants to seems important. How is it possible that you announce a day ahead to a logistic system to adjust the schedules. They should have asked them weeks ago
  4. I believe them.... probably they will do it before the elections as their power must be kept in place.
  5. I am living in Thailand for almost 20 years, and I am happy most of the time. Nice house, enviroment, food and neighbours. And yes I complain, as I surely would do in my home country too. But the complaints are just opinions to improve things, see it as positive critics. And with families it depends how you treat them.... It is sometimes easier than you think
  6. While the whole world is condemming the War in the Ukrain, Thailand invites the agressor for a meeting. That will surely attrack more tourists they think maybe. Meant as soft power??? I personally think it will do more damge than good to Thailand.
  7. Learning centers are a waste of money. If the kids get a proper education in school, with more freetime instead of 7 days a week learning and long rides home in a schoolbus. Kids should be free to play and develop with friends in freetime. Not special classes after schools and weekends. No need for learning centers except in a amusentpark where they can relax too
  8. the flooding control goes no further than the annual sandbags.....
  9. typical American reaction......Sorry, but I am wondering if you can't see what is really going on.
  10. Thailand, THailand, you don't seem to understand that you ruining your own tourist industry. It is not other countries, but the people who want to come here choose. Make it attractive for them if you want, instead of only focus on double standards and wealthy people. It seems you don't want tourists as they could be a treat for the failing Government
  11. There are people who are the richest in the world and a top Government who will earn too much for what they do, but nobody cares about the common people. Only more holidays to spend more to boost the economy( read their pockets) instead of real solutions to solve debts, gambling, education lack, roadsafety and floodings. Start with register all people where they really live and what they do, so if there is need you can help the right people. But now people living in the province but really staying and working in Bangkok makes things difficult to check.
  12. It happens when you don't know how to use and handle it if it is free available. Also there is no informationand everyone want to have it.... Plants buying on streets, no problem.....
  13. Soft power of THailand all to attrack more visitors...Soft penalties and deportations...
  14. Don't need to tell because I know and I know also how long it takes to get a workpermit and how many copies of everything you need. Again outdated systems
  15. I am wondering if the persons/officials who let these people in also will be prosecuted. It is not about improper images, it is, about it seems permissions and visa. So why only the foreigners than?
  16. That is also a proof that the Thai visa system is outdated. A visa should not take too long for journalists who already have a place in Thailand. But we all know how it works.
  17. I am just wondering why a Shinawatra again? Ok Thailand was better when Thaksin was PM , but there should be others who are very capable too. New blood to move forward I think is better, than doing the same over and over again.
  18. THai society should be get een update to 21st century instead of staying in the 19th century. But the old fashoned Government will keep things in place as it is a Thai tradition.
  19. CNN reporters on tourists visa?? If they had tourist visa it shows again the outdated visa system and labour laws of Thailand. If they are journalists they should have got proper visas. In several articles we could read that these reporters were allowed to enter the scene. So why condemn them if they got permission and why are there picture of others with the same content not being prosecuted? Soft power to attrack tourists???
  20. failing enforcement of the laws is a big problem here in Thailand. A lot of problems occur by this lack of enforcement. Unfortunately situations like this happens all around the world. For one or another reason people loose their minds and make innocent victims... Hope there will no copy of it.
  21. Soft power???? 300 THB entrance fee and the new announcement of the entrance of parks..
  22. and than they publish an article on soft power for attracking tourists... They want one thing and the they ruined it by an other announcement like this... Welcome in thr rip off tourism sector of Thailand, while Thailand is wondering why tourists don't want to visit anymore
  23. Just wondering why an autopsy is needed....
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