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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Change the law and requirements and enter 21 st century.... Not everything is controllable
  2. What people all not do to make costs and with that earn money because a lot of paper and stamps have to change now... and as always.. some teamoney will be involved
  3. February to April?? Now we all have to go back to the petrol stations to get our too much paid petrol for the diesel back?? February is almost over so this month doesn't count anymore...So 3 months should be March April and May...
  4. workations??? when the backpackers came on a workaction the faced a lot of problems, as paperwork for workpermit and visa, and than the labourlaw that forbids everyone to do a job that can be done by a Thai national.. so tourism?? and why should a Thai person go on a holiday somewhere to work??
  5. I always read that peple did not want to kill, but they did.. Maybe if they think first before they do they won't kill. It easy to say it was not my intention.... so why did they do than??
  6. alcoholban, vape ban, gambling ban, and Thailand means land of freedom....But with all the restrictions and bans there a not much freedom left
  7. I wonder what would happen if they stripped the rights of a heterosexual marriage, as they have now.. wife/husband dead.. you are not family so no rights. Your partner in a hospital, you can't anything because you are no family, just a few things you don't need to worry about.. but samesex couples have to accept??
  8. Rich people ony want to be richer, don't expect something from them.. They give with one hand but want to receive more back.. All over the world it is the same... Look to Africa.. In the 60ties already there was Biafra and later One for Africa and still today people starve to death and the wealthier countries got wealthier and the wealthy people got wealthier too... In Thailand it is the same only the poor are getting poorer every year while the rich..........
  9. Yes you find this kind of people on the road everywhere.. i get angry of them, but don't do anything. I hope that the Karma will do its work and that is better. If you react things can get worse
  10. especially horror movies, where people can scream ..... I think. Because screaming is common in all movies. It seems that nobody can talk normally...But for me Beautiful Boxer is a favorite.. It shows they can do good movies
  11. The damage to the tourist industry is already so big that 300 THB won't help anymore...
  12. accept it and start looking for another job.. Other possibilities are not done here in Thailand. In a western country employees would organize together and going on strike, but in Thailand it is never done..So keep an income and change as soon as possible
  13. I am wondering why the increase of living costs should have an impact on the retirees.. 65.000 tHB income every month is much more than a Thai earns and more than enough for an expat I believe.. I don't know how to spend so much money every month.. but alas..I don't go to pretties, massages, or don't need to drink alcohol every day
  14. Seems a little bit unrealistic....2,8 million THB dive by 12 months is 235.000 a month is roughly 6000 euro a month.. Not many retirees have so much money as a pension
  15. When I show figureskating to students the are ashamed when they see that the skirt of the female skaters lift up.... for westerns it is normal to watch, but the Thai kids don't know how to handle.. just an example....Indeed sex education is very needed in Thailand. But who must teach it?? Thai teachers are also ashamed to talk about it with students, parents will not do it and than only internet is left, but that is the worst kind
  16. what a nice gesture.. apologizes.....how about the damage to the country that is already suffering because tourists are not coming anymore?? Stealing can and will happen all over the world, but the population should be aware in these times that everyone needs to promote Thailand. So leave the tourists alone and smile ..That will be good for everyone
  17. Something else to delay.. The Civil Union Bill is not passed either....Big words that Thailand is probably the first who approves the Same Sex Marriage, but after 4 years there is still nothing done to make it real.. Taiwan is the first now...
  18. But the police are special and they can do as they want... no license plate, no insurance... shameful. They check everyone , but is the police above the law??
  19. But the education will be toteach them to stop for the red lights.... Better start in primary schools and teach them traffic rules, instead of useless standing or sitting an listen to a lot of talk about nothing
  20. They open the country and will not close it in another article although the cases are rising... The schools are all over the world spreaders of the infections, There are fewer restrictions coming soon and the cases will go up... And than they think to cancel Songkran for the 3rd year??? Are the knowing what they are doing or do they just saying everything without thinking, checking and investigating?? Just read that in The Netherlands a hospital has a problem because a lot of staff is infected with Covid...So I think there is more to come and because Thailand is a few months behind Europe, they should have taken precautions already, because they knew what is /was coming. Only cancel 1 event will not help anymore.. Let the people have some fun
  21. Indeed, but by delaying the bill it will only cost a lot of money.. There are already a lot of samesex couples waiting to get married or bet a legal status. Can you imagine how much money will be pumped in the economy?? Wedding dresses, food, festive lights, and so on... But delaying will only bring damage
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