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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. It shows that he is not taking any responsibility. If Mr Anutin says don't need to waer a mask anymore and the case are going up for one or another reason he could be blamed.. and that he doesn't want.. So he put the responsibility somewhere else... let the people decide wear or not wear, the Government declare..... So he keeps his hands clean.....Show of incompentence only own gain, perhaps for the next elections when he will shout look how good I handled the Covid...
  2. You can't write it but look around you will see large penissen everywhere around in money baskets or even on the road as it is for good luck.. So why are they shocked???? statues no problem a written word is..
  3. he will get life but probably nothing to dow ith other prisoners to keep him safe and a good life as he has money enough. The costs he had to pay are also too low as he is very wealthy and the total is not even 1 car worth
  4. I am very sorry for your watch, but you can be sure of course that for 100 THB you never can't buy anything good..A quality has reason that it is expensive...
  5. here is no need to meet any organization for the RTP. The only 2 things that should be done is proper education starting already in primary school, and decent exams for getting a drivers license. The other thing is enforce the rules.. a 7 year old driving a car... no helmets.... no stopping for traffic lights or zebra crossings, overloaded trucks , driving wrong side of the road. speeding, and many more things..Develop a good system and fine, not 2 or 3 hunderd THB but at least 1.500 THB and for the big expensive cars even much more.... and see things will improve
  6. I am wondering if these tourists has to wait too for several years before it is published and approved by many commitees just as the Civil Union Bill or Same sex marriage.......Prpbably not because they want wealthy tourists but locals and western tourists who want to marry in Thailand are not profitable enough.
  7. Expats could contribute much more to the Thai community. As we live here we spend our money and indeed go on trips all over the country and not to forget we pay taxes too. But we could also do some volunteer work, or do other things, but the Government doesn't allow anything. Even sometimes we read that darts or bridge are being fined as they everything as gambling. Now with the dual pricing that they start again even for expats here it will be less attractive to stay
  8. Again 4 years ago the parliament approved the bill too and now still nothing. Again approved and how to wait again?? Make people happy with an empty shell?? A gift for the community they dare to say but if so. approve it and let it be a law the 1st of July. Than it is a real gift...Enough delayed....
  9. I always hope that there is another car in front of me at the traffic lights....Never want to be the first.. Orange is green too in Thailand and even the first seconds of red also..... and overturning by not speeding????
  10. Scrap the Tailand Pass now is a bit too late.. In Europe and US the holiday period has almost started and most people have booked already for this summer.. Yes there are more months to come butbefore the Thailand Pass will be really scrapped and Thailand is back to normal it will be 2023.....
  11. And that for a man who was not educated.. If he was he should understand that his days are numbered, took wise decisions, and made the country go forward with a vision, but we all know the opposite that he has done.. He preach for critical thinking, but when students do, the get jailed...
  12. wear masks, sunglasses and a hat..... Chinese, Russian, Iranian, American, European. Human Rights. UN, every one who is not Thai could be a spy......
  13. Waste of time... He will have enough friends to vate in favor of him.. as was in the budget bill and previous times....
  14. There should be a total clean up of all kind of stalls, restaurants, tables and chair, or articles outside the shop on the pavement through all Thailand. It is for the roadsafety to use the pavement were it is meant for. If you want to use it. let them pay some money every month as a kind of rent with a permission.....
  15. Yes expectations are high... But restrictions stay ... Dual pricing as we can read today is even worse, entertainment venue is still under many restrictions, mask wearing will not be banned... and rules change day by day... and Thailand think it is the only place on earth where tourists want to go.. Many much better places to go nowadays as many countries are back to normal
  16. 17 years old, microsleep, no drivers experience and no experience with a car..... Surprised accidents happen??? And a driverslicense after 5 hrs sleep class will not help to solve the accidents too
  17. I never go inside if I have to pay 5x more than a local.... and if everyone would do the same things will change... Check the prices on internet and dual pricing don't go..... Prayuth asked the expats to travel more to boost the economy and the other offices ruin it....No views as usual
  18. That is not a tourist price... A monthly/yearly pass means that you are living in the country and are frequently visiting the park... same happens in a museum too.... What Thailand is doing is for just 1 visit charge different prices...You can't buy a subscription for frequent visiting...
  19. They will do everything to destroy tourism... Last year they announced to stop double pricing. nowthey announce it that foreigners need to pay 5 times more than a Thai. I feel I should stop pay taxes here as there are no advantages for us anymore.. And in a other articl ethey dare to write how good it is to retire in Thailand ...... Start with treat people the same before you want to attrack more foreigners....It is discrimination although they say it is not... Discrimination on color of skin and nationality... Human Rights should step in
  20. In the fact the article should be written in the past tense......
  21. At last someone with common sense who starts to work instead of a honeymoon of who knows how long... He was chosen to do a job and he is doing it very well ..... Great value for Bangkok and hope it inspire the rest of the country
  22. People are leaving the kingdom.. that is a bad sign... or are they being paid to come back so that they count in the millions who will arrive in the next months?? And to make it look busy they opened only 3 counters.....Long queus look good ....but if they opened all counters there was not so many people maybe
  23. Mr Anutin suppose the sky falls down.... Than everybody will be dead.. how do solve that problem??
  24. Maybe if people go to court with a lawyer.. It will cost dearly but maybe the only solution to end the stupidity
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