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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Uncontrolable numbers, just as the Covid cases...What is true?? that is the question all the time..
  2. As I wrote yesterday... they are too young... first get some brains and be aware of dangers on the road, than get an education and than ride a motorcycle with limited speed. minors and young teenagers should not be allowed
  3. If nobody gives you a compliment than d it yourself.....He is good at it
  4. ironically meaning.... In Thailand everything is under control according to the Government but as you write by yourself.. The truth here is different
  5. minimize incenses will help a lot especially if you see how many vehicles are driving around with a lot of black smoke, an industry that pollutes a lot, and to far behind in the alternative energie sources......
  6. It will probably not infect Thailand, as with Omicron as the whole world have tens of thousand cases a day, Thailand only a few.... So don't worry be happy
  7. He is just too young.......first an education and a decent test and than on the road..... But most kids learn to drive early and make mistakes and it is almost impossible to correct the things they wrongly learned...
  8. 15 year is too young to ride on a motorbike that is not speedlimited... Kids Think it is brave to race and they can't see the dangers that can happen... Besides that there is no education for drivers of any vehicle too..Sometimes people look hypnotized if they ride on a motorcycle, only staring into the nothing...and cars.... yeah there is written a lot about it already
  9. The world has to change their travel advice first from to red to green, but that is not done yet....
  10. Manipulate the numbers and no problems....In Phetchaburi a school tested 100 cases positive, but nowhere to be found....Thailand want to believe everyone it is safe. But everyone knows better ..... Why should only Thailand be an exception of all other countries in the world were the Omicron peaked??? Only for tourists, but they forget that Thailand did not change a lot of color in and still is a destination only for neccessary travels...Still a place that is red/orange...
  11. Last week a kindergarten class was so happy to see me back in school again that they all jumped over me and hugged me and not for 5 minutes but whole period I was with them. Nothing could prevent it, even though the teachers tried but as soon as a few students went back another group took its place... Young kids don't understand so what can you do about it...
  12. This is only for physical health.. Lucky not for mental health, if you see how some drivers use the roads
  13. In fact easy question who is the owner of the skywalk??? The owner is responsible for the safety and mantainance of the skywalk..On the other hand as already in several posts.. She should pay attention were she was walking. Danger is everywhere....and nowhere safe..examples more over this week
  14. It is a farce the whole case.. There is no intention to find him or convict him... In 10 years time, they don't know yet his speed , where he is, or anything. The case can be solved very easily, ask the FBI, CIA, or Schotland Yard to help and in a few weeks they will have him... But now it is an example of corruption and incompetence
  15. I just mean going on holiday..... I can't go nowhere too, but on holiday out the country is easy but how do you get back in
  16. Leaving is no problem...The problem is that you want to come back!!
  17. Known since16th January already but kept out of the news........low cases of Covid in Thailand
  18. as they erase the zebra crossings get rid now of the crossroads as too many accidents happens
  19. And that is only in Bangkok... can you imagine if the rest of the country would be fined
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