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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Very sad tragedy.. youn kids murdered for nothing by a drugsaddicted policeman. Rip to all the victims. The news in my country wrote that Thailand is a country which has the most weapons and not counted the illegal owned. Sad that people with mental problems can't get help anywhere. It is so easy to get drugs everywhere, a proof of a failing policeforce. Nevertheless a very sad day for the country
  2. Nothing unlikely and impossible in Thailand
  3. And every year the same story no floods this year
  4. What is there to discuss? Every year the same and no solutions except telling every time "there will be no flooding this year".
  5. Hot season starts mid March
  6. BMW is an expensive car. Name withold. Probably a higher ranked person. Parents should be prosecuted but it will not happen. Victim is a lower rank so financial compensation and all is solved. Thai justice. Shameful. I dont care if parents were in the car. Shameful to let a unexperienced kid drive a car But high ranked people dont care. So the whole family should be locked up
  7. Indepent as friends of friends for friends. TheCC is appointed by the army and will favour them every time as we have noticed many times before.
  8. He is not evenPM as he did not complete the whole oat. The USA is right not to join APEC. No justice in Thailand
  9. The polive have to do their job. If you eant your own paking place let people pay for it a 10k a year or so.....see hpw quickly there will be free spaces
  10. Wondering why the us doesnt come to APEC. Thailand justice system is rotten.
  11. Democracy and Thailand are 2 things that doesnt go together
  12. They will do but i think people will not accept it and a lot of problems will occur.look at myanmar
  13. The 300THB will not be the problem in fact but that only Foreign tourists are being charged It shows again that Thailand discriminates non Thai people with this entry fee and they have already accepted the double pricing system. Tourist dont like to be scammed
  14. OMG Tat has to make new numbers now
  15. Father forgive the Thai government as they don't know what they are saying and doing even in their own country
  16. they have no clue what is going on....... Only numbers they make as for a lottery
  17. Watercanons with chemicals containers and rubberbullits are already distributed
  18. The name Thailand was once translated as the country of the free. Nowadays people are not allowed anything anymore.
  19. Was yes... But now not anymore. Start to think by yourself instead as a blind horse follow what is told and untrue Mask don't protect you...
  20. Dont hate the Thai elite. It are the people who let it be. Why don't they open their mouth for one time. And get rid of these so called elite. It happened before I France. Millions of Thai can make the change. No army can prevent it.
  21. If it is not their property they don't care. Has to with their education
  22. If Thai people should wear helmets as they wear masks that would be an achievement But it seems they are more afraid of a disease than of seriously being injured or death. Stop promoting the face mask wearing.
  23. And why is this news now? How many times same happens with Thai people? 10timed a day? 25?
  24. I feel sorry that there are no better alternatives. It will take many years to recover from the damage they doing as already mentioned a fragile economy on this forum
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