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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. 24 November till today are......14 days.... 3x3x3x3x3 are already a lot of people with possible Omicron...
  2. Maybe give more holidays... Last week a long weekend for Father's Day.. This week a long week for Constitution Day and than the long New Year Holiday... 3 long weekends in a month... Yeah sure people like to travel and spend money.. more holidays than working days.. Today in Hua Hin Bue port.. almost empty, Market Village in the food plaza not busy .. space enough.. Rest of the Market Village almost no one... many shops in Hua Hin closed... Indeed they need tourists but if the domestic people don't have money and the foreigners are not really welcome with all the obstacles they have to do and take when they come it will be difficult for the tourist sector
  3. If he says so... No flooding, no extra measures for Omicron, no shortage of vaccines, everything he denies will change in a few hours, days, weeks.... so be prepared.
  4. I think with all the lockdowns and measures for Covid a lot of people hardly had any income. With the many holidays people want to earn money not spending....It is normal to care for a living first and than the pleasures. Mr Prayuth with his full bankaccounts doesn't understand that
  5. Of course not... first the money than they will look at the consequences and they will be shocked if they see it could cost more the benefits were.... but who cares
  6. Not only that, but what if one is in the hospital and need a treatment , but can not give permission?? or when one partner dies.. The other one can't claim the body and arrange a funeral... Both things can only be done by relatives and no legal status is no relative
  7. and than not counted the Thai customs in the complaints with overpriced import taxes
  8. And no flooding this year ... if Prayuth says something it is true..... ( in his mind )
  9. At last, the new virus is detected... Thailand want to be a part of the world and without Omicron it could not be.... Now they think about the next step... First end of year celebrations and than maybe again precaution measures.... we have to wait and see
  10. they can't find anything in the mountains ofcopies and papers that they require everytime.. Maybe they never heard of internet or digital archives??I worked in the Netherlands on a bank and they had the administration on daily microfiches... and that was 30 years ago.....
  11. The infections of the PCR and ATK tests are every day more than the recoveries.... but the ATK tests they don't count in the infection rate but only use them for the recoveries... It looks good that way but it isn't....
  12. I am wondering of a multi woman relationship is allowed than.. I know someone who is married and has an official 2nd wife and maybe several others too... and I don't know if they have the intention to reproduce....Is that legal??? IMO there is a difference between religion, and legal status. The curch states that a marriage is between a man and a woman is till death do them part and sex only for making children. But we live in the 21st century and the churches are almost everywhere empty because they don't adopt the chances in the society, although they preach to love eachother.. Thailand with a big LBGTQ community shows it still not a modern country. The strange verdict that the law decides with who and what you do between the sheets is legal or accepted is 19th centuryand not 21st. So please let everyone have a relationship with who they want. Love is love and with who or what gender is up to the person him/herself. I am wondering if a maariage between a couple who can't or don't want children is legal too in this case
  13. Registered no problem. Got password no problem. Filled in the form and submitted and unsuccesful 10 times on a row.... no reason why... Monday I go to the office is better....
  14. Normal, Thai people are used not to follow the rules, look on the roads how they behave and by wearing helmets. Same for restaurants, and bars.. as long as the RTP does not check or heavily fine nothing will change.. teamoney always do it better. People have to learn that rules and laws are not only pieces of paper, but that there a real consequences if break them.
  15. the reason for schoolkids is just laughable, because schoolkids are in school from 2-4 and if there can not be any dout because IF they should come and buy, everyone can see that are wearing a schooluniform. It would be better that adults can buy always and the group who is targetted, have to show their id to see if they are old enough.
  16. Even at the Makro which is normally a wholesale store you can't buy alcohol before 11am and between 14.00-17.00.... Stupid measures, nobody knows why and everybody knows it is not working
  17. So the virus is carrying a passport with here in Thailand It says.. hee I am Covid and I am Delta, and I am Covid and I am Omricon, I am Covid and I am Apha..... PCR tests only shows if you are infected with which strain needs more investigation, but in here is everything different. Better read the nws of the rest of the world.
  18. I think the problem is with UPS and not with Thai custums, because when I ask for the declaration, they don't respond
  19. Same with the Delta,, we deny it that it is in the country, If it comes we don't talk about it and when the cases rise we tell the people it is their own mistake, because they don't keep distance, wear a msk and want to drink alcohol. Problems all solved......nothing to worry... I am wondering why they don't take adequate measures now already, because it can prevent worse.
  20. Or do in Rome as the Romans do...... but stilll.. If Thailand wants more tourists and they are chasing them because drinking alcohol, smoking e cigarettes, or riding motorcycles and whatever more there is a long way to go before a lot of tourists will come back...Or don't you think foreigners don't talk about it when they come back at home???
  21. I have no idea, but the parcel was sent th 12th of October, and the track and trace didn't change for weeks So I wrote to BP and the shop and this was my answer.... I don't know The shop never used UPS before when I ordered, always with the post and smooth and silk. I had ordered another one on the 6th of November and that is the same... still in progress by Bpost.. and Bpost told me to wait for another week at least....
  22. I do always, but I don't know why suddenly the Belgian post used UPS, I heard because of problems with Covid, but I still I don't understand. Another shop told me that they don't deliver to Thailand anymore because a lot of parcels are too long on the way or disappear...
  23. If the RTP did enforce the law for EVERYONE nobody would complain, but they are very selective.... Not because a foreigner rides a motorcycle with probably no valid driverslicense, but hold every Thai and let them show A drivers license or a helmet, or one with 2 on a motorcycle instead of 3,4,5... Than I agree with do the crime..... pay the fine
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