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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Thailand doesn't really want to have a lot of tourists.. Foreigners have a other view on the Thai Culture and politics and they are afraid that they will influence the THai people or open their eyes. Foreigners are a threat for the Government, as you can see that there are almost no foreigners anymore in schools, requirements for long stay visa holders are changing time after time...( for example, go on holiday outside Thailand and when you come back you have to go to your immigration office again for adress notification and 90 days.) Than they want an entrance fee of 300 THB and double pricing is ok. It are all signs that Thailand doesn't want tourists really. They pretent to keep their own people quiet, and as there are no foreigners coming they have someone to blame...
  2. Compliments and congratulations for the boy..Thailand should do more to find and improve talents of the youth.
  3. Sounds normal, but doesn't work here in THailand with Thai students en in Thai schools. Believe me there is nothing that will work and the students can drive you really crazy. They know they are are back-upped by the school, parents and society and the teacher stands empty handed... Expel from class not possible, stay after school cannot as the kid goes home by schoolbus, same can't come earlier, writing rules they don't or parents and brothers and sisters will help them if you have a good student who is willing otherwise they don't, Even let them clean the schoolyard, wash the schoolbus, or clean the toilets are forbidden by the headmasters and directors, keep them in the class till everyone is finished is not done, and many more.... Believe me teachers don't have any means to correct the student and the students know it and use it.. The cane or a slap are being a n" normal" punishment and is accepted by them.
  4. A human life is nothing worth in Thailand.. They pretend it is so valuable as we have seen as you are famous millions of THB as compensations for a doctor or a actress, but common people, worthless... 50.000 THB and sometimes they even pay less... And he had no license for the pub, and negliglence causing death.... bail granted.. only 300.000 THB .There are people for less in jail only because they had an opinion with rejected bails all the time...Every time I am wondering how long will the people accept this kind of justice
  5. giving peanuts is still corruption.....The reciever will feel obliged to do something back.. That is a part of the corruption. A new constitution made a army free Government should punish these people who are in power now
  6. Gathering outside is forbidden, inside in bars, clubs, and restaurants or concerts, weddings and funerals are ok?? Apec meeting is ok? But gathering outside is dangerous for spreading Covid.....???
  7. wait ans wait in Thailand and you will get away with everything... How is it possible that such a hugh amount of money doesn't nee dto be paid.. Reduction would be fine but no payment........ Shameful as so many people live in poverty because of these greedy wealth. And that party/family would be the next Government??? They should be banned for life, although Thailand was better when he was PM but his own growing wealth was far more better for him.
  8. In a medieval society they use medieval methods too.. Hitting is normal, watch at the TV the soaps and entertainment shows.... It is a part of this society. And they don't care as students told me myself.. O no problem just hurt a bit soon over.... and than they are naughty again.. It doesn't work, only it let the violence in their lives grow.. and see what is happening day after day... not slapping, hitting, but just killing, as the violence is seen to be normal it seems
  9. I strongly believe that the EC and the Constitutional Court will rule in favor for him.. at least he doesn't need to step down now and can stay till the next elections. They will say it is only a few months left and with the upcoming Apec meeting difficult to replace him. THe constitutional court will rule that he can stay as an elected PM for another 4 years..The firstyears he took over the country and was not an elected PM.. His friends will not leave him alone believe me...Only nature can get id of this man
  10. It is not section 112 that would be worse and bail denied... Bail in his case is a shame. an illegal club, not following the rules with the death of 15 people asa result and many injured can walk around, as if you open your mouth and go in ungerstrike they let you suffer in jail.... Friends for friends
  11. The answer will be that Mr Prayuth can end his term till March next year as it is difficult to find a new PM now for the last months of this Government and new elections will give the answer.... Delaying decisions, or helping the ones who pay you is normal in Thailand
  12. THe problem is what is Thailand doing itzelf already to limit the greenhouse gasses?? Black smoke cars?? promoting and using electric vehicles.. stop the ricefield burnings?? Using modern trains ?? get rid of the prehistoric cars?? So what can the foreign countries do if Thailand doesn'tdo itzelf anything about it??
  13. promoting alcohol probably... Another so called law made up by the police??? Ay least the man save something from the fire
  14. indeed by people who don't know anything about it.. But if explained they will change their minds, except fanatic believers of religions, and people who like to discriminate others for being different.. As you can see that only a skin color is a big problem in especially America....
  15. Can you give me 1 publication from Thailand that is not maipulated??
  16. Laotions pass the border in the north with almost no flying......same Myanmar and Cambodia and even Malaysia
  17. I know several people who live in THailand and flew in and out.. They are counted too as tourist so it looks a lot but the real number of tourists.............. Oh we know this is Thailand
  18. teach people how to drive a car, and check their mental health instead of their physical health.... Some people drive like crazy, cut you off, brake in front of you with any reason, switching lanes without lokking and so on and so on..... If you respond on their behavior they get mad and see what happens.. Not the first time and not th last time this will be.. Almost daily news.. Rip to the deceased and the man who did it??? make sure he never can drive anything again
  19. I probably understand them more than you if i read your comment. There is a big gap between Thai and foreigners
  20. THai people have no idea of the money of foreigners.. They believe all foreigners are superrich... But I told them that in Europe we have to pay a lot of taxes and everything is much more expensive than here in THailand. 1000 euro in Europe is nothing, but here in Thailand it is enough to live of.. But that doesn't mean that foreigners are rich... But the Government is feeding the idea with their uneducated minds that are still living 60 years back..... Thailand must enter 2022 and stop living in the past and investigate before saying things
  21. who is responsible for all the constructions and the making of it??? Even the new relax building for the MP's is poorly build.. For all the money the spend on these projects a lot diappeared in the pockets, now let them pay for it to repair ....
  22. On the other hand you can buy the plants everywhere... The sellers should have permissions, but look at the number of cars at side of the road with the plants.. I am wondering if they all have permission. People buy it and use it but without any knowledge.. Surely it is a tip of the iceberg.. Many cases are kept away as everything is manipulated.... Look at the real Covid cases....and published numbers
  23. The people are so educated and instructed about ganja use and consequences.. that they think they can put it in everything for everybody without warning signs... The whole legalization is a farce without any information for public... They put it in noodle soup, food , cakes, drinks, and name it.....
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