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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I agree, but gay people are not treated as equals and want the same rights. It starts already that gay people have to tell that they are gay... Ever heard of a hetero said to the family and friends.. Hee I am a hetero... So same rights is the same... can not because you are not mixed couple.. and so on.
  2. They need a study for everything.. I don't nee dto investigate I know with a bit of common sense..Household debt is very high, that means people pay with loans, than there is group of very poor people, who have to struggle every day to get food and if there were not free handouts maybe they had not food at all.. It was the whole year all over the news. In fact 75 % don't have money or enough for daily life On the other side there is group who have so much money that they don't know what to do with it. Look on the road and you see Volvo, Mercedes, Lamborghini and Ferrari cars... They are not cheap in Thailand. they want to buy expensive flowers and plants, to show off. They can go on holiday too where ever they want with who and long and nobody cares even paid partly with 50/50 deals.. Now these people are getting 30.000 THB for shopping for tax deduction too as reason to stimulate teh economy, but it is shameful in a country with so many people who struggle in daily life.
  3. People maybe WANT to marry here, but this year there were not so many foreign marriages I think because of the lockdown and Covid restrictions. Yes Thailand is a good location for marriage, and if the samesex marrige was approved it would surely boost the economy, but this year and next year it will surely not be on the top of the list. News for people who want, not for people who do/did
  4. it is too complicated for me... He ran away apparently before the results of the test, but he needed a negative test to enter the country, Than they catch him and 3 negative tests later he will still be charged... It seems that if we say or think you are positive we make it like that....Not good for the tourism
  5. It is a shame salary......So much money is going to Education... where is it spend on?? I know the answers, but this is ..... no words for it
  6. I agree that kids are not the priority group, but there are more people who are waiting for the first or second jab.
  7. There are still so many people who did not their first jab why give people than their 4th already??? 55 million Thais got 1 jab and 45 out of them are fully vaccinated..Is it not better first to give everyone at least 1 shot before you start giving a fourth??? The 3rd and 4th appointments block a appointent for someone who did not get anything yet
  8. Surely agree there can be other things be done but home quarantine is not working in THailand, and for the healthy people of course they can work, but who will be healthy? The Corona virus can give people no symptons but they can spread it... and of course the weakest will die first, it is nature. But the Government take stupid preventions as a alcohol ban in restaurants, Is there a difference between drinking soft drinks or coffee/tea instead of a beer or wine? That will do a lot of harm.. But there are more things a total lockdown is not neccessary but I agree that the Thai Government is too lazy and don't have the skills to rule, but that we know already for years... but we can not change that yet...and I wrote a long time ago already let the Thai people dig to put the cables under the ground, and clean the riverbanks etc so they can earn money and the country will be better, and the vaccinations we all know what they did, too slow, and bad quality with result that people need already a third or 4th dose whil other people not even got their first jab
  9. Nobody can foresee the future and life is very fragile... Surely when are getting over 60. Driving on the road is more dangerous. But I am not talking about myself I am talking for sake of the country. Not much is known yet about Omicron and with boosters you can be better protected, but that will take time and maybe if I read your comment you fear death every minute.
  10. Sometimes you have to be realistic.. You can enjoy freedom and don't care about thing than yourself, because probably you feel blocked in your life, but if you better idea's i would like to hear them. It is easier to comment without solutions, because nobody knows what will happen if you act now as in normal life, no vaccine, no mask, go to mass events as you did in 2017 and see what will happen. My alternatives are not so many, but I have lost 2 familymembers of Covid. At that time they just started to vaccinate and I can tell you it was not nice to see that someone is suffocating. I was against vaccination too, but when that happened I changed my mind. It is not panicking it is preventing for worse....
  11. OK everybody has an opinion, but what will happen if the Omicron will make a lot of people ill, serious or not, but still ill. What will happen with the economy than? Is it not better to prevent than to cure? Nobody has any experience in this matter but everyone think they know the best. Indeed Thailand need tourism, but it is not only killed by lockdowns and the Covid. But western tourists will not come, because there are restrictions in their country already and how aboutthe risk of being here on holiday and getting sick because Thailand did not do enough to prevent mass infections?? Let it be known that only 45 million people are fully vaccinated out of 70 million. That is 2/3 of the population. And who knows what the working of all the mixing vaccines is against this new strain?? If 2 doses Moderna or Pfizer are not enough, how good are you protected if you had 1 Sinovac and 1 Astra, or 1 Astra and 1 Pfizer and so on??? Without being afraid, it is something to think about and yes probably end of next year the virus is maybe muteated to a flu or so, but there are also scientists who think if it mixes with Delta there could be a more dangerous strain being formed. Nobody can forsee what is coming.
  12. but still extra work and more expensive.... so still waste of money..
  13. Pprobably no one saw it was under the wires until they reached it at the top.. The one who started should have looked first, and measured the distance....waste of money.
  14. In the Netherlands now there are 15% infections of Omicron, and they expect at the end of this week it will be 50% and at the end of next week the dominant strain. Just to show how quickly the Omicron spreads. So what will happen here at the New Years Eve parties???
  15. 40 million THB for 45 minutes??? 1 million THB a minute???? They could use that money much much better. O My Cron so much wasted money
  16. where did they come from?? How long were they already in Thailand?? I am not sure Koh Samui has an international airport. Not all needed information again in the article.
  17. It seems he obvious that he is no leader. He gives the responsibilty to the provinces, because he is aware that it will be far worse with the new Omicron after the holiday season. So he can say. Look I have given you happiness for the New Years celebrations. The rest ....... was for the local authorities
  18. Question who is your most favorite politician?? answers: A Anutin, B Prawit C. Prayuth ( get free 1.000 THB) D some one else.
  19. yes sure.... And all the cases that are not counted?? 400 in a prison here 1100 in a prison there, new Omicron cases ... In a few days Thailand will not have any cases anymore....
  20. I hope he stays ready but will never become... A new generation should take over at the new elections...Fresh winds ..... We all know already how Mr Anutin can handle things....and everyone can do better
  21. It will happen but after New Year Celebrations.. Business first and make the people happy
  22. The vaccines don't protect you against the virus that is known for months, but only to protect you against death or severe illness. So 2 doses Pfizer are still doing their job by protecting 70% for severe illness. However many Thais got a mix of Sinopharm, Sinovac or Astra with 1 Pfizer and nobody knows if 1 Pfizer is strong enough in combination with something else to protect against severe illness. In Europe eldery people are vaccinated with 2 Pfizer or Moderna and they are given now a 3rd booster. But in Thailand if you got 1 Pfizer with something else and the booster is 2nd Pfizer are you than only vaccinated with 2 Pfizers or is the booster doing its job as in Europe/??
  23. Not only for corruption and serious crimes , but also for coupmakers..
  24. He should be transferred into inactive post already a year ago..I feel sorry for Thailand that these brainless government is ruling. It is proven already that the country is going backwarths day by day instead of recovering. Yes the Government has vaccines enough, but started with a lot of bad working vaccines, than they couldn't produce enough of a better one, and people started to pay for the good ones in private hospitals. The Government delayed and delayed because they only want the vaccines they bought for the people, Now suddenly they changed and Pfizer was added and they mix and mix, without knowing with what results...Now Omicron is a new threat but first they have a priority for the holiday season and after that with the knowledge of now probably a lot of new cases with new restrictions. Anutin does not read the news of the rest of the world?? Yes indeed maybe a fouth or a five jab is needed, because they don't know with their mixing vaccines if, which or how long the people are protected
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