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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Do you think he wants to come back for a holiday soon??
  2. If the people on motorcycles would wear helmets as they are wearing masks a lot of lives would be saved
  3. If they close the schools again, let them be closed till after Songkran, because for 2 months it is no worth to start up. It is a pity but the Government has made a mess of the education this year.
  4. Thais are vulnerable to omicron because the first doses of Sinovac were not effective enough, later they started to give third/booster of Astra and Pfizer. Moderna has just entered the country. Indeed all the vaccines are less effective after a few months, but with the mix nobody knows exactly how long and how good you are protected... And we don't think about lesser doses they would give under the skin or jab as they wanted to do... It are dangerous times surely because the holiday celebrations are going to start and not being cancelled to control the outbreak.
  5. So they have opened the country and invited the tourists to bring a new strain in the country?? With the mass foreign tourists double vaxed and overtested it is almost impossible, but nobody knows who could bring it to Thailand.. Same as there is a now a prediction of 20k-30k a day after the New Year Celebrations...As foreigner I stay away from that, because they blame me ...( no worry I never go to mass groups of people)
  6. Was there no ban on fake news??? indeed a lot of hotels have still rooms available..But the head pretends different
  7. 350 days a year it is no problem, but only with Songkran and New Year the campaign.. Never see anything on TV to make people aware... Nor many tests at a checkpoint. In my country the police check everybody on alcohol at a checkpoint, even if you had 1 glass, but here they look for payment of tax and go can go...Or today I noticed that drivers avoided the checkpoint by driving on the frontage road and get back behind the police on the mainroad.. No police on the frontage road to stop or check them or me
  8. money needed by selling ATK tests?? 3 tests a day ???? You can't stop it anymore. Omicron is in the country and now take measures to pevent spreading instead of testing people, because probably they won't do it unless they feel sick, but than it is too late.
  9. why prepare??/ They better can cancel all celebrations and travels now to prevent a new outbreak...
  10. They have predicted that it could go to 20k to 30k a day early 2022. If they know that already I am wondering why they don't cancel the celebrations and travelling..Should it be the same as Songkran? with all the restrictions that will follow...
  11. If people have common sense they would know that 3,5 % interest in a month is not realistic in these time.. that is also background... and how it was possible is not for me to find out , but I know that you must be realistic
  12. With no prostitution as they always claim, it will be finished soon. Besides that there will not be a spread of Covid because a while ago, the Governement wanted that you wear a mask all the time also for sex... so....
  13. Not exactly... Why were the customers only going to 1 employee?? That is strange.. Besides that 3,5 % interest a month is a bit much( 42% a year)... Why did the manager not question what was going on every last days of the month?? and much much more....What happened with the money?
  14. So if you hae the complete background tell us please... I know that if you want to make money you have to take the risks surely if the normal interest is not even 1%. Same as you can buy gold on internet for a very cheap price... It always doubtful. Now I don't know what happened but is already a few years going on, so probably a long term investment... People should always beware of too rosy figures
  15. we don't know what they did with the money... invest in bad enterprises?? Stock exchange? Crypto?
  16. If the interest is low and you want to make more of your money you have to take more risks. I worked a long time in the bank and I know it for years... If it goes wrong there is always a chance that you loose your money more or less, but that is the risk.. Results from the past are not sure in the future..
  17. So why do they promote travelling than??? They want to stimulate the local economy by giving extra days off and even partly sponsored by 50/50 scheme, and now they call not to travel if not necessary to prevent spreading.....Organizing countdown parties, everything must go on, but please don't go they say... We will never understand these totally opposite announcements
  18. On Christmas Day there was a big party in the temple near my house with very very loud music a lots of people, but no police in sight... My Christmasdiner with background music was overwhelmed with the bass of the music from the temple... even a conversation with my partner was not possible.. Nobody ever heard of the damage the noise will do to their ears?? And especially a temple should give a good example and take care for the people, but mostly they allow it all the time
  19. If you don't know what Christmas is about, it is difficult to explain to somebody else...and 3 wise men and a virgin even I would not know what it could be...
  20. and than there is a topic of the triple chance to get infected in airplanes.....So good news for Samui, bad news for the infectiongrade in a few days
  21. Again tourists.... But I am almost sure that a the menatime many times Thai people have Omicron too... As another writes , that this virus spread more and quickly that other strains , it is impossible that no Thais are being infected yet..so if 3 tourists cam to Hua Hin with Omicron, there are already a lot infected people there. But the truth we will never know
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