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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. AS I wrote already he will be in office till the next election and because of the very important (55) meeting of APEC. and that s only a few months.
  2. Start with only underground cables everywhere in Thailand. They are building new resorts and they can start with that and the rest will follow. In Bangkok however they can make it easy by not giving permission for new cables anymore except underground. If the companies don't want to share in the costs let the carry the costs alone, and fine them if there are accidents or problems.
  3. Do they pay the Court more than Prayuth?? if not it will fail as he appointed only friends of the Government.. He always get the advantage .... Now the can rule that there is a short time to go to the next elections and there will be APEC.. but I am sure he will not stop on the 24th August
  4. No problem.... Next year there are birthdays and you can appeal for Royal pardon. Joe Ferrari did it too ...
  5. I was hiking around in my area for several kilometers and the amount of plastic bags, cups and other garbage you see on the roadside and in the water is amazing. I don't understand why people throw their rubbish out of the window of scooter instead taking it home. Besides that it very hard to find a public bin where ever you go.No wonder so much garbage import it illegal because Thailand doesn't have enough of its own...
  6. Laws for Thai and more and other laws for foreigners
  7. Yes he can, because in Thailand this is possible... But I hope that Buddha, Allah or God prevent it. The mess he made with the Covid pandemic and his discrimination against foreigners haven't helped Thailand a lot. So if they want go forward none of the current Government must come back, please, please please
  8. Don't vote on the party which one of these 3 P's on the list...They will never succed in getting the majority than. And the 250 appointed Mp's have to go too as a new Government can start from stratch and not with the heritage of these 250 Mp who are only for the current Government in service. Get rid of them all and move Forward
  9. Very good make Thailand a drugs destination. First with the ganja uncontrolled approved and now mushrooms in sight... What will be next?? O I forgot, they promised happiness to the people so make them stoned and they are happy as long it is no alcohol everything is ok
  10. Remove the power from the army and make a real democratic system with true choosen Government. No 250 appointed MP's and please no Shinawatra too.. The family has money enough, but drop the charges for the media shares of other candidates and give them a oppurtunity to show that young blood can improve the country... With these old conservative unwilling and undemocratic Government Thailand will only stay in 19th century
  11. He broke the law????? They invent laws by the day. A few years back there was a raid in a bar in Pattaya as they were playing darts and that was forbidden. There was no law but was invented suddenly.. So nobody knows the law in the Thailand because it depends who is doing what and when and how....But foreigners are easy to blame, but Thai people don't have the same laws...
  12. What a big criminal.. catching fish...
  13. was there no law that mass gatherings were forbidden???Or is that only for people with an opinion??
  14. So10 THb overpriced no problem, 20 THb overpriced no problem... Look further.. You go to the petrol station and pay 40 THB instead of 35 THB, only 5THB more who cares????? It it printed on the ticket 80 THB... so pay what is printed..
  15. It is their own fault.. Lottery tickets have a price of 80THB, but the greed comes in, first 90 and now 100 or even 110 THB. Here in Big C they sell tickets 1 for 100 THB 2 for 200 THB and 5 for 600 THB (??????)..... But now they sell less and less only on days of the drawing the want to get rid of them and sell them for 80 THB.. It is a scam .. Don't complain when you sell overpriced.
  16. Birds of a feather flock together
  17. They do everything to prevent alcohol abuse.. no advertisements, no alcohol selling at daytime except 11.00-14.00 and after 17.00, but in the menatime the entertainment industry must have opening hours till 4 am... Why??? If you are so against alcohol abuse close the entertainment venues at 2 am. That is more than enough.. Do they really think that tourists come to Thailand because the bars are open till 4??? The night is not for the best, remember
  18. Sadly they don't offer any service.... We have asked to hop on the bus in Petchaburi Big C as they pass there, but a rude message from them told it was impossible.
  19. THat would be a good idea, however I think they are hoping that the people will do that so they can make another coup and than we are again further in the sh....t. In Sri Lanka and Irak they chased everyone out of the Government house and that would be much better, but look what has happened in Myanmar...The Army will never give up their power. That can only be done as the people claim their country back.
  20. The problem is not the law, but enforcing of it....Seatbelt in the back are obliged almost in all European countries and childrens seats also. If you don't do it the police will fine you and not some peanuts in fact they are heavy fines. Here in Thailand they make laws.. introduce them and then, especially if not a foreigner, they don't do anything. Sitting in the back of a pick up is forbidden, but look around how many even speeding are on the road without that the police is doing anything. Same for seatbelts. On checkpoints they check if you paid the taxes and that is all, black smoke? no problem. Drunk? no problem as you don't need to open the window. Stoned? probably they don't see it either. No driverslicence? I have never need to show it. and than we just don't talk about no helmets on a motorcycle. and the cars who are driving on the sideroad to avoid the checkpoint as they don't stop the traffic there. It is just a farce... I know people don't like it to pay fines, but if you want a safer country with less accidents, start with a good check and eforcing the rules, and not for a certain group, or a few days.
  21. There are orders all the time.. That is normal for Army people.. They order and the lower follows
  22. if he was dressed she would have said yes???
  23. If I understand you, A pub which also sells some snacks is a restaurant with live entertainment??? Keep things seperately....in a restaurant you eat and in a pub you have a drink and dance. To different things with different licenses... no problems, but in Thailand they mix everything and no one knows anything anymore what is needed for what... Look at the mess with Covid rules...karaoke bars must close only food restaurants were allowed to open, so they started to sell some food and opened the live entertainment restaurant with karaoke. Do some extra and you will avoid the law...
  24. How could it be?? The pub had no papers and therfor illegal..Nothing to explain I suppose. Very clear. They need to punish all who knew and involved in this case. It far worse than a boat accident.
  25. Mr Prayuth ordered the court already to decide in his favor... So probably he will stay in power till the next elections and than if he will be chosen again( what he hopes, but hopefully will not happen) He can stay another few years. Everybody happy, except the country that will be going backwarths further and further
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