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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. With rising infections, more restrictions, flipflopping rules, you can hope that tourists will come, but it will be a dream... Coming into Thailand is one thing, but enjoying a holiday is something else, especially when you test positive on OMicron/Covid
  2. Alcohol is used for handsantizers and not to drink....If you drink it you will be vulnerable for Covid.. Only the Tonglor area, and the blue zones are excepted... Nonense.. I am wondering when Thailand will grow up. Alcohol, cofee, tea, softdrinks it doesn't matter what you drink, but you have to act responsible
  3. waaw.. new colors... blue, yellow and green... but noboby knows how it works.... Phetchaburi today 23 new cases orange zone, Chonburi 1360 cases blue zone, ????
  4. we are prepared...... but what will happen as next week the schools will open and it is known that kids are more vulnerable for Omicron...
  5. Who is panicking with giving all kind of restrictions and no idea how to solve adequate this wave??? The Government needs 4 weeks they wrote yesterday.. See what will happen next week...
  6. He knows everything .. (he thinks). but only talks afterwarths, has no idea what is going on and has no knowledge of handling health care.... He could better find something suitable
  7. I am wondering how many Omicron cases, because they keep their mouth shut about it... last update was Tuesday with 2062 cases and yesterday no info and today??? Of course I know it take 3 days, but Sunday cases are known on Wednesday, Monday on Thursday, Tuesday on Friday and so on.. It is not that they not started this week with testing so... why no daily updates?? To many which may cause panick???
  8. Travel restrictions now??? first we are urged to stimulate the economy and travel for the holidays and now back to restrictions???? Better could have the reestrictions last week, probably a lot of problems would have been prevented
  9. Inventing the wheel again??? Nothing useful to use from the last year??? Why should it take 4 weeks??? Is it impossible to make plans for if there are 10.000 infections we do... if there are more than 20.000 we do.... and if there 50.000 we do..... Why constantly walking behind the facts??
  10. Obey in these cases is not the word... of cours eyou obey your parents, but in my life there was always space for discussion, mutual respect, willing to compromise .. yes even in school and we were taught that nobody was ' superior" to you.....A difference with the culture here, were older brother or sisters can command the younger ones..As there was a story in a book that mother wanted to read the newspaper that was laying next to father and mother asked the eldest sister to give her the newspaper , but she told her younger brother to it andn it was written that he to do it, as I commented in my country it would never happen... He would say " do it yourself"
  11. In short the army does not listen to the people, but as in the army you obey orders from your superiors...But listen to other opnions, taking care of the people, communicate there is were it goes wrong. Teargaz, watercanons for other opinions, not effective vaccines as taking care of the people, and not telling the truth for communication are just some examples...
  12. I was watching some old videotapes and I said to my partner that Thai people looked more happier than nowadays.. It was in the time of Thaksin indeed, and the country did much better than after the coups we had. But he had to leave in fact for the reasons of non tax paying, and with his leaving the country went down..... and now the Thai people are not happy anymore. Yes it is time to change, but it will be very difficult as long as the army is in charge
  13. As expected that cases would rise after the holiday... That happens if people don't have a vision but only are interested in short term profits... A big new wave will cost much more than cancelled the travellling and celebrations ... but that is my opinion. I know people want to go forward, but grass doesn't grow by pulling it.. Covid and vaccinations need time, but it started too late and is too slow and that is no problem, but send the people on holidays and keep everything on 1,5 m distance.. And yes lift the alcohol ban, because there is no difference between a softdrink, coffee/tea and a glass of wine/ beer.
  14. In 9 years they can't solve the crime, or investigate, the investigators, and also a new committee to investigate the investigated investigators, and so on... never ending story....and in the end time has passed..and nothing happened
  15. But they had a good party at New Year, and they were warned, and now???? Only 144 tourists have Omicron or are there some Thai too??
  16. Ok understand , but do we do with the Thai who don't wear masks?? Easy to blame 1 group , but the others has to be punished too
  17. Protect the country and close the borders.. That will teach the tourists for not wearing masks...Better don't let them in than fine , because that will cost tourists.. Bad for the reputation to fine your guests
  18. As I wrote before.. If you are sick you go to the hospital and not sick don't need to go... But Thailand and the TAT have to find quarantine locations/hotels for the Green cases, so that the infected people can go in that area instead of non sick in a hospital bed... Again I know it is not comparing for an transmittable disease, but with a cut finger I don't go to he hospital too/. Or close the borders again...than maybe easier to handle
  19. Maybe that's why.......vaccinations protect maybe not so much after a while, but better a little bit than nothing
  20. And the week after.... kids are more vulnerable to Omicron apparently and more sick than adults
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