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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Let the police control more and more .. here in phetchaburi some restaurants/bars are illegally open for months already without any checking by the police.....How do they the calll that?? bribery/corruption/lack of police???
  2. In a democracy there is freedom of speech, a government not controlled by the army, free elections, and everyone with the same rights. Instead of this country with its own democracy...
  3. He always said that he didn't wanted the job, but no one can get rid of him even he can not remove himself.
  4. As Prayuth always said" Thailand has its own democracy and that is not the same as in other countries".. Now no wonder that they are not invited in the normal world democracy summit.. It is going better and better ... National flag will not raised at international sports events, Miss Universe under fire, Cambodians deported to Cambodia.... Yeah yeah it is going better and better
  5. Now I am wondering why so many people still don't follow the rules if they are checking helmets and driverslicenses..I all those years I should think eveyrbody a=was fined alredy several times, or is it only at a checkpoint now and then that they do the standard practice??? But with more tourists it is easier to earn some money... but who cares.. Let the tourists come in and wonder why there less every time
  6. okay deal... but you pay me to get the Pfizer for the money I paid to the hospital.....Nobody has a disadvantage ... I have my money back. I am vaccinated for free, the hospital doesn't need to pay back and the unused Moderna can be used to vaccinate children
  7. You don't need to investigate, you know already.. How many people wanted to have Moderna, or Johnson and Johnson. And what does the Government do?? First jab Sinovac ordering more and more, second Astra because good for the wallet too and than as a booster Pfizer and maybe later next year more Moderna available... The people who don't want 3 kinds of vaccine they will wait and therefor they are not vaccinated yet
  8. When will Thailand and its culture enters the 21st century??? Crazy to see in everything insulting and problems for nothing. Maybe they can use section 112 because of the blue. But as long the people will believe all the fortune tellers in the numbers for lotteries, good days to marry, or make parties, ghosts everywhere and so on than there is still a lot to do... Ms Universe Thailand be wise and withdraw from the competition .... decide it now.....Thailand will not be represented and that they find much worse
  9. Ithink there is forgotten that in most western countries the wearing mask obligation is abolished due to many fully vaccinated people.. THan you come to acountry which has less effective vaccines, less than 50% fully vaccinated and yes, they are not aware that the country invites people when it is not ready
  10. with 2 fathers not in THailand, but with 2 mothers ... And my partner and I had a foster child who lived with us for 5 years with no problems
  11. Happily there is more world than only America, although they think they are superior. I have met many kids from 2 mothers, 2 fathers and also orphans, not even wanted by their family.... I don't care but children should have a happy life with parents, samesex of mixed and wanted and loved......
  12. Good for tourism.. Come to Thailand on holiday ... but risk a fine of 20.000 THB if you don't wear a mask, Look at the locals how many don't wear it or have lowered their guard, but you will be accused that you will bring the Covid back to the THais.... Thailand with the best vaccines is almost Covid free....But you...............vaccinated foreigners.....
  13. This man had said many times that he did not want to be PM and he still is. In the past years since he is PM what has he achieved?? still flooding, more povertry, less freedom, and a destroyed tourism industry, more criminality, and more.... and he want stay in charge???? Strange for someone who said he doesnot want the job
  14. The ones who profit from the illegal gambling dens will sure be against it.. It will cost them there monthly extra income...Besides, there are o many issues that people want to change and non of them are approved by this Government
  15. And then in the past days I read about adoption of samesex couples, and all the so called problems if kids grow up with with same sex couples.... Now it seems , what we knew already, that most kids don't even grow up with their parents... I am wondering if kids living with 2 fathers or mothers not will be better educated than with the grandparents or /and other familymembers....
  16. I don't agree with you and stdies showed it is natural insome groups; Bonobos form a matriarchal society, unusual among apes. They are fully bisexual: both males and females engage in hetero- and homosexual behavior, being noted for female–female sex in particular, including between juveniles and adults. Roughly 60% of all bonobo sexual activity occurs between two or more females. Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Homosexual_behavior_i...
  17. So if I understand correctly.... a familymember has Covid and infects a kid. The kid goes to school and doesn't infect anybody anymore. In another class there is happening the same... after a few 50 kids have Covid and all come from home, but non of the students infected people at home... Probably a new research of the University..... It is no option that kids from school infected their familymembers???
  18. O yeah.. Koh Tao the island of death.... where were the Myanmar workers at that time??? Stay away from the island...
  19. I think it is easy...because it is not an marriage as noted in the constitution man and woman, nothing will change for them....Ecn so for the visa requirements.
  20. 60 wives in a hotel are not sex toys, but hairdressers I think
  21. I totally agree with you... male and female are different and also in approaching things. Sometimes a kid want something and one of the parents disagree and the other with a different view talks with her husband or his wife and and the kid get a more equal answer. And personally I will not adopt a kid. There are several reasons for but on the other hand I can unerstand that people want to have kids. I think a lot of samesex coules don't really want to adopt kids too. In fact now the Civil Union Bill gives a legalized partnership and personally I think that is enough. Later other issues can be added
  22. Positive sounds and hope it will be passed very soon. Approved already by Cabinet and Council of state, so all who has no problems with it, leave it and see it as a start. There is always a possibility to add more, but first the basics ....
  23. Everything is set back in Thailand... Same sex marriage, sex toys, porn video's, but in the family resort Pattaya and Patong in Phuket there is live porn where there is never a problem in the bars. Even the hostesses at events are too sexy, but if you want to watch porn at home on TV or internet it is forbidden...Strange country rules
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