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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. you think so??? I think the motorcycle will make a bump and loose control
  2. THai drivers education and the unawareness of the rich people with their big cars who think owns the roads.. You see everywhere how people in Mercedes, BMW, or other big cars think they are more and better than others and behave like that.. So I think it is his own mistake. No sorry for him.
  3. All zebra crossing should be elevated now.. so that drivers have to slow down and to protect the people using the zebra crossing.. It is just absurd that the same incidents keep on happen and nobody cares.. Elevate them is the only solution
  4. Interpol can find this man but the Red Bull heir is never in any country or at any border?? He just not on the list
  5. This is a lack of parental guidance.. a kid that is vaping for 2 years and nobody noticed?? Something is very wrong. And you can call to forbid vaping, but in fact that is not the problem.. Vaping could be allowed but from a certain age and make it expensive... but first of all parents/grandparents take care of the children guide them and protect them. That was not done in this case and many more we don't know
  6. Sad again, but a 14 year old is not allowed to drive a motorcycle
  7. They seemed to be Thai.... so not only foreigners are violating the Criminal Code
  8. I see them in Robinson , on the market, even parents bringing kids to school
  9. I would call this stupidity.. Who did not see that this is fake.. ??? with a marker they added a zero.. Every change on a banknote makes it invalid...
  10. Look around you see them everywhere if you open your eyes...shirts like oversized bra's, skirts that barely cover their bottoms, tattoos all over their arms, back, legs and I don't know where and a make up where I could paint my house with... everywhere but only open your eyes
  11. No indeed if you see how many Thai people are tattooed from top to toe and how less clothes some women are wearing that they more like to be hookers than sexy that is ok.. But that is Thai culture but as a foreigner is doing something like that he is disrespectful.
  12. The only people who damage the reputation of Thailand are the the Thai people themselves... The more they complain about foreigners the less attractive the country is becoming as a tourist destination. Thai people blaming foreigners but don't see their own xenophobic behavior, with laws and rules that chase foreigners away. Even expats and longstay visaholders are leaving. Thailand is destroying its own economy by being too conservative
  13. being naked is only allowed for Thais.... look around what some people wear on the streets.. It seems they are on the beach.. so called being sexy, but they don't know the difference between sexy and looking for money.. But as a foreigner take out his shirt it is a shame. Thais swim with their clothes on.. foreigners take them off.. I would know how the would respond if there were beaches for nudists here
  14. Here in Thailand they none of all.. no brains, no computersystem and surely not less paperwork.. Yesterday we were at the Amphur to register a deceased member of the family. Just before us there was a couple that wanted to change their address.. I saw that the woman had to sign 6 different forms, and than the officer was using the computer and after 20 minutes she had to pay 20 THB and the address was changed...I don't understand this kind of wasting papers. why not simply 1 form with names from old to new address and 1 signature printed out of the computer... Easy, simple, quick, cheaper
  15. Even for volunteer work you need a work permit. probably around your town people are not so quick offended as in Pai.. good to live in such an area.
  16. Tourists don't come to visit a country because there are casino's...Maybe a few will visit them, but most tourists come to see the attractions, taste the food, the weather etc... Thailand was a top destination even without a casino, but now there are too many rules that is limiting the enjoy of a relaxed holiday... And in all countries there gambling addicts also here in Thailand were people are already in deep debts because of illegal gambling. It will be worse when casino's come, as the illegal gambling will continue too.
  17. Thailand is just tourist unfriendly, partly caused by outdated laws. There should be a revision of several laws just to make it matching with era we live in and not how it was 50-75 years back.. The amount of papers needed for a workpermit is terrible and the process is taking a long time...Why not make things easier? just by using a good computer system
  18. Speeding and overloaded....... I have never seen a traffic light suddenly turn red... There is always first a yellow or orange light before it turns red... But here in Thailand it means speed up and drive before it is red while in other countries it means stop...But I forgot that is being taught in a real drivers course...
  19. Seniors are welcome...... but what changed in the past weeks?? Still limited alcohol sales hours, too expensive low quality wines, forbidden vaping, no volunteer work for long stayers without a workpermit, no able to play cardgames, double pricing in attractions and hospitals... indeed a number 1 destination for the elderly... Unless you are a Chinese one of course
  20. A non workable government should be dissolved indeed... You do your job or you are being sacked.. easy peasy
  21. The second time it is clear that Thai justice is based on money and friends.. Accused of violating section 112 Mr Thaksin got bail, while others are bail refused... but Thaksin has the money. He is not allowed officially to leave the country, but he has already granted permission for 2 times and more will follow, while other protestors are being kept in jail and being punished with more jail term time after time... And than Thailand dare to claim that is the laws are equal for everybody
  22. All teachers in schools have the same problem. In every subject. There are too many students in the class, and only a few participate in the lessons and others only copy. I had happily a good relationship with the students and one day it happened that there was math on the blackboard. Most students told me they did not understand how to do it and i explained it was not so difficult. My English lesson became a math class and after 1 hour every student could do it and was happy that they inderstood it. But Thai culture does not allow to ask questions to a teacher. All about losing face
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