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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. I've had the suprise snap a few times. Shocking. This is not chirocpactory that takes years of training to master. Sometimes when you are getting a Thai massage, they can get lazy, use elbows and start pressing on your bones on your back - which you are meant to avoid. Some major amateurs out there. Best thing is to just get a gentle massage, and remind them you want no manipulation.
  2. Seeing alot of these. What's prompted a raft of youtubers to head there all at the same time? Can't be a coincidence. Burma trying to encourage some tourism?
  3. If they could get a free trade deal agreement with the EU so the cost of BMW's and Meredes and German cars came down would be awesome. The prices in Thailand are nearly double what we pay in the UK - yet you see loads about here in Bangkok.
  4. Racists and Brexit. What does the UK export that would be of interest for a free trade? With the EU and German cars i can understand.
  5. Looked at the range of some of these cheaper EV's .... it won't get you far on long trips. Also they are trying to push it in India ... but go tell that to a single women who runs out of battery in the middle of nowhere.
  6. It's not cheap. Only thing that is cheaper is massages. Shopping for original legit clothing is actually more expensive, due to the exchange rate. International cars are also more expensive.
  7. It's the same all over the world. In practise EV's are brilliant, especially in a city like Bangkok which needs them to combat horrific road level pollution. But unless you can charge a vehicle in 10 minutes then it's a no for me. Or at least have a charge that can have me coming back and forth from long trips.
  8. Thailand is still a a developing nation. Homes and rooms are not for investment or draft dodgers from abroad. For centuries Thailand has protected it's citizens from 'investment vultures', those who 'hide their money' and outsiders from destroying the stable eco system in their economy to protect locals. The problems with these draft dodging Russians is they have effectively moved to Thailand long periods. They have raised rents , pricing out local thais. They only ones who gain are property mogels, which is no surprise when you see what the previous leader was head off (clue - it involves property).
  9. I had different experiences with Syrians. I've met a couple randomly in Bangkok, who said Asaad was quite a decent leader, nothing major religious extreme in Damascus (where they were from), his daughters went to school, there was good nightlife with drinks, life was hard but good etc , before the uprising years ago the economy of Syria was doing very well .. he's appalled they could have let the military in such a weak condition to let extremists enter.
  10. Obama unfortunately did leave the middle east in a mess. Hindsight is wonderful though
  11. Kata Beach .... they were selling tours. We went to a restaurant that had a Russian chef, and a russian waitress. Next day our haircut was by a Russian hairdresser. How was this going on ? Horrific
  12. I feel for Thai ladies. Economically they could wait the day out and try to 'earn' two customers, or she could do a massive 6-7 Indians in one go for marginally less - but it's better than nothing. Just horrific
  13. It's changed these days. Now it's about haggling. They work in packs, and try to get the best possible discount for their entertainment.
  14. Horrific for local Thais. Property in developing nations shouldn't be used for investment purposes, people need places to live and at affordable prices. If you push locals out in a non developed nation, you risk havoc with the economic eco system. Locals will demand higher wages, pushing up inflation which will be passed onto consumers. Only property developers benefit.
  15. Experience. Spent a week in Pattaya with colleagues. Ladies walking alone were constantly complaining of being hit on by indian men with phrases 'how much?'. Unfortunately many indians are new to tourism, low regard to women, and view any women in Thailand as a prostitute. So these westerners vowed that perhaps Pattaya is not a weekend getaway for us anymore. I often visit around Nana, Soi 11 ... i hope it's not a stereotype to suggest the Indian guys are very horny. Just go and view it. It's crazy. The problem is, it does drag the 'presitge' of the area down - not that Nana was ever an upclassy area. But many westerners do seek other areas. Problem is Thailand is one of the only countries in the world to allow Indians to enter without a visa, so they are going to be arriving in huge numbers. Even Indians are in disbelief Thailand has removed all visa restrictions, when they don't even let Thai's in without a soul destroying visa process.
  16. The indians have completely taken over the sex scene in Bangkok. The men are extremely horny. It's a horny nature i have never seen in any other community. Incidentally they've also taken up most of Walking street in Pattaya too. They are not big spenders, they will not spend big in bars or pay to watch a dance, but they generally work in packs - so they will ask one lady to cater for 5 friends for a discounted price. You lose that party atmosphere as a result. Amazing to think even just 5-6 years ago, bars in Pattaya were refusing indian customers at doors. Now they have fully built Indian nightclubs.
  17. Do they cook the food fresh ? Or do they just lay it out and reheat it?
  18. There is definately some weird ass bullying going on in schools here. It's not the same type of bullying you see in the west, it's more medievil way deep level psychological crazyness. There isn't really a culture here to take bullying serious like it is in the UK or USA.
  19. Flew business class once ... unbelievable experience. My own private cabin. Didn't even want to sleep. But then i look at the cost, and the extra two thousands i pay, i'd rather save that and spend it in Thailand.
  20. That's a disgrace. On another note, there seems to be some big time epidemic of Brits being caught with cannabis in the UK. Definately flights from Thailand being targetted since cannabis was relaxed in Thailand.
  21. There you go .... it's like an inbuilt gene in them. I challenge anyone in Thailand to find me one British guy on a pension who isn't racist.
  22. Meanwhile they open up more runways, and get in more flights and more tourists .... Utter nonsense.
  23. And these old sods sit there whinging about foreigners gaming the system, when they are doing the same exact thing. Racists is all they are.
  24. Will get onto this. The level of old racists here heading to Phillippines once a year - very easy to spot whats going on. Cancel their pensions.
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