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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. Go tell that to the thousands of lcoal Thai's in Phuket who have had to move out their condos, and move to less developed areas and smaller places because of the hordes of draft dodging Russians who have taken over, pushed up rents and taken up all the space. Or those on pretend 'muay thai' courses staying long term, taking over jobs illegally and setting up businesses in direct rivalry with Thais. Thailand is not a rich developed country, where the smaller people can just be trampled on. They must be protected, especially when the state is not going to do anything for them. Or Go tell that to locals who are just going by doing work, but have to deal with drunken sex tourists in their face, littering, noisy. Go tell that to the local Thai who just wants to go go to work, but has endless queues in traffic because the infrustructure cannot cope with 40 million tourists.
  2. You can understand Chinese. But why India ? India has not even opened up to Thai travellers, and have kept up a horrific visa policy for Thai's.
  3. Cheap tourists. Revenue from tourism is down, so the Thai logic is to flood the country with more to makeup the short fall. I hazard a guess that non of the Thai politicians who have allowed this flood of tourists (with their open door visa policy) will not be holidaying in these areas. Utterly disgusting.
  4. Cheap tourists. Welcome to Thailand, it's only going to get worst than to the current leadership.
  5. Have to agree. Corners are being taken. Chicken especially tasting rancing. Some places not even trimming the fat. Disgusting
  6. Pattaya doesn't control borders. The new leadership from last year do. They have relaxed the border policy so that anyone, even with a criminal record for quadruple murder, can enter.
  7. She will be here on the long term visa. There;s so many around now, most don't have the funds and are turning to criminal activity to supplement their stay. They can't work here, and they don't have the funds. The visa policy by Sretta was panic ridden and insane - it's ruining Thailand.
  8. Crime out of control now. Lack of fear of policing here now. And an immigration policy than many hate in the west.
  9. Made news in America this one too. In the UK made big news too .. She is apparently here long term. All thanks to ex Pm Sretta letting idiots stay here long term without any checks. Will see more of this kind here. Thailand needs to seriously look at reversing this insane open door visa policy they have going on. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14227469/British-woman-Thai-jail-sex-hotel-table.html
  10. The sheer volume of lowlifes here is astonishing. You are rite, the weed is being imported into the UK. I'm shocked things i've witnessed.
  11. Utter nonsense. You can travel around Asia without being a twatpacker.
  12. I don't even think they are trying to attract quality tourists anymore, they have given up on it. Revenue from tourism is down, so the Thai logic is to get more people to come in to make up for the shortfall - not realising you are digging an ever bigger hole for yourself, as you are just inviting in cheap tourists, as the quality spending tourists leave. Ex PM Sretta was a disaster. The new PM i doubt will change anything, as more than likely the decisions came from elsewhere. And none of them probably actually see the situation on the ground to even care.
  13. So can Thailand. Thailand has the weather and much more natural beauty. Thailand choses an addiction to cheap mass tourism. It could easily become a 'Barbados' and work itself up to a quality tourist destination. Unfortunately in it's panic after covid it has opened up to the world, removed all restrictions, and has destroyed the country in an ugly way. Yet they like to claim they have to so many visitors as though it's to be congratulated. If you invite people to your country who don't spend much then it's not much of a celebration. They have destroyed the country with the enviromental impact, the pollution, the mess, dirt, masses of people, ecological damage. Japan doesn't have the weather or the beach of a Thailand, yet maintains quality tourism. Malaysia does too to an extent (At least they don't let indians enter free for all).
  14. Backpackers let the team down. Totally horrific set of tourists that Thailand wanted to get rid off - that is until Sretta came along and welcomed all cheap tourists.
  15. Japan has very strong border controls ... and does not allow mass cheap tourism from the likes of China, India, African continent etc THAILAND is basically the holly grail for cheap mass tourism. It's the only country in the world that allows Indians in visa free. MASS CHEAP TOURISM The whole obsession in Thailand with an arbitary number of visitors is ridiculous. If USA, UK, Australia opened up to cheap mass tourism from India and China they would get millions more visitors, but they want QUALITY TOURISTS, not cheap tourists who spend nothing and do nothing but create carnage and turn away quality tourists. Thailand is a mess and awash with cheap tourists.
  16. We popped in one afternoon last month. Place only had one couple eating. The rather dismissive door lady said we needed a reservation and that we would need to wait, so they took our number and said they would call in around 1 hour or so. We continue around Empishere shops, and went back and it was still empty. I was bit annoyed by this, and maybe they had a problem with us or had some dress code (they didn't) so cancelled the reservation. Went to eat elsewhere, walked past it again and it was still just another soliary couple in there. So why on earth did she deny us a seat? Bizarre
  17. Ex PM Sretta panic decision to open up the borders to Indian tourists will be looked back on as one of the worst decisions in Thai history.
  18. I doubt a tourist would try this in Dubai. Thailand has lost the message on going strong after criminals. It's too caught up in 'being nice' and hospitable to tourists. These criminals ruin it though for other tourists and locals.
  19. Quality tourist. Probably here on a long term visa learning Muay Thai. Why do we never hear these nutty tourists in Dubai or Malaysia ?
  20. Genuine question as to why they are so horny ? Is the upbringing in India quite restrictive when it comes towards the opposite sex?
  21. Hes here on a long term visa isnt he ? creep
  22. His vision? Tourism. It;s the only idea he has.
  23. It's a complete nonsensical myth they are bringing in money to Thailand. There was nearly 3 million visitors from India this year, and they are still by person some of the lowest spenders in Thailand, yet makeup a large part of the visitors. A better way to look at it is spend per tourist. Counting how much visitors from a certain country bring into the country is not an exact science, and not a perfect full proof equation. Furthermore, they do have some high end tourists who will spend money, movies shot in Thailand, but they also have some awfully budget visitors - to then average this up and claim Indians spend money is a bad way to look at it. Secondly, you have to look at the impact they have on other visitors and local culture. They are sex pests, and whilst this is tolerated normally ... what they do is bordering on abuse. I have witnessed many of them, in packs hounding a Thai prostitute to give them a discount if she takes the whole group. The vulnerable lady will often agree. It's disgusting. Many female friends refuse to go to Pattaya anymore as Indian men will often see them as prostitutes. It's barbaric. Their view on women is horrific. Furthermore, they've colonised other seedy nightlife areas in Bangkok, and other nightlife area which in turn has then meant a more higher spending clientele has moved away from entering those areas. Many clubs around Soi 13 in Bangkok, are aghast how they have bough the 'tone down' to that area. The impact it has on high end tourists who will not want to go to resorts or destination where the makeup is of massive cheap indian tourists (along with Chinese tourists). No other country has a generous visa policy for Indians than what Srettha Thavisin in his stupid panic for more tourists has given the Indians. Why don't Indians let in Thais visa free? So if they in turn then turn away high spending tourists, their net benefit further negates. The economy of India per person is three times less than Thailand. Many will overstay and seek to work, all now possible thanks to the ridiculous open door visa policy for long stay. Many other countries are now putting barriers back up to Indian visitors, eg Cambodia and Malaysia. But not Thailand. They will often say 'oh Indians bring so many millions to the economy', negating the fact the volume and negative impact they bring. Pollution, litter, enviromental impact, over staying. The problem will only get worst as more and more will come. You can only assume ex- leaders like Srettha have very little day to day mixing with these types of tourists so they don't care.
  24. Thailand was told due to uncertain times, enviromental impacts, wars, pandemic to make sure they diversified their economy, and not rely soley on tourism. They've done nothing. The whole country is addicted to cheap mass tourism. They haven't even done anything in regards to attracting quality tourism. The new goverment has become fixated on an arbitary number, and basically opened up the country to the world with no visa restrictions.
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