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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. Nothing wrong with white meats like Chicken. Avoid red meats.
  2. This. Bangkok is a great culinary city, but it cannot replicate the great ole British roast dinner. I miss a Toby Carvery !
  3. Once Chinese numbers return to normal - that could go up to 40 million. Begs the question then why they needed to stimulate Chinese tourists by losing out on all that visa fees they were getting from them.
  4. Would be interesting to see Putin in Phuket and see the volume of Russians out there.
  5. I follow Thailand forums on Tripadvisor sometimes - they're doing a bang up job on deleting posts from tourists complaining about aggressive, racist, and awful behaviour from Russians.
  6. The Russians must be aware of the volume of their citizens in Thailand at the moment, so they must be condoning it for those who can afford it. May even be so diplomatic pressure to let them stay longer, as ridiculous as it sounds.
  7. I miss that general they had for the previous 7 years.
  8. What is wrong with staying open till 4am? Most European countries adopt this and it has shown to work, because it allows drinkers to take their time, and they disperse out of bars, clubs and restaurants at different times. Having one cut off time, makes people rush drinking, and it's recipe for disaster when you let out so many drunk people at the same time. Then there's the obvious financial benefits to owners of establishments if they want to stay open till 4am. Let's face it most are doing it now anyways.
  9. Let's see. I'll message you in a year. You'll still be sitting in Thailand (whinging about the volume of Chinese tourists and now Indians).
  10. One of the most ridiculous nonsensical posts i've read on here. Have you seen the pollution on Bangkok roads? Try walking on pavements taking in the whaff of exhaust fumes. The more of the population that transitions to electric vehicles the better it is. Most condos have the charging set up.
  11. Nonsense. You are hanging around too many retirees. The vast majority of tourists are here for maximum two weeks. The problem is the distance from Europe and America - hence you need to attract them with incentives. It seems all incentives at the moment are for Chinese only.
  12. Yeah he's holding a flag. But can't the operate a watch ? They go into a mall. Why the hell do you need to follow flag man? You have 30 minutes part of an organised tour - even little kids can roam themselves, and get back to the bus after 30 minutes. They then appear to have organised poo and piss breaks too - and this is half the reason why the tour goes to a mall, for the toilet break. I mean literally can they not walk away from flag man and take a dump ?
  13. What's the need to follow the flag guy ? These are grown adults. Why do they do that ?
  14. Utter nonsense. Vietnam doesn't have the infrustructure, hotels, or know how (YET) to capitalise on tourism. Thailand has the infrustructure, the population know how to cater for tourists and their needs - the problem is it is attracting (and seemingly wanting) low quality tourists. Wiping away visas for Chinese simply just accelerates that problem - it's simply an insane paniced decision. All you do now, is stop high class tourists coming, because those sorts of people don't want to holiday with thousands of other tourists on the beach. If you want high class tourists you provide a professional service, stop the rip off touts, keep it classy. Look at the state of Phuket at the moment, it's horrific. It's being turned into a cheap Benidorm.
  15. Why not aim for high end tourists? Some areas of Thailand are up there with the Maldives in my opinion. But instead of restricting who can go, Thailand just wants cheap tourists - as seen by the move to let all Chinese in. All you do is create a cheap crapy destination. Aim for European, American tourists. There is absolutely nothing done to attract them.
  16. But if you look at air quality readings for different cities - Bangkok doesn't rate too badly. But it's down on the ground, in local areas where it can be terrible - especially vehicle pollution when you are in the thick of it.
  17. There are differences between Taiwan, Hong Kongers and those from China. You can pick up on it if you live here long enough. It's akin to saying how do you know someone is from Liverpool or London (accents, etc). Yes, you did.
  18. You had a chinese tourist threatening to bash police men in an airport a few weeks ago in a viral video. The police did nothing and he was allowed on his way eventually. Had that been a white guy or black guy, he'd had his face smashed up !
  19. I think many see a 'chinese person' and assume they are buying. But these are usually citizens of Hong Kong, Taiwan, sometimes chinese that reside in Singapore and South Korea. I'm talking about the Chinese people from actual China. Only a tiny fraction of them spend any decent money. This from talking to local business people. The Chinese agents also block book massive volumes of hotels for their tour groups at a fraction of the price they should be at. The fact that the tour groups, Chinese owned Hotels, Chinese owned restaurants, Chinese ran tour groups, are back is just beyond belief - all the money is going back to China. Why not put an end to that ? You let 10 million upwards in, and the pressure on the local communities, resources is just too much. Furthermore, they are untouchable. They could literally take a dump outside a palace and nothing will be done to them. The police take a very soft approach to them for fear of bad publicity. I watched the litter police around Nana fining tourists, but anyone who said they were from China were allowed to walk off scott free.
  20. I remember them buying up baby forumla too. That was unusual.
  21. Same here in Bangkok. Pulled up in a bus outside Terminal 21. Out comes the leader with flag. They all follow her around the mall. They buy nothing. Then get back on the bus. They then bizarrely drive past Nana Plaza, which is a very tight soi to drive through, never mind a big bus going through it. Just ridiculous.
  22. There has been a huge influx of Chinese tourists these past few weeks unfortunately. The big busses are back. The bus trying to go down a narrow Soi is back. The leader holding up a flag followed by 20-30 Chinese are back. Packing out the BTS is back. Throwing litter and spitting is back. Not buying anything but crowding is back. Walking around and just hearing Mandarin is back. Unfortunately there also seems to be a rather unpleasant aggressive type of Chinese tourist, who may well be drawn by no visa fees. If you live nearby a touristy area, unfortunately you are going to start feeling like you are in China. I just wonder what is the maximum number TAT would be happy with Chinese tourists before it gets too much for the local population and infrustructure?
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