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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. Can anyone explain to me why Thailand has introduced a visa free policy for Indians? No other country has done so. The vast majority are just horrific tourists, low spenders, who turn away quality tourists. In Pattaya their behaviour is border line abuse to Thai women. They are sex pests out there - 6 of them onto 1 vulnerable Thai lady. They view every woman as a prostitute, even normal ladies. Their sex drive is just of the scale out there. Immediate visa restrictions, with fees need putting back up. The irony is, India doesn't even let Thai's in visa free (Despite their economy per person being 3 times worst off).
  2. Why do you not see these crazy tourists in other countries like Malaysia, Dubai, Korea etc ? Thailands open border visa policy is to blame.
  3. They are buying up property. The leadership of Thai, particularly the previous PM, own property companies.
  4. Near Sukhumvit. It's absolutely vile. Traffic and pollution. Walking on a pavement is a hazard as you are constantly inhaling horrific fumes. Car emissions is not a thing here.
  5. Feels like there are drugs everywhere in Thailand. Just a disgrace what's happened since this new government came into power.
  6. I deeply regret it. We visited during covid as City was opening and it was a delight. It's pure carnage now. It's just tourism everywhere, and some of the worst set of tourists you can find anywhere. Just horrific. Sex hungry Indian tourists, flag following Chinese tourists, draft dodging Russians all mixed with racist British. Pollution especially from cars is disgusting. Black smoke from the busses is particularly vile. When i got back to the UK i could finally breath in some fresh air.
  7. This guy was basically just a puppet wasn't he ?
  8. Hang on foreigners pay a different fee on the BTS ? WTF
  9. Wait .... there is a seperate price for foreigners on the MRT than for locals? WTF since when ? What about the self pay machines ?
  10. Tell that to a Thai that the UK has an easy 'absurd' border policy. It's impossible for your average Thai to get a visa to come visit the UK. Thailand currently has a border policy that even a criminal with a hundred million convictions for the most heinous of crimes, from a country in Africa or India itself can just come and live in Thailand.
  11. It has some of the most beautiful natural beauty in the world to be an upscale destination. Barbados, Aruba, some of these islands in the Phillippines, Malaysia keep it strictly upscale. Thailand is just a cesspitt at the moment since the new government have opened up the borders. Far more long term people staying - be it draft dodgers, criminals, etc
  12. Utterly disgusting level of numbers, that has come about because of panic measures after the pandemic - opening up to cheap mass tourism. If the USA, UK, Europe, Australia all opened up to mass indian tourism, or Chinese tourism they would get numbers in the hundreds of millions. Thailand has ruined tourism as an upscale tourist destination by catering to cheap mass tourism. The policies of this government have been utterly disgusting. You have some of the most collective worst set of tourists in the world descending on Thailand. No other country has such an open, absurd border policy. An enviromental, and ecoligical disaster too.
  13. In small amounts it's fine. If you do it in day out, it can have effects. I've seen numerous tourists who are caning it DAY IN DAY OUT, then when they stop they turn into nutters, the withdrawel symptoms can produce some nasty effects.
  14. None of them learn the language. None of them intergrate or learn the culture. British for ya ... irony completely lost. All they do is moan about immigration.
  15. If the UK, Australia, USA opened up visas to Indians and Chinese and allowed them to enter as they wish - they would have tourists in the hundreds of millions.
  16. What is the obsession with numbers? What happens if they reach 40 million, then what? Surely the aim is to seek quality tourists. Not this nonsensical theory to just let EVERYONE enter and make up for the shortfall in quality tourists. It's wreckless. Do those in charge even holiday in Thailand?
  17. Absolutely ridiculous, and things are getting way too stupid now with mass over tourism. They are preoccupied and obssessed with arbirtary number of tourists. The don't realise that if Europe, UK, USA, Australia have visa free policies for China, India and other asian countries they would literally be in the hundreds of million visitors. But those countries, rightly chose QUALITY tourists, at sustainable levels. Already i am seeing locals dismayed at the sheer volume Thailand is letting in. Cheap low quality tourists won't moan much, but high quality tourists will go elsewhere. An absolute disgrace what they are doing to Thailand. An enviromental disaster too.
  18. I wish they would leave Lumphini Park alone. For the past few years they're always digging something up or building something. It's just so bloody annoying.
  19. I disagree. The vast majority of the population quit education, and drag their kids into servicing tourism.
  20. I blame the addiction to cheap mass tourism
  21. Researching some UK products to export for Thailand - Scottish Whiskey Weapons Chocolate Doesn't really get you excited if i was a Thai. What does Thailand export? A free trade arrangement with the EU with the UK as a collective would be more beneficial for Thailand.
  22. Does the Soviet Union let in Thailand's visa free? I know India is bemused at how Thailand is letting in there people visa free, as they have given Thailand no reciprocal arrangement. Thai's have to go through a hardcore visa to get into India. Shameful
  23. Thailand's obsession with hitting a milestone record breaking tourist figures is destroying the country. Pretty soon the locals will start sniping back at the horrific visa free policies that are letting in any old dreg.
  24. Libya says hello. The people had cheap fuel, homes when married, didn't pay for electricity, healthcare free, education free (including women), and even sent abroad for education all paid for. Of course it was highly authoritarian and there must be drawbacks to that. But now they have the same <deleted> authoritarian and a country in the dumps.
  25. A few yotuubers have admitted they are paid to go to China to 'influence'. Some really crap videos. But i still can't work out how so many youtubers have arrived in Burma at the same time. It's that aspect that confuses me. Unless the Burmese govt wants to begin easing tensions and let people return. I know these videos are massively edited to make you feel a certain way, but the situation seems pretty at ease, and life pretty normal. What's the situation in the capital for example ... dangerous?
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