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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. Phuket is absolute garbage these days. Way too many cheap rent tourists. How on earth can you have cheap Arabs .... but you find them in Phuket. Draft dodging Russians turning the place into a mini Moscow. Then there's the indians ... good grief. Traffic, pollution, beaches becoming dirty, the place is a mess.
  2. Worst set of tourists you can inflict on any population. Bless you Thailand.
  3. Why can't the UK get itself out of this mess? They have some really thick politicians unfortunately who aren't helping. Labour have been extremely disappointing. Even their NHS reforms haven't been set out yet - what on earth were they doing in opposition all those years? They should have been set to go on day one with that majority.
  4. They have known their education visa was open to abuse. They have effectively emptied certains states in India (namely the Punjab), with young immgrants who go with no intention to study. Once they finish their studies they stay there with the visa options. If you are threatened with return you simply claim asylum.
  5. Sad. Sometimes you want a hot cooked meal, or be sponteneous on holiday to have something cooked for you. Who makes themselves sandwiches on holiday to say a few dollars?
  6. Firstly prices in Thai airports are a complete rip off. Needs addressing. Secondly, you may well signs of the price of a sandwich, you are then for some reason what you would like on the sandwich. So she may well have figured ill get extra cheese, extra chicken - without maybe realising that would be extra. Like i say, sometimes people do get confused with that, and with language in Thailand i am sure it wasn't made clear. Both are too blame here. The company for rip off fees, and price gouging on extra toppings without being clear. And the women who should have been more aware, and not exactly upfront on the extras she ordered.
  7. What about levels of oxygen in your home? If you have everything sealed tite, of course air will get through - but i dread to think how much your place stinks. What about your toilet ?
  8. Went to Vancouver a few months ago - could barely recognise it from the last time i was there 15 years ago. Complete takeover by the Indian community, and many rich Chinese (Hong Kongers) buying land in the city centre.
  9. I'm just curious do you never let any 'fresh' air into your home then? Cooking smells, dust everything just lingering around ...
  10. They literally have public busses running on the streets blowing out black smoke. Why not ban them for a start ? The vehicle emissions is disgusting in Bangkok. Make sure vehicles comply with regulations on emissions - and actively pursue those who break the rules.
  11. The pollution and over tourism is certainly making me thinking of going back. This country essentially has open borders at the moment. Seeing crime on the rise too, with alot of anti social behaviour - mainly from tourists.
  12. MASS CHEAP TOURISM gdp per person of China is still only $12,000 - which is very low. Stating the obvious here, but it's alot easier for Chinese to mingle in and work here without attracting suspicions like westerners. Whilst it has a high wealthy number too, most of those are going to Europe.
  13. They promote these tours as ethical because you are not riding the elephant and see no chains - which makes said tourist feel better. It's still exploitation, as most are still not free to roam around. None of us really know how the elephants are kept when away from tourist eyes.
  14. Nothing done. Yet the pen pushers have kicked off street food vendors from my area because it's not nice.
  15. London homes .... hmmm, reminds me of that guy on tiktok who says the elite in thailand don't live and work in Thailand because of the pollution, poor education, etc
  16. By taking it ! You know what happens when you take ozempic ... you start feeling full. Fake ozempic is usually just insulin, stops sugar cravings for a bit - but has no effect on appetite or how much you eat.
  17. Way too much fake ozempic out there at the moment in Thailand.
  18. Revenue is down from it's peak pre pandemic. Indiciating the open border policy is allowing in mass cheap tourism. With crime up, infrustructure costing more, less revenue is calamatous.
  19. Why not just admit Thailand is now just under the umbrella of China. Anyone that doesn't allow it, will have the regime changed. USA do this too.
  20. Or tourists worldwide are not spending less, just rather Sretta ex-pm blind panic to restore tourism after the pandemic meant he has let in nations with economies worst than Thailand and enter and stay for a long period. What i suggest is you limit low spending tourists. Have a proper visa system. Aim for quality tourism. Clean up tourism properly. Standards. Most European countries, USA, Australia etc would have visitors in the hundreds of millions if they opened up tourism with the (non existent) visa rules Thailand has. But they seek quality tourists.
  21. I am very shocked by this news. You should see how shocked i am. It's a major shock. I literally am in shock.
  22. Thailand relies on tourism. But there becomes a limit when the country is just importing cheap mass tourism. They've already seen revenue down from tourism, which indicates more cheapos are coming.
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